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    The missing vowels/224

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    The missing vowels/224
    Message de marit64 posté le 31-08-2017 à 01:03:05 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    Since summer is almost finished, I'm giving you the number of vowels in each sentence, for the moment.

    1- A type of evergreen tree. ..... (p s c s r) 2

    2- Looking pale and unhealthy. ..... (k p) 3

    3- Disloyalty to, or betrayal of, one's own country. (s r n t) 3

    4- The manner of expressing something, the choice of words etc. (r g w n d) 2

    5- A cause of great suffering to many people. ..... (c g s r) 3

    6- To refuse to acknowledge as belonging to oneself. (s d w n) 2

    7- A person who has no fixed home; a tramp. ..... (g t v n r) 2

    8- A result that is so obvious that it can be seen before it happens. ..... (g f n r) 4

    9- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. ..... (g p) 1

    10- An embankment built as a barrier against the sea etc. ..... (k d) 2

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/224 de afarodj, postée le 31-08-2017 à 05:10:24 (S | E)
    Hi dear Marit I hope you're doing very well. Thank you for this new exercice.

    Hi everybody

    My try :

    1- A type of evergreen tree. ..... (p s c s r) 2.-Cypress- Cyprès.

    2- Looking pale and unhealthy. ..... (k p) 3.-Peaky.- Pâlot.

    3- Disloyalty to, or betrayal of, one's own country. (s r n t) 3.-Treason.- Trahison.

    4- The manner of expressing something, the choice of words etc. (r g w n d) 2.-Wording.- Formulation.

    5- A cause of great suffering to many people. ..... (c g s r) 3.- Scourge.-Fléau.

    6- To refuse to acknowledge as belonging to oneself. (s d w n) 2.-Disown.- Renier.

    7- A person who has no fixed home; a tramp. ..... (g t v n r) 2.-Vagrant.- vgabond.

    8- A result that is so obvious that it can be seen before it happens. ..... (g f n r) 4.-Foregone.- Prévisible.

    9- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. ..... (g p) 1.-Pug.- Carlin.

    10- An embankment built as a barrier against the sea etc. ..... (k d) 2.-Dike.-Digue.

    Have a nice week.

    Modifié par afarodj le 01-09-2017 00:58

    Réponse : The missing vowels/224 de daisy50, postée le 31-08-2017 à 09:17:28 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Here is my try :

    1- A type of evergreen tree. ..... (p s c s r) 2 cypress

    2- Looking pale and unhealthy. ..... (k p) 3 peaky

    3- Disloyalty to, or betrayal of, one's own country. (s r n t) 3 treason

    4- The manner of expressing something, the choice of words etc. (r g w n d) 2 wording

    5- A cause of great suffering to many people. ..... (c g s r) 3 scourge

    6- To refuse to acknowledge as belonging to oneself. (s d w n) 2 disown

    7- A person who has no fixed home; a tramp. ..... (g t v n r) 2 vagrant

    8- A result that is so obvious that it can be seen before it happens. ..... (g f n r) 4 foregone

    9- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. ..... (g p) 1 pug

    10- An embankment built as a barrier against the sea etc. ..... (k d) 2 dyke

    Thanks a lot Marit for this new exercise,

    Have an excellent week and see you later.

    Un petit bonjour à toutes et tous et à bientôt!

    Réponse : The missing vowels/224 de sanna6, postée le 31-08-2017 à 13:48:18 (S | E)

    1- A type of evergreen tree. ..... Cypress - Cyprés

    2- Looking pale and unhealthy. ... Peaky - Patraque

    3- Disloyalty to, or betrayal of, one's own country...Treason - Traîtrise

    4- The manner of expressing something, the choice of words etc... Wording - formulation / Expression

    5- A cause of great suffering to many people. ...Scourge - Fléau

    6- To refuse to acknowledge as belonging to oneself. To disown - Refuser d'admettre

    7- A person who has no fixed home; a tramp. ... Vagrant - Vagabond

    8- A result that is so obvious that it can be seen before it happens. ... Foregone - Couru d'avance

    9- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. ...Pug - Carlin
    Lien internet

    Better than any word to describe it..I wanted to see how its nose is!

    10- An embankment built as a barrier against the sea etc. ...Dyke - Digue

    I thank you very much for this new words Marit. I always have a lot of pleasure to discover them
    I wish you the best
    Nice week for you and everyone!

    Réponse : The missing vowels/224 de flowermusic, postée le 06-09-2017 à 08:49:41 (S | E)
    Hello dear MArit

    Et salut à tous

    1- A type of evergreen tree. ..... (p s c s r) 2 cypress

    2- Looking pale and unhealthy. ..... (k p) 3 peaky

    3- Disloyalty to, or betrayal of, one's own country. (s r n t) 3 treason

    4- The manner of expressing something, the choice of words etc. (r g w n d) 2 wording

    5- A cause of great suffering to many people. ..... (c g s r) 3 scourge

    6- To refuse to acknowledge as belonging to oneself. (s d w n) 2 disown

    7- A person who has no fixed home; a tramp. ..... (g t v n r) 2 vagrant

    8- A result that is so obvious that it can be seen before it happens. ..... (g f n r) 4 foregone

    9- A kind of small dog with a flat nose. ..... (g p) 1 pug

    10- An embankment built as a barrier against the sea etc. ..... (k d) 2 dike or dyke

    Have a sweet sweet week

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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