Myths and heroes/Women
Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En basMessage de mogette01 posté le 05-05-2018 à 16:49:59 (S | E | F)
Dans deux semaines je passe mon oral d'anglais. Je n'ai pas trouvé de personnes de mon entourage capables de savoir si ma notion sur les mythes et les héros est bonne, alors je poste ce message pour que vous puissiez me donner un avis!
Merci d'avance!
We are going to deal with the notion "Myths and heroes". To begin with, I would like to give you a definition of the notion. A myth is popular believe on which social values are often based. It can be imaginary or can be true. While a hero can be someone who is ready to sacrifice his life in order to make things evolved positively. Furthermore, he can be fictitious (from cartoons for example). In relation to the notion the subject of my presentation will be the struggle for women equality. We may wonder to what extent this theme illustrates the notion « Myths and heroes ».
I can ask me: how are women able to break the myth of the superiority of men? Firstly, I’ll study that women are equals to men and in a second part, I’ll speak about famous men who fight the stereotypes.
I. Les femmes égales aux hommes
Women haven’t the same rights as men forever, for that, women fight against this preconceived idea. Firstly, this year we are listen an audio which names famous female pirates. The piracy way, is mostly dominated by men. But throughout history, several female pirates showed their male counterparts how it's really done and became greater legends than most of them. In the 18th century, two women: Anne Bonny and Mary Read become pirates. At this time, women were prohibited on the pirate’s ship. They left behind the stereotypical domestic chores of women at the time in favour of a life of adventure on the seas! They dressed as men and they called as men too. They robed boats, killed other pirates and the legend says that when they killed, they showed one of their breast at the victim. The two women finally revealed their identity and were allowed to stay at the edge of pirate ships because as the men, they were able to fight and to rob like men. These two women become heores.
Secondly, at our time it exist women who have the challenge to give value at the girls. For example, this year, we have listen an audio: Women heroes where Regina who is a fire-fighter must convince girl to become new female fire-fighters and to fight to do what they want. In 1979 Brenda Brookman fought for the women’s rights and she sued the Fire Department for gender discrimination. Women want to have the same job that men. Moreover, Brenda became a beneficiary of Brenda’s lawsuit; she became a fire-fighter. When she is in uniform, nobody can’t tell her race and her gender. It’s a chance. These four women have broken the myth of the superiority of men showing their talent.
II. Les hommes qui combattent les clichés
To continue, there are men who fight against women’s stereotypes. Famous figures of politic or of cinema show their idea about the women’s discrimination. For example, President Obama speak about Ann Nixon Cooper who is a black woman who is 106 years old on his speech on midnight, 4-5th November 2008. He takes this symbol because this woman knew everything during this life (slavery, discrimination, etc). And he says before, this woman couldn’t vote because she was a woman and now she can vote at the election. The fact to take this woman for his victory speech is a sign which show at the people of the world that women must defend themselves to have the same rights as men. Obama became a heroe for women who fight against stereotypes. Secondly, last year we have seen a campaign video which is released in 2011 for the International Women’s Day. The character is Daniel Craig, a famous actor. At the beginning, we can see James Bond (a symbol of power) and a woman’s voiceover denounces the violence against women in different spaces. Then, she informs spectators saying a man earn more money than a woman even one doing the same job. At the end of the video, Daniel Craig is dressed up like a woman. The aim of the video and of Daniel Craig is to denounce inequality between men and women. And we must never stop asking ourselves this question ‘are we equals’?
To conclude, I can say women fight their rights for a long time and they prove they are the same capacities as men in all sectors and these women became heroes because they enter in the history. We must continue to eliminate the stereotypes which are prejudices. Thanks to famous people, the common idea of the superiority of men change. The people and mainly women who wants changment are heroes of our society. Now it must be change our attitude to have more rights and you must never asking; are we equals?
Modifié par lucile83 le 05-05-2018 18:53
Réponse : Myths and heroes/Women de laure95, postée le 06-05-2018 à 09:10:18 (S | E)
- -to make things evolved (infinitif) positively.
- I can ask me: mal construit.
- Firstly, I’ll study that women are equals (pas de s)to men
- I’ll speak about famous men who fight (préposition) the stereotypes.
I. Les femmes égales aux hommes
-Women haven’t (got)the same rights as men forever (pas le bon mot),
- we are listen: mal conjugué.
- an audio which names (mal construit)famous female pirates.
- The piracy way,(pas de virgule) is mostly dominated by men.
- Bhow it's really done: mal dit.
- and became greater legends than most of them: ?
- In the 18th century, two women: Anne Bonny and Mary Read become (passé)pirates.
- At this (that pas this)time
- they (were)called as men too.
- They robed robbed)boats, killed other pirates and the legend says (pas le bon mot ici)that when they killed, they showed one of their (pas le bon mot)breast at (pas la bonne préposition)the (mettre un possessif à la place de the) victim.
- because as the (pas de the) men
- These (those pas these)two women become (passé)heores.

- at our time (mal dit) it exist (mal conjugué)women who have the challenge to give value at (pas la bonne préposition) the (pas de the)girls.
- we have listen (participe passé, préposition) an audio:
- Women heroes where (enelver where) Regina who is a fire-fighter must convince girl (pluriel) to become
- Women want to have the same job that (pas le bon mot ici)men.
II. Les hommes qui combattent les clichés
- Famous figures of politic or of cinema show their idea about the (pas de the)women’s discrimination.
- For example, President Obama speak (passé) about Ann Nixon Cooper
- on (pas la bonne préposition)midnight,
- He takes (passé) this symbol because this (that pas this)woman knew everything during this (mettre un possessif à la place de ths)life
- The fact to take this woman for his victory speech is a sign which show (faute de conjugaison)at (pas la bonne préposition)
- a heroe: orthographe.
- last year we have seen: preterit.
- a campaign video which is (passé) released in 2011
- Then, she informs spectators saying a man earn (faute de conjugaison)more money than a woman even one (enlever one)doing the same job.
- The aim of the video and of Daniel Craig is to denounce (article)inequality between men and women.
- To conclude, I can say women fight (present perfect, préposition) their rights for a long time
- and they prove they are (pas le bon verbe) the same capacities as men
- these women became heroes because they enter (passé) in the history.
- Thanks to famous people, the common idea of the superiority of men change (present perfect).
- The people and mainly women who wants (faute de conjugaison) changment (mot français)are heroes of (in pas of)our society. Now it must be change our attitude: mal construit.
- and you must never asking (must + infinitif); are we equals (pas de s)?
Réponse : Myths and heroes/Women de gerold, postée le 06-05-2018 à 12:12:55 (S | E)
quelques remarques en complément de celles de Laure:
... The two women finally revealed their identity and were allowed to stay at the edge of pirate ships ... at the edge, au bord ou sur le bord, mais pas à bord d'un navire.
Moreover, Brenda became a beneficiary of Brenda’s

He takes this symbol because this woman knew pour traduire connaître dans ce contexte, un autre verbe conviendrait mieux everything during this life (slavery, discrimination, etc). Cette personne, née en 1902, a connu la ségrégation et la discrimination, mais pas l'esclavage, aboli en 1865.
these women became heroes because they enter in the history. enter se construit sans préposition, et ce serait plutôt l'inverse: elles sont entrées dans l'histoire parce qu'elles étaient des héroïnes
... more rights and you must never asking; are we equal
Réponse : Myths and heroes/Women de mogette01, postée le 08-05-2018 à 18:20:29 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!!! J'ai pu revoir mon texte grâce à votre aide précieuse! Dernières questions: cette composition vous semble-t-elle correspondre à la notion sur les héros et est-elle présentable pour mon oral de bac?
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