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    Myths and heroes/aide

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Myths and heroes/aide
    Message de relilol posté le 22-04-2019 à 20:43:37 (S | E | F)
    I need your help for speaking test please.
    It's the "bac". Thank you for any reply..

    Myths and heroes
    I am going to present to you the notion ''Myths and heroes''. A myth is a traditional story, or a fiction invented by men. A hero is famous for his exploits. It can be a fictional, a historical or a real character. We will interest ourselves in historical heroes.  On Thursday 18 September 2014, a English referendum take place in Scottish. This referundum revived Scottish national identity based on national myth and heroes. We can wonder : How do Scothis myths and heroes, participate in the national spirit of defiance ? First, I can deal with myths and heroes in Scotland. Then, i’m goind to present the spirit of defiance in Scotland.

    Scotland has many emblems and heroes. Indeed, they made a national identity in Scotland. For instance, In class, we saw the different heroes of Scotland. Robert Burn was a Scotish poet and lyricist. In Scotdlan d he was an heroe because he defended the Scotdland freedom whith the song Scot Wha Hae. Today this used to be considered Scotland’s national anthem ; now several songs are in contention for that honour. After, in class we saw the kilt. A kilt, is a garment resembling a knee-length skirt of pleated tartan cloth, traditionally worn by men as part of Scottish Highland dress and now also worn by women and girls. The kilt was banned in 1746 by the English government, because is the representation of the loyauty to Bonnie Prince Charlie. He want to overthrow the English King. I am viewing national heroe and myths of Scotland. Next I will show the Scotish defiance.

    Today, the defiance and the fighting are aslo found in politics. For example, the independence of Scotland. To explain that, I've chosen a propagand video titled Yes, Scotland, made by the Scottish Nationalist Party in 2014. The title refers to the referendum of the 18th September 2014 which asks to the citizens : « Should Scotland be an independent country? ». It means that there is a fracture between people who want to stay English and others who want to become independent of United Kingdom. That show the scothis defiance today. The Scots have been defying the English for centuries and they are still defying them today. For example, William Wallace had speech abilities that galavanise the troops and Mhairi Black, the youngest MP of all times gave a first speech and impressed the Parliament buy her strong will and heir feistiness

    The Scots are proud of their culture and history. Their spirit of defiance has been a driving force so far. Will this one be enough for the nation to gets its independence back ?

    Thanks for reading. Have a nice day !

    Modifié par lucile83 le 22-04-2019 21:00

    Réponse : Myths and heroes/aide de gerold, postée le 23-04-2019 à 13:34:24 (S | E)
    Bonjour relilol

    Myths and heroes
    I am going to present to you mieux à la fin de la phrase the notion ''Myths and heroes''. A myth is a traditional story, or a fiction invented by men/people (les gens). A hero is famous for his exploits. It can be a fictional, a historical or a real character. We will interest ourselves s'intéresser = to be interested in historical heroes. On Thursday 18 September 2014, a English pourquoi un referendum "anglais"? referendum take prétérit place in Scottish. This referundum revived article Scottish national identity based on national myth pluriel and heroes. We can wonder : How do Scothis myths and heroes, pas de virgule participate in the national spirit of defiance ? First, I can deal with myths and heroes in Scotland. Then, i’m goind to present the spirit of defiance in Scotland.

    Scotland has many emblems and heroes. Indeed, they made a national identity in Scotland. For instance, in class, we saw the different heroes of Scotland. Robert Burns was a Scotish poet and lyricist. In Scotdlan d he was an autre article h n'est pas muet heroe sing. de "heroes" ? because he defended the Scotdland employez un génitif (cas possessif) freedom whith the song Scot Wha Hae. Today this used to be incompatible avec "today" considered Scotland’s national anthem ; now several songs are in contention for that honour. After that, in class mieux placé après we saw the kilt. A kilt, is a garment resembling a knee-length skirt of pleated tartan cloth, traditionally worn by men as part of Scottish Highland dress and now also worn by women and girls. The kilt was banned in 1746 by the English government, because il faut un sujet is the representation of the loyauty vérifier l'orthographe to Bonnie Prince Charlie. He want prétérit to overthrow the English King. I am viewing pas beaucoup de sens ici article national heroe pluriel and myths of Scotland. Next I will show the Scotish defiance.

    Today, the defiance and the fighting are aslo found in politics. For example, the independence of Scotland. To explain that, I've chosen a propagand vérifier ce mot video titled mal écrit Yes, Scotland, made by the Scottish Nationalist Party in 2014. The title refers to the referendum of the 18th September 2014 which asks prétérit to the citizens : « Should Scotland be an independent country? ». It means that there is a fracture between people who want to stay English Brittish (un Ecosssais, même partisan du maintien dans le Royaume-Uni, n'est pas un Anglais) and others who want to become independent of autre préposition article United Kingdom. That show erreur de conjugaison the scothis defiance today. The Scots have been defying the English for centuries and they are still defying them today. For example, William Wallace had speech abilities that galavanise prétérit, et mal écrit the troops and Mhairi Black, the youngest MP of all times gave a first speech and impressed the Parliament qui a impressionné le P. lors de son premier discoursbuy confusion avec un autre mot her strong will and heir feistiness.

    The Scots are proud of their culture and history. Their spirit of defiance has been a driving force so far. Will this one be enough for the nation to gets its independence back ?

    Réponse : Myths and heroes/aide de relilol, postée le 23-04-2019 à 15:04:22 (S | E)
    Myths and heroes
    I am going to present the notion ''Myths and heroes'' to you. A myth is a traditional story, or a fiction invented by people. A hero is famous for his exploits. It can be a fictional, a historical or a real character. We will be interested in historical heroes. After, the Brexit referundum, Scottish voters overwhelmingly rejected Britain quitting the European Union . This referundum revived a Scottish national identity based on national myths and heroes. We can wonder : How do Scothish myths and heroes participate in the national spirit of defiance ? First, I can deal with myths and heroes in Scotland. Then, i’m going to present the spirit of defiance in Scotland.

    Scotland has many emblems and heroes. Indeed, they made a national identity in Scotland. For instance, in class, we saw the different heroes of Scotland. Robert Burns was a Scotish poet and lyricist. In Scotdland he was a national heroes because he defended the Scotdland's freedom whith the song Scot Wha Hae. This used to be incompatible avec  considered Scotland’s national anthem ; now several songs are in contention for that honour. After that we saw the kilt, in class . A kilt, is a garment resembling a knee-length skirt of pleated tartan cloth, traditionally worn by men as part of Scottish Highland dress and now also worn by women and girls. The kilt was banned in 1746 by the English government, because he is the representation of the loyaulty to Bonnie Prince Charlie. He wanted to overthrow the English King. Next I will show the Scotish defiance.

    Today, the defiance and the fighting are also found in politics. For example, the independence of Scotland. To explain that, I've chosen a propaganda video named.Yes, Scotland, made by the Scottish Nationalist Party in 2014. The title refers to the referendum of the 18th September 2014 which asked to the citizens : « Should Scotland be an independent country? ». It means that there is a fracture between people who want to stay Brittish and others who want to become independent country .That shows the Scothish defiance today. The Scots have been defying the English for centuries and they are still defying them today. For example, William Wallace had speech abilities that galavanized the troops and Mhairi Black, the youngest MP of all times gave a first speech and impressed the Parliament by her strong will and heir feistiness.

    The Scots are proud of their culture and history. Their spirit of defiance has been a driving force so far. Will this one be enough for the nation to gets its independence back ? 

    Hi, thanks gerold for the correction I try to correct my mistakes. Have a nice day !

    Réponse : Myths and heroes/aide de gerold, postée le 24-04-2019 à 07:07:59 (S | E)

    Faites attention à bien écrire Scottish et Scotland
    Myths and heroes
    I am going to present the notion ''Myths and heroes'' to you. A myth is a traditional story, or a fiction invented by people. A hero is famous for his exploits. It can be a fictional, a historical or a real character. We will be interested in historical heroes. After, pourquoi after ? the Brexit referendum, Scottish voters overwhelmingly rejected Britain quitting the European Union . This referendum revived a Scottish national identity based on national myths and heroes. We can wonder : How do Scothish myths and heroes participate in the national spirit of defiance ? First, I can deal with myths and heroes in Scotland. Then, i’m going to present the spirit of defiance in Scotland.

    Scotland has many emblems and heroes. Indeed, they made a national identity in Scotland. For instance, in class, we saw the different heroes of Scotland. Robert Burns was a Scotish poet and lyricist. In Scotdland he was a national heroes because he defended the Scotdland's freedom whith the song Scot Wha Hae. This used to be considered Scotland’s national anthem ; now several songs are in contention for that honour. After that we saw the kilt, in class . A kilt, pas de virgule is a garment resembling a knee-length skirt of pleated tartan cloth, traditionally worn by men as part of Scottish Highland dress and now also worn by women and girls. The kilt was banned in 1746 by the English government, because he ce n'est pas une personne is the representation of the loyaulty orthographe to Bonnie Prince Charlie. He wanted to overthrow the English King. Next I will show the Scotish defiance.

    Today, the defiance and the fighting are also found in politics. For example, the independence of Scotland. To explain that, I've chosen a propaganda video named "Yes, Scotland", made by the Scottish Nationalist Party in 2014. The title refers to the referendum of the 18th September 2014 which asked to the citizens : « Should Scotland be an independent country? ». It means that there is a fracture between people who want to stay Brittish un seul t, ma faute and others who want to become independent country .That shows the Scothish defiance today. The Scots have been defying the English for centuries and they are still defying them today. For example, William Wallace had speech abilities that galavanized un "a" de trop the troops and Mhairi Black, the youngest MP of all times gave a first speech and impressed the Parliament by her strong will and heir feistiness.

    The Scots are proud of their culture and history. Their spirit of defiance has been a driving force so far. Will this one be enough for the nation to gets its independence back ?

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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