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    Correction/oral Bac

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Correction/oral Bac
    Message de david93 posté le 29-04-2019 à 15:07:27 (S | E | F)
    je passe le Bac "oral" d anglais et j'aimerais être corrigé s'il vous plait car mon niveau en anglais n'est pas génial.
    Merci pour votre aide.

    Hello, I’m going to speak about the notion ‘’Places and Forms of power’’. Indeed in politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-power which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.

    There are three kinds of power, first, there is the power of propaganda. We studied the text ’’Mc carthysm or the witch Hunt’’. It’s happened in 1950s, indeed an obscure senator Joseph Mc Carthy announced that he had drawn a secret list of 205 officials in the US state department whowere members of the communist party. In that list, there were a famour actor like charlie chaplin, an american writter like arthur miller and scientists such as the rosenburg. After 4 terrible years, Mc carthy was proved to be a liar and was banned from all political life.

    Mc carthy period remained as an era known for its anti-communism, racism and anti-semitism.

    The political effect of Mc carthysm was to reinforce the two party system.

    Then we studied the text ‘’Village of fear’’. it’s talked about abigail who was talking with her uncle Parris. In fact,

    a rumor of witchcraft was all about. But abigail said that she was dancing with betty in the forest, and when her uncle leaped out of the bush, betty was frightened and she fainted. She said that she nerver conjured spirits.

    This text refer to Mc carthysm period, indeed, Mc carthysm did a ‘’witch hunt’’.

    Then there is the power of money, in class, we watched a video, the name was’’student discontent’’, indeed, this video was about the anger of the students in London.

    Indeed, they protested with violence against the britain government about the college tuition. In fact in england, if you want to go to University, you have to got a job for pay schoolfees and taxes. It’s a nonsence for te students.

    Next, we studied the text ‘’Teenagers debate’’. It’s talked about the question’’For or against the rise of tuition fees ?’’.We read two opinions of two differents students.

    Indeed,the first student Emilie felt this was bad because she thought that a degree will become a reflection of moneyrather than of people’s effort, commitment and hardword. For her, more affluent areas of society will be subsequently given an education at no real cost to themselves.

    Then for James, the rise of tuition fees is very advantagous if we want to produce some of the world’s foremost experts accross a range of fields. For that, we have to increase the university budget. For him, it’s very important if we want to be paid better.

    Eventually, there are the American constitution, that is to say the power of arms.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 30-04-2019 08:32

    Réponse : Correction/oral Bac de gerold, postée le 29-04-2019 à 18:02:35 (S | E)

    Hello, I’m going to speak about the notion ‘’Places and Forms of power’’. Indeed in politics and social science, power is the ability to influence people’s behaviour. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-power which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it.

    There are three kinds of power, first, there is the power of propaganda. We studied the text ’’Mc carthysm Mccarthyism (un seul mot) or the witch Hunt’’. It’s happened prétérit in the 1950s, indeed an obscure senator Joseph Mc Carthy un seul mot, mais avec une majuscule à l'intérieur announced that he had drawn a secret list of 205 officials in the US state department whowere members of the communist party. In that list, there were a famour mal écrit actor like charlie chaplin nom propre, donc majuscules, an american majuscule writter mal écrit like arthur miller and scientists such as the rosenburg Rosenberg. After 4 terrible years, Mc carthy was proved to be a liar and was banned from all political life.

    Mc carthy period remained as an era known for its anti-communism, racism and anti-semitism.

    The political effect of Mc carthysm was to reinforce the two party system.

    Then we studied the text ‘’Village of fear’’. it’s talked prétérit et un autre verbe conviendrait mieux about abigail who was talking with her uncle Parris. In fact,

    a rumor of witchcraft was all about. But abigail said that she was dancing with betty in the forest, and when her uncle leaped out of the bush, betty was frightened and she fainted. She said that she nerver mal écrit conjured spirits.

    This text refer conjugaison to Mccarthyism period, indeed, Mc carthysm did a ‘’witch hunt’’.

    Then there is the power of money, in class, we watched a video, the dont le nom name was’’student discontent’’, indeed, this video was about the anger of the students in London.

    Indeed, they protested with violence against the britain majuscule government about the college tuition. In fact in england, if you want to go to University, you have to got a job for pay après une préposition, il faut la forme en -ing schoolfees and taxes. It’s a nonsence mal écrit for te students.

    Next, we studied the text ‘’Teenagers debate’’. It’s talked prétérit et autre verbe about the question’’For or against the rise of tuition fees ?’’.We read two opinions of two differents les adjectifs sont invariables students.

    Indeed,the first student Emilie felt this was bad because she thought that a degree will become be more a reflection ?? of moneyrather than of people’s effort, commitment and hardword. For her, more affluent areas of society will be subsequently given an education at no real cost to themselves je ne comprends pas l'idée.

    Then for James, the rise of tuition fees is very advantagous mal écrit if we want to produce some of the world’s foremost experts accross a range of fields. For that, we have qui est "we"? faites plutôt une phrase passive to increase the university budget. For him, it’s very important if we want to be paid better.

    Eventually, there are erreur d'accord the American constitution, that is to say the power of arms. Cette dernière phrase n'a pas beaucoup d'intérêt, ou alors il faudrait développer

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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