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    The missing vowels/217

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    The missing vowels/217
    Message de marit64 posté le 12-07-2017 à 22:39:04 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This week, the number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.

    1- To push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. ..... (tp) 2

    2- A slow-moving person of very little intelligence. ..... (bzm)

    3- To put or place something in. ..... (rnts)

    4- A two-wheeled vehicle used in ancient warfare or racing. ..... (rcth) 3

    5- A prisoner's answer to a charge. ..... (lp)

    6- A small piece of a plant; a twig. ..... (pgsr) 1

    7- Sufficient; enough. ..... (qtd) 5

    8- Having no sense. ..... (sfhl) 3

    9- The body of an old ship from which everything has been taken away. ..... (hkl) 1

    10- To govern cruelly. ..... (pssrp) 2

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/217 de flowermusic, postée le 12-07-2017 à 23:08:44 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    and with great pleasure, that's my try

    Salut à la fine équipe .... d'amitié

    1- To push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. ..... (tp) 2 pout

    2- A slow-moving person of very little intelligence. ..... (bzm) zombie

    3- To put or place something in. ..... (rnts) insert

    4- A two-wheeled vehicle used in ancient warfare or racing. ..... (rcth) 3 chariot

    5- A prisoner's answer to a charge. ..... (lp) plea

    6- A small piece of a plant; a twig. ..... (pgsr) 1 sprig

    7- Sufficient; enough. ..... (qtd) 5 adequate

    8- Having no sense. ..... (sfhl) 3 foolish

    9- The body of an old ship from which everything has been taken away. ..... (hkl) 1 hulk

    10- To govern cruelly. ..... (pssrp) 2 oppress

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/217 de daisy50, postée le 12-07-2017 à 23:25:13 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit,

    Here is my try :

    1- To push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. .. pout

    2- A slow-moving person of very little intelligence. ... zombie

    3- To put or place something in. ..... (rnts) insert

    4- A two-wheeled vehicle used in ancient warfare or racing. .... chariot

    5- A prisoner's answer to a charge. ..plea

    6- A small piece of a plant; a twig. .... sprig

    7- Sufficient; enough. ... adequate

    8- Having no sense. .... foolish

    9- The body of an old ship from which everything has been taken away. .... hulk

    10- To govern cruelly. ..oppress

    Thank you very much Marit for this new exercice. I hope you feel better now!

    Have a very nice week and see you soon.

    Modifié par daisy50 le 19-07-2017 20:09

    Réponse : The missing vowels/217 de afarodj, postée le 13-07-2017 à 00:54:29 (S | E)
    Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.

    Hi everybody

    This is my work. Have a nice week.

    1- To push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. ..... (tp) 2 .- Pout.- Bouder, Faire la moue

    2- A slow-moving person of very little intelligence. ..... (bzm) .- Zombie.- Zombie.

    3- To put or place something in. ..... (rnts) .-Insert.- Insérer.

    4- A two-wheeled vehicle used in ancient warfare or racing. ..... (rcth) 3 .- Chariot.- Char.

    5- A prisoner's answer to a charge. ..... (lp) .- Plea.- Appel.

    6- A small piece of a plant; a twig. ..... (pgsr) 1 .- Sprig .- Rameau.

    7- Sufficient; enough. ..... (qtd) 5 .-Adequate.- Suffisant.

    8- Having no sense. ..... (sfhl) 3 .- Foolish.- Insensé.

    9- The body of an old ship from which everything has been taken away. ..... (hkl) 1.- Hulk.- Rafiot.

    10- To govern cruelly. ..... (pssrp) 2 .- Oppress.- Opprimer.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/217 de swan85, postée le 14-07-2017 à 20:49:38 (S | E)
    Hello Marit and Everybody

    1- To push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. Pout (tp) 2
    2- A slow-moving person of very little intelligence. Zombie (bzm)
    3- To put or place something in. Insert (rnts)
    4- A two-wheeled vehicle used in ancient warfare or racing. Chariot (rcth) 3
    5- A prisoner's answer to a charge. Plea (lp)
    6- A small piece of a plant; a twig. Sprig (pgsr) 1
    7- Sufficient; enough. Adequate (qtd) 5
    8- Having no sense. Foolish (sfhl) 3
    9- The body of an old ship from which everything has been taken away. Hulk
    10- To govern cruelly. Oppress (pssrp) 2

    Thank you for these words.
    Has a nice weekend.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/217 de violet91, postée le 15-07-2017 à 21:23:11 (S | E)

    Hello very dear maritttt , hi friendly company !

    I hope the weather has improved and allowed you to enjoy some nice moments in nature in your pleasant Indian-named 'town' and your recovery almost over .

    1- To push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. to pout -yuck ! Those and sulky people to avoid

    2- A slow-moving person of very little intelligence. a zombie, to be also taken in its abstract meaning .. Yuck again !

    3- To put or place something in. to insert, such as a pretty picture inserted for you to please you !

    4- A two-wheeled vehicle used in ancient warfare or racing. a chariot, like Messala's and Ben Hur's ones or the unforgettable masterpiece ( and soundtrack) ´ Chariots of fire

    5- A prisoner's answer to a charge. a plea ; > to plead guilty [ gilti] or not guilty in front of jurors and lawyers . How not think of ' 12 Angry Men ( 1957 ) to see and see again ! '

    6 - A small piece of a plant; a twig. a sprig, just add one letter and you get spring

    7- Sufficient; enough. adequate [ 'aedikwt or'dikwit] ] and also meaning accurate ['kjurit] ...]

    8- Having no sense. foolish like a group of foolish giggling or screaming teens, mostly girls mad with this or that .

    9- The body of an old ship from which everything has been taken away. hulk , nothing to do with the ' BFG ' or the mighty monster figured at Mme Tussaud's Wax Museum , the Big green Fat Giant ( Roald Dahl

    10- To govern cruelly. to oppress ( cf ' Farenheit 451 ' ( by Ray Bradbury and greatly adapted by Truffaut , then Orwell' s famous book , after ' Animal Farm ' : accurate examples of that / I forgot ' The wind that shakes the barley ' (Cannes gold Palm 2006 . K. Loach)

    Thank you ever so much as usual for your constancy and doing your best to keep our 86 bn (average ) neurons active ! As regular thanks from me too , some additional comments to share with curious members and as you never forget to tell how you appreciate .
    Enjoy the rest of your weekend , dear friend and have a sweet following week . See you next time ! Keep taking most care of yourself ! ! Love from Violet xx

    Réponse : The missing vowels/217 de sanna6, postée le 17-07-2017 à 00:17:33 (S | E)

    1- To push the lips out as a sign of displeasure. ...To pout - Faire la moue

    2- A slow-moving person of very little intelligence. ... Zombie - Zombi

    3- To put or place something in. ...To insert - Insérer

    4- A two-wheeled vehicle used in ancient warfare or racing. ...Chariot - Char

    5- A prisoner's answer to a charge. ...Plea - Requête

    6- A small piece of a plant; a twig. ...Sprig - Brindille

    7- Sufficient; enough. ...Adequate - Suffisant

    8- Having no sense. ... Foolish - Stupide

    9- The body of an old ship from which everything has been taken away. ...Hulk - Épave

    10- To govern cruelly. ...To oppress - Opprimer

    I thank you very much for these words Marit

    Have a nice week everybody !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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