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    Oral/places and forms of power

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Oral/places and forms of power
    Message de manoon2 posté le 29-04-2018 à 12:22:42 (S | E | F)
    pourriez-vous corriger ma 3e notion pour l'oral du Bac s'il vous plait?
    Merci pour vos réponses.

    Introduction: The notion I am going to talk about is the notion of Places and forms of power. We can define power as the ability to control others, evens or resources to succeed in doing what you want to do in spite of obstacles. Power can be exerted by the justice, the medias or the high political authorities and it is different in each of those categories. However, I am going to deal with women and their labyrinth of leadership.
    The question I would like to ask is: How do women assert their leadership? To illustrate this notion I will focus on two places: at school and in politics.

    First of all, in class we saw a cartoon which denounces stereotypes at school. On the one hand, a boy is struggling to do maths and another boy telling him that HE sucks at maths. On the other hand, it is a girl instead of boy's place, and the other boy is not saying she is bad at maths but GIRLS are. He spreads the problem on all the girls and not only to the girl that is struggling. This cartoon shows us that more people think so and are denigrating women.

    Moreover, we also studied a text named "Give up on gender equality in the sciences at school. It shows also inequalities between men and women at school. It is about the fact that in lots of scientific fields such as engineering, physics or computing there are more males than females. Some people want to change that and to give more chances to women. Those people show that women are not inferior to men, they are as clever as men and they can study in every field like engineering if they want. In the text, we saw different points of view and the one which caught my attention is Stuart Farmer's. He thinks those inequalities are a real underrated problem for society and he gave as an example when we buy blue for a baby boy and pink for a baby girl. Those inequalities prevent some women from following their dreams. At school, we are all here to learn for our future. I think, those inequalities are not right and women have to reach their goal.

    Furthermore, in class we studied some examples of women who try to become more powerful in politics. In Saudi Arabia, women got the right to vote late compared to men. A cartoon denounces it. There are two women, one is calling a taxi and the other is explaining that they won the right to vote but they can't drive to the polling booth. This is completely absurd for me. This document shows exactly why women have to fight for their rights.

    To finish, some women don't hesitate to encourage others. It's the case of Malala who gave an amazing speech for women's rights or the association Time's up that regroup a lot of actresses. Those women are models for a lot of women.
    This is how women's right are more important in the world, women are equal and sometimes superior than men in every fields

    To conclude, the place is important to be heard and have a persuasive power. We have seen that women can be equal or superior to men in politics and at school. But it is possible in all places like at work, at home or everywhere in the world. Women can be heard, Malala is a good example and she encourages the others to speak like she did. I think she is THE example to see that women can fight against inequalities and show that they are equal to men. I think it important to say: "A woman, without her, man is nothing"

    [This topic makes me think: "Can women stereotypes diminish over time?]

    Modifié par lucile83 le 29-04-2018 13:45

    Réponse : Oral/places and forms of power de laure95, postée le 30-04-2018 à 18:06:26 (S | E)
    - evens: ?
    - Power can be exerted by the justice, the medias or the high political authorities: enlever tous les "the".

    - it is a girl instead of (article) boy's place

    - It shows also (ordre des mots)inequalities
    - Some people want to change that and to (enlever to)give more chances (singulier)to women.
    - He thinks those inequalities are a real underrated problem for (article)society

    - Furthermore, in class we studied some examples of women who try (présent perfect)to become more powerful in politics.

    - This is how women's right (pluriel) are more important in the world, women are equal and sometimes superior than (pas le bon mot)men in every fields (every + singulier)

    Réponse : Oral/places and forms of power de manoon2, postée le 30-04-2018 à 20:31:23 (S | E)
    Bonsoir voici ma correction, je vous remercie pour votre aide.

    Introduction: The notion I am going to talk about is the notion of Places and forms of power. We can define power as the ability to control others, events(oups une faute de frappe) or resources to succeed in doing what you want to do in spite of obstacles. Power can be exerted by justice, medias or high political authorities and it is different in each of those categories. However, I am going to deal with women and their labyrinth of leadership.
    The question I would like to ask is: How do women assert their leadership? To illustrate this notion I will focus on two places: at school and in politics.

    First of all, in class we saw a cartoon which denounces stereotypes at school. On the one hand, a boy is struggling to do maths and another boy telling him that HE sucks at maths. On the other hand, it is a girl instead of a boy's place, and the other boy is not saying she is bad at maths but GIRLS are. He spreads the problem on all the girls and not only to the girl that is struggling. This cartoon shows us that more people think so and are denigrating women.

    Moreover, we also studied a text named "Give up on gender equality in the sciences at school. It also shows inequalities between men and women at school. It is about the fact that in lots of scientific fields such as engineering, physics or computing there are more males than females. Some people want to change that and give more chance to women. Those people show that women are not inferior to men, they are as clever as men and they can study in every field like engineering if they want. In the text, we saw different points of view and the one which caught my attention is Stuart Farmer's. He thinks those inequalities are a real underrated problem for the society and he gave as an example when we buy blue for a baby boy and pink for a baby girl. Those inequalities prevent some women from following their dreams. At school, we are all here to learn for our future. I think, those inequalities are not right and women have to reach their goal.

    Furthermore, in class we studied some examples of women who have tried to become more powerful in politics. In Saudi Arabia, women got the right to vote late compared to men. A cartoon denounces it. There are two women, one is calling a taxi and the other is explaining that they won the right to vote but they can't drive to the polling booth. This is completely absurd for me. This document shows exactly why women have to fight for their rights.

    To finish, some women don't hesitate to encourage others. It's the case of Malala who gave an amazing speech for women's rights or the association Time's up that regroup a lot of actresses. Those women are models for a lot of women.
    This is how women's rights are more important in the world, women are equal and sometimes superior to men in every field.

    To conclude, the place is important to be heard and have a persuasive power. We have seen that women can be equal or superior to men in politics and at school. But it is possible in all places like at work, at home or everywhere in the world. Women can be heard, Malala is a good example and she encourages the others to speak like she did. I think she is THE example to see that women can fight against inequalities and show that they are equal to men. I think it important to say: "A woman, without her, man is nothing"

    [This topic makes me think: "Can women stereotypes diminish over time?]

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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