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    Oral/Places and forms of power

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    Oral/Places and forms of power
    Message de flo7 posté le 22-04-2019 à 12:32:12 (S | E | F)
    Je suis en Terminale et passe donc bientôt les oraux de langues. Serait-il possible de m'aider à corriger ma synthèse s'il vous plait ?
    Merci d'avance.

    The notion I am going to deal with is places and forms of power. The power is the ability to influence people's behaviour. The power create cohesion but can also lead to tensions. I would like to illustrate this notion through the theme of the power of words. We have used many passages of the British movie « the King's speech » released in 2010 by Tom Hoop. It tells the true story of Bertie who became King George VI of England in 1936. In spite of his elocution defects and with the help of his wife and his speech Therapist, he succecded his brother David at a dangerous time in the history of Europe. I will try to answer the following problematic : How are men able to reinforce the power of a political institution ?

    The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. The king or queen is the official head of state, of a legal system, of the armies and of the church institutions. The government headed by the prime minister, exerts the executive power. The sovereign has duties often associated with protocol : opening the sessions of the parliament, making speeches on Christmas day, paying official visits to foreign countries. In the 1930's, a lot of concern was felt in Europe. A world economic crisis had not only hit a majority of countries but among these countries, quite a few were now in hands of aggressive dictators. Consequently, like other democratic governments, the British monarchs felt threatened. In the UK, three kings were succesively on the trone in 1936 and although a majority of citizens did not reject monarchy, this created a feeling of perplexity at a dangerous time.

    The film focuses mainly on the character of Bertie, a significiant member of the royal family. A King George's younger son has suffered from stammering since he was a child. At the age of 35, he is still unable to deliver fluent speeches when is father needs to be replaced. But, it is essential for a sovereign to communicate efficiently with his subjects because language is the main tool uses to express ideas. But we realize in scene 4 that Bertie's defect is not just physical but derives from the psychological impact. His father frequently scorns him because he cannot make proper speeches. Then, he saw his parents once a day when he was a little boy. Moreover, his younger brother, Johnny, died at 13 from epilepsy. Apparently, his sad childhood has turned him into fearful adult unable to express words and authority as his rank woulds requiere. So, Bertie has suffered from the negative power of his family who embodies traditionnal strict values.

    Bertie understood that it's important to speak correctly to govern a country. He refuses to remain a victim and is ready to fight back. Bertie and his wife Elisabeth considered consultations. They trusted a an talented speech therapist : Lionel Logue. This speech therapy is not only based on physical workouts but also on authentic exchanges. Lionel has become more than a doctor, he is now a friend whom he can speak without stammering. Together, they pulled down traditional social codes and barriers to make Bertie get some progress. For example, after meeting his brother David, Bertie feels very angry and he needs to express his anger even with rude words. We can say that extreme verbal exchanges are at the root of his healing then climinating his stammering. Finally, the positive power of words made become a great king aware of his duties at a very difficult time for his country. In fact, on 01/09/1939, day when the world war two broke out, Bertie who had became George VI, delivered a speech to encourage and reassure the citizens on the ere of a new conflict. He reinforced in this way the image and the power of the British monarchy.

    To conclude, that story leads to think of the power of language. Yet , everyday we experience the effects they have on us. Words are often used to convince other people. Also, they can reinforce the power of a political institution.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2019 12:36

    Réponse : Oral/Places and forms of power de laure95, postée le 22-04-2019 à 17:20:55 (S | E)
    - The (pas de the) power create (faute de conjugaison)cohesion
    - We have used many passages of (from pas of= the British movie « the King's speech »
    - released in 2010 by Tom Hoop. It tells (is about pas tells)the true story of Bertie who became King George VI of England in 1936. In spite of his elocution defects and with the help of his wife and his speech Therapist, he succecded his brother David at a dangerous time in the history of Europe: tout cela ne doit pas figurer dans l'introduction.


    - The sovereign has duties often associated with protocol (pluriel)
    - quite a few were now in (article)hands of aggressive dictators.
    - this (that pas this)reated a feeling of perplexity at a dangerous time.

    - (présenter ici le film) The film focuses mainly on the character of Bertie,
    - A (pas le bon article)King George's younger son has suffered from stammering since he was a child.
    - when is (orthographe)father needs to be replaced.
    - (article)language is the main tool uses (participe passé)to express ideas.
    - at 13: at the age of 13.
    - (article)into fearful adult unable to express words and authority as his rank woulds (pas de s)requiere (orthographe).

    - Bertie (has) understood that it's important to speak
    - Bertie and his wife Elisabeth considered consultations: ?
    - a an (choisir)talented speech therapist
    - Finally, the positive power of words made (him) become a great king aware of his duties
    - In fact, on 01/09/1939, (article)day when the (pas de the) world war two broke out,
    - Bertie who had became George VI: mal conjugué.

    To conclude, that story leads (us) to think of the power of language.

    Réponse : Oral/Places and forms of power de flo7, postée le 22-04-2019 à 19:08:40 (S | E)
    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.
    Je comptais rajouter le plan après m'être assurée que ma synthèse ait du sens avec le thème, c'est pour ça que je ne l'ai pas encore mis.

    Réponse : Oral/Places and forms of power de gerold, postée le 23-04-2019 à 13:51:09 (S | E)

    Quelques remarques en plus de celles de Laure :

    The film focuses mainly on the character of Bertie, a significiant mal écrit member of the royal family. A King George's younger second son (ce n'est pas le plus jeune fils de George V, vous dites d'ailleurs plus loin qu'il avait un frère plus jeune) son has autre temps, on est dans le passé suffered ...

    ... traditionnal strict values. un seul "n" et inversez les deux adjectifs.

    he is now a friend whom he can speak ... il manque une préposition (avec qui il peut parler ...)

    ... at the root of his healing then climinating his stammering ce mot n'existe pas, voulez-vous dire eliminating ? la phrase me semble bancale, je dirais ... et lui a permis d'éliminer ...
    on the ere of a new conflict. à la veille de, on the eve of ...

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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