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    Aidez moi correction expression ecrite

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    Aidez moi correction expression ecrite
    Message de elodiemrsi posté le 03-06-2018 à 12:26:19 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour j'ai eu une expression écrite type bac à faire et j'aimerai avoir une correction de celle ci avant de la rendre je le met ci dessous merci d'avance pour ceux qui me corrigent et me viennent en aide.

    I think that this assertion is the true from the moment we begin to take singers or athletes as heroes. They take forward not at all the humanity, certainly it can be a dream for some of to make their job and to become so known as them but he(it) connotes not at all a thing which takes forward or saves the planet.
    The celebrities are just there to amuse us and not to be of use to us as model especially that certain fans are ready for all to see these people and even to be killed there. What suddenly makes become more dangerous to believe that a celebrity is a hero. Of more these celebrities have an influence on their fans because they tend to reproduce that she(it) this one makes for example the clothing style, the clothing way or acts dangerous as the vandalism, the consumption of illicit products …
    While a hero should rather guide them towards the good way and not incite them to make bad things as the examples quoted previously if he some people are fans of star this one has to have a real role of example and not to lead them in the crime or others. As for example in the clips of rap where we see these rappers consuming drugs, weapons in hands all this can have a consequence on the fans who will then want to reproduce the same thing. Certain stars who aim at personal objectives as for example Amy Whineouse which began consuming narcotics, drug etc. are a real danger for his fans which would maybe have wanted to reproduce the same thing to look like him
    I think that the real heroes in our society are for example fire brigades, surgeons, servicemen who they save lives every day. You should not reproduce silly the acts of the stars for me it is necessary will discern the good things and the evil of a star she cannot be always irreproachable. It is true that certain stars remain irreproachable as for example Mimie Maty or still Angelina Jolie who are very sensitive to the humanitarian crises and do not stop helping them thanks to donations he is sure that in this case we can only admire this noble gesture
    In brief for me a hero must be capable of leading these admirers on the good way as a parent will make him or still pass on transmit the good values as the equality, the justice, the respect, the courage …

    Réponse : Aidez moi correction expression ecrite de jij33, postée le 03-06-2018 à 15:06:53 (S | E)
    Vous êtes ici sur le forum de français. Déposez votre texte sur celui d'anglais...

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