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    The missing vowels/219

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    The missing vowels/219
    Message de marit64 posté le 26-07-2017 à 22:48:50 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    This week, the number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

    1- The side of a road, path etc. ..... (dws) 4

    2- To live (in a place). ..... (wldl) 1

    3- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). ..... (rzg) 2

    4- Shy, quiet, modest and well behaved (sometimes deceptively). ..... (drm) 3

    5- To pay attention to. ..... (dh) 2

    6- A large, round stomach. ..... (cphn) 2

    7- A person who earns money to keep a family. ..... (wnbrdnr) 4

    8- A small spot or stain. ..... (cpks) 1

    9- Inflammation of the lining of the nose and throat causing a discharge of thick fluid. ..... (rchtr) 2

    10- Giving a suggestion or warning about something bad that is going to happen. ..... (msn)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/219 de daisy50, postée le 27-07-2017 à 00:12:17 (S | E)
    Hello Marit and everybody,

    Here is my try :

    1- The side of a road, path etc. wayside

    2- To live (in a place). dwell

    3- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). graze

    4- Shy, quiet, modest and well behaved (sometimes deceptively). demure

    5- To pay attention to. heed

    6- A large, round stomach paunch

    7- A person who earns money to keep a family. . breadwinner

    8- A small spot or stain. speck

    9- Inflammation of the lining of the nose and throat causing a discharge of thick fluid. catarrh

    10- Giving a suggestion or warning about something bad that is going to happen. ominous Enfin! a force de recherches je pense avoir trouvé le mot correspondant à la définition. Ouf!

    Thanks a lot Marit,

    Have an excellent week. See you later!

    Réponse : The missing vowels/219 de sanna6, postée le 27-07-2017 à 09:50:55 (S | E)

    1- The side of a road, path etc. ...Sideway - de côté

    2- To live (in a place). ...To dwell - Résider

    3- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). ...To graze - Égratigner

    4- Shy, quiet, modest and well behaved (sometimes deceptively). ...Demure - Discret

    5- To pay attention to. ...To heed - Prêter attention à

    6- A large, round stomach. ..... (cphn) 2 Paunch - Bedaine

    7- A person who earns money to keep a family. ... Breadwinner - Soutien de famille

    8- A small spot or stain. ...Speck - Petite tache

    9- Inflammation of the lining of the nose and throat causing a discharge of thick fluid. ...Catarrh - Catarrhe

    10- Giving a suggestion or warning about something bad that is going to happen. ...Ominous - Présage ?

    I thank you very much for all these interesting words Marit. Wishing all the best for you without forget everybody

    Have a nice week!

    Réponse : The missing vowels/219 de afarodj, postée le 27-07-2017 à 13:08:09 (S | E)
    Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercice.

    Hi everybody .

    Here is my work. Nice week.

    1- The side of a road, path etc. ..... (dws) 4 .-Sideway.- Bas-côté.

    2- To live (in a place). ..... (wldl) 1 .- Dwell.- Demeurer.

    3- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). ..... (rzg) 2 .-Graze.- Écorcher.

    4- Shy, quiet, modest and well behaved (sometimes deceptively). ..... (dmr) 3 .-Demure.- Modeste.

    5- To pay attention to. ..... (dh) 2 .-Heed.- Prêter attention.

    6- A large, round stomach. ..... (cphn) 2 .- Paunch.- Panse.

    7- A person who earns money to keep a family. ..... (wnbrdnr) 4 .-Breadwinner.- Soutien de famille.

    8- A small spot or stain. ..... (cpks) 1 .- Speck.- Tache.

    9- Inflammation of the lining of the nose and throat causing a discharge of thick fluid. ..... (rchtr) 2 .-Catarrh.- Catarrhe.

    10- Giving a suggestion or warning about something bad that is going to happen. ..... (msn).- Ominous.- Alarmant.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/219 de flowermusic, postée le 28-07-2017 à 00:02:37 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    Et salut à la fine équipe

    That's my try :

    1- The side of a road, path etc. ..... (dws) 4 wayside

    2- To live (in a place). ..... (wldl) 1 dwell

    3- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). ..... (rzg) 2 graze

    4- Shy, quiet, modest and well behaved (sometimes deceptively). ..... ( ) 3 demure

    5- To pay attention to. ..... (dh) 2 heed

    6- A large, round stomach. ..... (cphn) 2 paunch

    7- A person who earns money to keep a family. ..... (wnbrdnr) 4 breadwinner

    8- A small spot or stain. ..... (cpks) 1 speck

    9- Inflammation of the lining of the nose and throat causing a discharge of thick fluid. ..... (rchtr) 2 catarrh

    10- Giving a suggestion or warning about something bad that is going to happen. ..... (msn) ominous

    Have a sweet sweet week

    Réponse : The missing vowels/219 de swan85, postée le 01-08-2017 à 18:49:23 (S | E)
    Hello Marit and everybody

    Thank you for these interesting words :

    1- The side of a road, path etc. (dws) 4 Sideway
    2- To live (in a place). (wldl) 1 Dwell
    3- To scrape the skin from (a part of the body). (rzg) 2 Graze
    4- Shy, quiet, modest and well behaved (sometimes deceptively).(drm) 3 Demure
    5- To pay attention to. (dh) 2 Heed
    6- A large, round stomach. (cphn) 2 Paunch
    7- A person who earns money to keep a family. (wnbrdnr) 4 Breadwinner
    8- A small spot or stain. (cpks) 1 Speck
    9- Inflammation of the lining of the nose and throat causing a discharge of thick fluid. (rchtr) 2 Catarrh
    10- Giving a suggestion or warning about something bad that is going to happen. (msn) Ominous

    Have a nice week
    See you soon

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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