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    Correction/ sentences

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Correction/ sentences
    Message de romain44 posté le 28-09-2017 à 11:52:57 (S | E | F)
    Hi everybody.
    Could you tell me if my sentences are correct.
    Thank you very much.

    through the example of SME Michel and Augustine, we can see that French companies not to blush on the international market. Before creating this SME, all of their entourage said that they were crazy. Sometimes madness is good. They began making shortbreads in Augustin's kitchen, now selling their products in Starbucks around the world.
    They started from a concept and they always believed in their idea. This is probably the key to success. Despite everything, despite their mockery ... Their youth, their envy, their enthusiasm gave birth to a SME that radiates and radiates French know-how in France and abroad.
    To succeed, they first offered good products but they also relied on an efficient and modern market. A storytelling to create a link between the brand and consumers. A low cost marketplace like the fun and colorful packagings on which we find this storytelling. All these points allowed the SME to become what it is today, a company with a turnover of 40 000 000 € in 2015.
    However, as mentioned above, we can still ask what will be the consequences of the entry into the capital of one of their biggest competitor?

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-09-2017 14:00

    Réponse : Correction/ sentences de bluestar, postée le 28-09-2017 à 14:05:43 (S | E)

    through (majuscule) the example of SME Michel and Augustine, we can see that French companies not to blush (meaningless: que voulez-vous dire?)on the international market. Before creating this SME, all of their entourage said that they were crazy. Sometimes madness is good. They began making shortbreads in Augustin's kitchen, and are now selling their products in Starbucks around the world.
    They started from a concept and they always believed in their idea. This is probably the key to success. Despite everything, despite their mockery ( the mockery they suffered serait mieux) ... Their youth, their envy, their enthusiasm gave birth to a SME that radiates and radiates (trouver un autre mot ici) French know-how in France and abroad.
    To succeed, they first offered good products but they also relied on an efficient and modern market. A storytelling to create a link between the brand and consumers. A low cost marketplace like the fun and colorful packagings on which we find this storytelling.(meaning of 'storytelling' is obscure in this context - do you mean 'story' tout court?) All these points allowed the SME to become what it is today, a company with a turnover of 40 000 00000 € in 2015.
    However, as mentioned above, we can still ask what will be the consequences (ordre des mots a inverser) of the entry into the capital of one of their biggest competitor(pluriel)?

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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