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    Aide/ Donoghue

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Aide/ Donoghue
    Message de jasmine26 posté le 28-10-2017 à 19:09:42 (S | E | F)
    je dois faire un résumé en anglais; aprés avoir passé des heures dessus, quelqu'un aurait-il la gentillesse de lire mon résumé afin de voir si j'ai fait des erreurs ? Merci et bonne soirée à tous

    This text deals with the famous case of Mrs. Donologue and Mr. Stevenson. Firstly, for recapitulate facts; a one day Mrs. Donologue and his friend went to Café in order to drink. After drinking half of her ginger beer, she was found a snail in its bottle. Choked, she decides to prosecute the fabricant of this beer and claiming 500 £ for the harm suffered. The judges reject this action because there is no contractual basis. After this decision, she decided to appeal in front of the House of Lords and who ruled in her favor.Indeed, it was decided that Stevenson should be held responsible since the snail originated at the point of manufacture. Withal, common law does not recognized the principle of responsibility and only "wrongs" resulting in civil responsibility .This decision made it possible for the first time to define the manufacturer's repsponsability , the existence of a duty of care, marking an important event in the consumer law.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-10-2017 20:59

    Réponse : Aide/ Donoghue de laure95, postée le 28-10-2017 à 20:41:24 (S | E)
    - for (pas le bon moit ici)recapitulate facts;
    - a one day: choisis entre A et ONE!
    - Mrs. Donologue and his friend went to (article)Café in order to (have a )drink.
    - she was found: mettre à la voix active (pas à la voix passive) a snail in its (pas le bon possessif)bottle.
    - Choked: orthographe.
    - she decides (passé)to prosecute the fabricant of this beer and (enlever and)claiming 500 £ for the harm suffered.
    - The judges reject (passé) this action because there is (passé)no contractual basis.
    - After this (pas le bon mot ici) decision,
    - in front of the House of Lords and (enelver and + pas le bon relatif)who ruled in her favor.
    - Indeed, it was decided that Stevenson should (concordance des temps)be held responsible
    - since the snail originated at the point of manufacture: ?
    - common law does not recognized: verbe mal conjugué.
    - This (this ne s'emploie pas dans un contexte passé) decision made it possible
    - marking an important event in the consumer law: ?

    Réponse : Aide/ Donoghue de bluestar, postée le 28-10-2017 à 23:10:06 (S | E)

    This text deals with the famous case of Mrs. Donologue Donoghue and Mr. Stevenson. Firstly, for recapitulate facts; a one day Mrs. Donologue and his friend went to Café in order to drink. After drinking half of her ginger beer, she was found a snail in its bottle. Choked, she decides to prosecute the fabricant(ne se dit pas) of this beer and claiming 500 £ for the harm suffered. The judges reject this action because there is no contractual basis. After this decision, she decided to appeal in front of ('to' est mieux) the House of Lords and who(La Chambre des lords n'est pas une personne) ruled in her favor.Indeed, it was decided that Stevenson should be held responsible since the snail originated at the point of manufacture. Withal, (une expression archaïque qui n'est pas utilisée maintenant) common law does not recognized the principle of responsibility and only "wrongs" resulting in civil responsibility .This decision made it possible for the first time to define the manufacturer's repsponsability ,(orth.) the existence of a duty of care, marking an important event in the consumer law.

    Excuses si j'ai dupliqué certains des commentaires de Laure95........ J'ai étudié ce cas au collège il y a 100 ans et je suis sûr que le nom est Donoghue pas Donologue

    Réponse : Aide/ Donoghue de jasmine26, postée le 29-10-2017 à 02:21:42 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup d'avoir consacrer de votre temps , j'ai corriger toutes mes erreurs oui oui c'est bien Donoghue ,faute de frappe avec la fatigue

    Réponse : Aide/ Donoghue de jasmine26, postée le 29-10-2017 à 01:24:16 (S | E)
    Bonsoir à tous ,
    pouvez-vous me dire si j'ai fait des erreurs afin de ne plus les reproduire par la suite ?
    Merci à tous !!

    The case of Donoghue c. Stevenson had a very big impact on the development of consumer law.
    Indeed, after discovering a decomposed snail in his bottle of gingival beer donated by his friend Mrs. Donoghue felt sick.
    She decided to appeal beer producer Mister Stevenson in front of the highest court in the land, The House of Lords.
    For the first time the court decided to rule in favor of the consumer and hold responsible the manufacturer who had to have a duty of care to people consuming it’s products by giving a compensation to Mrs. Donoghue.
    This case made it possible to integrate a new principle "Neighbor of the law" which established an invisible link between producer and consumer.
    In fact, this principle has helped producers to become aware of their production and to pay attention to the health of their consumers.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2017 08:30
    Réponse fusionnée avec la demande initiale.

    Réponse : Aide/ Donoghue de bluestar, postée le 29-10-2017 à 13:37:29 (S | E)
    erreurs en bleu, quelques suggestions en vert

    The case of Donoghue c. Stevenson had a very big impact on the development of consumer law.
    Indeed, after discovering a decomposed snail in his bottle of gingival ginger beer donated by his friend Mrs. Donoghue felt sick.
    She decided to appeal beer producer Mister Stevenson in front of the highest court in the land, The House of Lords.
    For the first time the court decided to rule in favor of the consumer and hold responsible the manufacturer (ordre des mots, nom d'abord puis adjectif)who had to have a duty of care to people consuming it’s his products by giving a compensation to Mrs. Donoghue. (by compensating...)
    This case made it possible to integrate (introduce irait mieux) a new principle "Neighbor of the law" which established an invisible link between producer and consumer.
    In fact, this principle has helped producers to become aware of their product and to pay attention to the health of their consumers.

    Donoghue v Stevenson (versus)..vous écrivez en anglais, donc c. (contre) n'est pas utilisé. Utilisez v. (= versus) à la place
    his bottle...his réfère à Mme Donoghue alors utilisez la forme féminine de l'adjectif possessif

    Réponse : Aide/ Donoghue de jasmine26, postée le 29-10-2017 à 12:29:40 (S | E)
    Bonjour à tous ,
    je reposte une seconde fois.
    Je remercie d'avance

    The case of Donoghue c. Stevenson had a very big impact on the development of consumer law.
    Indeed, after discovering a decomposed snail in his bottle of gingival beer donated by his friend Mrs. Donoghue felt sick.
    She decided to appeal beer producer Mister Stevenson in front of the highest court in the land, The House of Lords.
    For the first time the court decided to rule in favor of the consumer and hold responsible the manufacturer who had to have a duty of care to people consuming it’s products by giving a compensation to Mrs. Donoghue.
    This case made it possible to integrate a new principle "Neighbor of the law" which established an invisible link between producer and consumer.
    In fact, this principle has helped producers to become aware of their production and to pay attention to the health of their consumers.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 29-10-2017 17:30
    Fusionné une seconde fois. La correction de bluestar est au-dessus.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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