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    Myths and heroes/aide

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    Myths and heroes/aide
    Message de leletahiti posté le 22-04-2019 à 07:33:26 (S | E | F)
    voici ma notion Myths and heroes ,pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?
    Merci d'avance pour les corrections apportées

    Today I’m going to talk about the notion « Myth and Heroes ». But first of all , I’d like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief , a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. This year in class , we studied several documents about the notion of Myths and heroes especially during the first world war. During this war the whole population who’s acknowledged participated to the conflict and today they are recognized as unconventional heroes or forgotten heroes. So we asked ourselves : how did unconventional heroes help the soldier of WW1 meet the challenges ahead of them during the conflict ? To answer to this question we will see the animal’s role during this conflict then the population’s role.

    I/ Animal’s role during the conflict
    The first document I have chosen is a news report from the Australian channel ABC 2012 and is about the animals that helps Australians soldiers during the conflict. The new report shows us that every species of animals had a role to help the soldier. For example dogs were loaded to find ennemies and explosives. We can mention other species like horses and camels who were loaded to transport food. What’s more the pigeons were loaded to transport message. The war could not have been won without their support , that’s why some of them received war medals.
    The second document is an extract of a documentary named «  World War 1 American Legacy » produced by Mark Bussier in 2006. This document is about stories of animals who helped soldier , for example Rin Tin Tin was a famous puppy during the war. It shows the loyalty of animals to the soldier. Animals do not hesitate to endanger their lives to save soldiers. This document honored all the animals who were sacrificed and the loyalty of them during the war.
    II/ Population’s role during
    The third document I have chosen is a documentary entitled « Britain’s Boy soldier » recorded in 2004. This documentary won the « best network documentary » at the 2004 RTS Awards. This document is about Britain’s boy soldier who engaged illegally in the world war 1 because of their age. The documentary shows a poster of Lord Kitchener’s propaganda. He calls the population to fight against the enemies. This poster was efficient because boys including underage boys came bravely for patriotic reasons and to respond to a national emergency. We estimate that 250000 soldiers were underage. These documents shows the commitment of the population to fight against the enemy.
    The population that didn’t go to the front was helping them voluntarily by giving time , energy and food. They were called the home front. The last document is four poster of propaganda created by the United-States food administration during WWI. These poster encourage the population to change their diet to reduce their consumption of wheat for the soldier , give food such as fats , sugars , meat and wheat to fuel the soldier and encourage the breeding of sheep for soldier’s clothes and the breeding of pig who’s a good source of energy.

    To conclude we worked on 3 types of unconventional heroes like animals , boys underage who fight on the front and the home front. Indeed, these heroes protected our lifes and their country without any hesitation even if their lives were in danger. Furthermore they made sacrifice for the nation , they are unconventional heroes but they are heroes on theirs own way.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2019 08:35

    Réponse : Myths and heroes/aide de laure95, postée le 22-04-2019 à 16:56:40 (S | E)
    -During this war; that pas this
    - the whole population who’s acknowledged participated: mal construit.
    - To answer to (enlever to)this question we will see the animal’s (mettre au pluriel) role during this (that pas this) conflict then the population’s role.

    I/ Animal’s role during the conflict
    - the animals that helps (faute de conjugaison)Australians (pas de s) soldiers during the conflict.
    - The new(s) report shows us
    - the soldier: mettre au pluriel.
    - What’s more the pigeons were loaded (chercher un synonyme)to transport message.
    - The second document is an extract of (from pas of)a documentary
    - who helped soldier (pluriel)
    - It shows the loyalty of animals to the soldier (pluriel).
    - Animals do not hesitate to endanger their lives to save soldiers: passé.

    II/ Population’s role during
    - This document is about Britain’s (mettre la nationalité plutôt que le pays)boy soldier (pluriel)
    - He calls (présent simple) the population to fight against the enemies.
    - underage(d) boys came bravely for patriotic reasons
    - We estimate that 250000 soldiers were underage(d).
    - These documents shows (faute de conjugaison)the commitment
    - The population that didn’t go to the front was helping (preterit simple) them voluntarily
    - four poster (pluriel)of propaganda
    - These poster (pluriel) encourage (passé)the population
    - their consumption of wheat for the soldier (pluriel)
    - the breeding of pig (pluriel)

    - boys underage who fight (passé)on the front and the home front.
    - lifes: orthographe.
    - they are (passé)unconventional heroes but they are (passé)heroes on theirs (pas de s) own way.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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