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    The missing vowels/270

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    The missing vowels/270
    Message de marit64 posté le 29-08-2018 à 23:18:32 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    Once again, all the numbers of vowels are given.

    1- A branch etc on which a bird sits or stands. ..... (h p r c) 1

    2- High in a rank, position etc; noble, important. ..... (h d x t l) 3

    3- Something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free. ..... (k y) 2

    4- To bite or chew with a scraping movement. ..... (n g w) 1

    5- To scold or rebuke. ..... (m h d n s) 3

    6- To turn a person aside from what he was about to do. ..... (t s k d c r) 3

    7- A male duck. ..... (r k d) 2

    8- The eggs of fish. ..... (r) 2

    9- Unfriendly or unpleasant in manner. ..... (s t n) 2

    10- Betraying or likely to betray. ..... (c r r s t h) 5

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Je suis désolée de l'erreur commise avec le numéro "2". En fait, il n'y a pas de "h" parmi les consonnes données. Je vous ai fait travailler inutilement, veuillez m'en excuser. Serais-je sur mon déclin?

    Réponse : The missing vowels/270 de chocolatcitron, postée le 30-08-2018 à 04:21:18 (S | E)
    The missing vowels - 270
    Message de marit64 posté le 29-08-2018 à 23:18:32 (S | E | F)
    hello my dear Marit, thanks !
    Hi everybody!

    Here is my work:
    1- A branch etc on which a bird sits or stands. (h p r c) 1 perch = perchoir.
    2- High in a rank, position etc; noble, important. ..... (h d x t l) 3 comme il n'y a pas de h, c'est sans doute exalted. Merci pour le message cela arrive à tout le monde... !
    3- Something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free. (k y) 2 yoke = joug, attelage.
    4- To bite or chew with a scraping movement. (n g w) 1 gnaw = ronger.
    5- To scold or rebuke. (m h d n s) 3 admonish = admonester, faire la morale, disputer.
    6- To turn a person aside from what he was about to do. (t s k d c r) 3 sidetrack = distraire, détourner.
    7- A male duck. (r k d) 2 drake = canard mâle.
    8- The eggs of fish. (r) 2 roe = œuf de poisson (cabillaud).
    9- Unfriendly or unpleasant in manner. (s t n) 2 nasty = méchant.
    10- Betraying or likely to betray. (c r r s t h) 5 treacherous = traître.

    Good luck to my friends!
    Have a great week!
    See you soon.

    Modifié par chocolatcitron le 03-09-2018 09:50

    Réponse : The missing vowels/270 de daisy50, postée le 30-08-2018 à 20:17:37 (S | E)
    Hello Marit and everybody,

    Here is my try :

    1- A branch etc on which a bird sits or stands. ..... perch

    2- High in a rank, position etc; noble, important. .... exalted est le mot qui correspond à la définition, mais pas de h?

    3- Something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free. ..... yoke

    4- To bite or chew with a scraping movement. ..... gnaw

    5- To scold or rebuke. ..... admonish

    6- To turn a person aside from what he was about to do. ..... sidetrack

    7- A male duck. ..... drake

    8- The eggs of fish. ..... roe

    9- Unfriendly or unpleasant in manner. ..... nasty

    10- Betraying or likely to betray. ..... treacherous

    Terminé! Le n°2 me laisse perplexe à cause du "h", mais ce fut un plaisir de "farfouiller" dans les dictionnaires.

    Have a nice week and see you soon!

    Réponse : The missing vowels/270 de swan85, postée le 31-08-2018 à 15:28:51 (S | E)
    Hello Marit
    Hello Everybody

    1- A branch etc on which a bird sits or stands. PERCH (h p r c) 1
    2- High in a rank, position etc; noble, important. EXALTED (without “h”) (h d x t l) 3
    3- Something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free YOKE (k y) 2
    4- To bite or chew with a scraping movement. GNAW (n g w) 1
    5- To scold or rebuke. ADMONISH (m h d n s) 3
    6- To turn a person aside from what he was about to do. SIDETRACK (t s k d c r) 3
    7- A male duck. DRAKE (r k d) 2
    8- The eggs of fish. ROE (r) 2
    9- Unfriendly or unpleasant in manner. NASTY (s t n) 2
    10- Betraying or likely to betray. TREACHEROUS (c r r s t h) 5

    Thank you for these new words.
    Have a nice week.
    See you soon.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/270 de flowermusic, postée le 02-09-2018 à 09:06:22 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    Salut à l'équipe fine

    1- A branch etc on which a bird sits or stands. ..... (h p r c) 1 ..... perch

    2- High in a rank, position etc; noble, important. ..... (h d x t l) 3 ..... exalted (moins h)

    3- Something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free. ..... (k y) 2 yoke

    4- To bite or chew with a scraping movement. ..... (n g w) 1 gnaw

    5- To scold or rebuke. ..... (m h d n s) 3 admonish

    6- To turn a person aside from what he was about to do. ..... (t s k d c r) 3 sidetrack

    7- A male duck. ..... (r k d) 2 drake

    8- The eggs of fish. ..... (r) 2 roe
    9- Unfriendly or unpleasant in manner. ..... (s t n) 2 nasty

    10- Betraying or likely to betray. ..... (c r r s t h) 5 treacherous

    See you soon

    Réponse : The missing vowels/270 de afarodj, postée le 03-09-2018 à 03:34:08 (S | E)
    Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.
    Hi everybody
    This is my try. Have a nice week.
    1- A branch etc on which a bird sits or stands. ..... (h p r c) 1 .-Perch.-Perchoir.
    2- High in a rank, position etc; noble, important. ..... (h d x t l) 3 .-Exalted.-au Rang élevé.
    3- Something that weighs people down, or prevents them being free. ..... (k y) 2 .-Yoke.-Joug.
    4- To bite or chew with a scraping movement. ..... (n g w) 1 .-Gnaw-Grignoter.
    5- To scold or rebuke. ..... (m h d n s) 3 .-Admonish.-Admonester.
    6- To turn a person aside from what he was about to do. ..... (t s k d c r) 3.-Sidetrack.-Détourner-Dissuader.
    7- A male duck. ..... (r k d) 2 .-Drake.-Canard male
    8- The eggs of fish. ..... (r) 2 .-Roe.-Oeufs de poisson.
    9- Unfriendly or unpleasant in manner. ..... (s t n) 2 .-Nasty.-Inamical.
    10- Betraying or likely to betray. ..... (c r r s t h) 5.-Treacherous.-Déloyal-Félon.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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