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    Trouver un correspondant > necroboynonoss :
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    Date d'inscription : samedi 26 mars 2016 à 10:05

    Sexe : masculin (61 ans)

    Pays : France

    Département : Pas-de-Calais (62)
    J'accepte d'être contacté par les autres membres, mais pas pour une recherche de correspondance : je ne recherche pas de correspondants.

    Texte de présentation :

    First of all and before making my small presentation, I would like to thank lucile83 who always finds a so impressive energy to correct all the tests that are presented to her. I included with great shame and of course mine, when there are errors that should not exist. Then a note of respect towards webmaster as I know from experience that the management of a website is to the bare minimum phenomenal.

    Finally and to finish this quick tour, thank you to all the contributors who seek by their own means to evolve this website, either directly or indirectly for the great pleasure of confronting us these many exercises.
    And now, as I usually say : No stress and let's begin !

    présentation nécroboynonoss

    I am neither English nor English teacher : Only fortuity has made me discover this website.
    At that time, I was trying to improve my practice of the English language and my research then systematically conducted me on sites whose prices were far beyond the capacities of my poor purse, or courses on which my brain has been questioning about their ends. I must admit to you my utter surprise when I saw that there existed here more than ten thousand exercises dealing with grammar or vocabulary. All this free of charge and continuously evolving thanks to the community. Even though I initially plunged into the work to evolve my poor knowledge in Shakespeare's language, I quickly felt the urge to help those who brought me so much.

    This is how I decided to start writing some exercises.

    Their modest goal is as much to make you smile as to bring us the few extra seeds that will allow us to progress at our rhythm in the English language. Let's remember, knowledge is only a short distance away from a few thousand exercises.


    All began in a strange bookstore ......
    It was a long time before this website, in a time when I was much more inocent and naive. As a young padawan, I was looking for the easiest way to absorb the maximum of knowledge with minimal effort. My peregrinations brought me to places as dangerous as absurd, as mysterious as surprising. It was there that the evil maliciously laid its indelible mark on me personally, for although Lady Mary undeniably brought me her saving help, we all now know that I remain the magnet of an imprecation that draws its energy, its power from the depths of my being.
    I still remember this difficult trial which was for me this disengagement. But, however, perhaps at every thing misfortune is good because it marked the beginning of a beautiful friendship and a fantastic discovery. Of course, I will never know the exact place where my footsteps sometimes lead me, not that I attach particular importance to it, but I know that I will always find what is closest to a Family even though many of its members are at least surprising.



    Share the tumultuous adventures of Billy-Joe and Josephine, his tender and sympathetic companion who, in this danger so often rubbed should have become his friend. Enter into this shifting world of secrets whose mechanisms will lead you to the darkest sides of super villains to vile designs. To encounter by this universe of extraordinary stories the sinister fate of the discourse that has fled before the courage of our multiple heroes to the most remote corners of English grammar.

    You want to know more ? Are you really sure ? really ?
    Let your finger guide you to those exercises where your mind will help our great adventurers.

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