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    CV anglais/ Correction

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    CV anglais/ Correction
    Message de julianluneau posté le 10-08-2017 à 08:01:48 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous,

    Premier poste sur ce forum qui je dois l'avouer m'a aidé à de nombreuses reprises...
    Voilà que j'ai peut-être une offre d'emploi en Hollande suite à un entretien favorable qui c'est déroulé hier, oui mais :
    Il me faut rédiger un CV en anglais afin de finaliser la procédure et d'inscrire toutes les compétences dont je dispose,
    L'exercice n'est pas facile et un coup de main sur la correction de ce document serait le bienvenu,
    voici mon CV :

    Julian xxx
    « Activity, Management and Organization of Cycle »
    25 years old- Driving Licence + Car

    Work Experience :

    April-July 2017 Back Office manager & Client reception, company Discover France, xxx -
    Management of travel services, Reception in different languages, Bike mecanics, Luggage transfer,

    Mai 2017 Creation of stay “Trekking” in the Triglav National Park, xxx -
    Product creation, Reglementation, Guide, Customer Feedback

    Avril 2017 Production of stay “Mountain Bike” in xxx-France - Product creation, Guide,
    Salesman, Identify sponsors

    Février 2017 Creation of stay “Ski touring, Rackets” in the massif de xxx - France -
    Draw up on the map, Programmation, Public relations, Guide

    Décembre 2016 Intern in Back Office for Discover France, xxx - Group reservations, Production of Travelbooks and Roadbooks, Conception of Gift Voucher, Updating web site

    Octobre 2016 Conception of course Canyon in xxx - Management of projet, Guide, Reception and Customer Feedback

    Juin/août 2016 Operator in treetop adventure cour, company “xxx”, Lac xxx (73) - France - Organization of events, Equipement, Management Checkout and reservations

    Février 2016 Reception and location of Mountain equipment in the xxx, company Charpenterie Sport à xxx - France - Inventory Mangement, Equipement, Consultant and Sales

    Juin/Août 2015 Management and reception in rental company of canoe trips in the Gorges of xxx - France - Reservations Management, Inventory Tracking, Equipement, Consultant and Sales

    2011-2014 Group leader, Extra-curricular, Day Camp, Summer camp in xxx - France - Conception and management of stay, Coordinating Team Projects

    Formations et diplômes :
    2016-2017 Formation in Licence Professionnelle “Animation et Gestion des Pratiques Sportives” Faculty of Sport of xxx - France - Creation of sport product, Guide, Human Resources Management, Administrative Management

    2016 Professional Certificate « Operator of Treetop Adventure Park »

    2014-2016 BTS Tourism in xxx - Hight School xxx - France - Creation of trip in London, Management of Desktop tools, Project Management

    En savoir davantage :
    Real nature lover, I practises a lot of sports (Swimming, Biking, Running). I use my bike as means of transport. I propose frequently sports activities during events such as Christmas markets, Marriage and Brithdays. I took a lot of pleasure to organize and to liven up stays summer camp. Member of the association Natur’All we have made a lot of sport outdoor events. I undertook of numerous journey in France and abroad : Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Ireland, Morocco. Journeys wich sometimes me traveled by bicyle. I possess numerous IT skilles (Desktop tools : Google Drive, Office packs software of treatment of reservations, multimedia software). I speak fluently the english and I have basic knowledge of Netherlands and Spanish.

    Merci par avance du coup de pouce,
    A très vite, Julia

    Modifié par lucile83 le 10-08-2017 14:27
    Anonymat requis.

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