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    The missing vowels /330

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    The missing vowels /330
    Message de marit64 posté le 08-01-2020 à 22:29:37 (S | E | F)

    Thank you very much for your nice wishes.

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    Since Holidays are over, this week the number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

    1- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. ..... (s w k h) 1

    2- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. ..... (m t s p) 1

    3- A container in which drinks can be carried. ..... (k l f s)

    4- To spoil or damage (enjoyment, beauty etc) ..... (m r) 1

    5- A little wave or movement on the surface of water. ..... (p p r l) 2

    6- Awkward in movement etc. ..... (m c s l) 2

    7- To flow in small amounts. ..... (k t l r c) 2

    8- A drinking-cup with a thin stem. ..... (b g l t) 2

    9- To sound the horn of a car etc. ..... (t h)

    10- A fairly exact copy (of a piece of clothing) attached to the inside to help keep its shape etc. ..... (g l n n)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels /330 de flowermusic, postée le 08-01-2020 à 23:08:30 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    That's my try

    1- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. ..... (s w k h) 1 whisk

    2- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. ..... (m t s p) 1 stump

    3- A container in which drinks can be carried. ..... (k l f s) flask

    4- To spoil or damage (enjoyment, beauty etc) ..... (m r) 1 mar

    5- A little wave or movement on the surface of water. ..... (p p l r) 2 ripple

    6- Awkward in movement etc. ..... (m c s l) 2 clumsy

    7- To flow in small amounts. ..... (k t l r c) 2 trickle

    8- A drinking-cup with a thin stem. ..... (b g l t) 2 goblet

    9- To sound the horn of a car etc. ..... (t h) hoot

    10- A fairly exact copy (of a piece of clothing) attached to the inside to help keep its shape etc. ..... (g l n n) 2 lining

    Have a sweet sweet week

    salut au groupe qui s'étoffe à nouveau : coucou sanna

    Réponse : The missing vowels /330 de daisy50, postée le 09-01-2020 à 04:31:56 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    Here's my try :

    1- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. ... WHISK

    2- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. ... STUMP

    3- A container in which drinks can be carried. ... FLASK

    4- To spoil or damage (enjoyment, beauty etc) .... MAR

    5- A little wave or movement on the surface of water. ... RIPPLE

    6- Awkward in movement etc. ... CLUMSY

    7- To flow in small amounts. ..... TRICKLE

    8- A drinking-cup with a thin stem. .. GOBLET

    9- To sound the horn of a car etc. .... HOOT

    10- A fairly exact copy (of a piece of clothing) attached to the inside to help keep its shape etc. ... LINING

    Thanks again Marit for this new exercise. Today, it was easy! Have an excellent week!

    Coucou Flowermusic, je devais déjà dormir quand tu postais ton exercice, j'étais vannée hier soir!

    Un grand coucou également à Chocolatcitron, Swan et Sanna. Bonne semaine à toutes!

    Réponse : The missing vowels /330 de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-01-2020 à 06:35:23 (S | E)
    The missing vowels - 330 de marit64 posté le 08-01-2020 à 22:29:37
    Hello my dear Marit, thanks!
    Hello Daisy, Flowermusic, Sanna, Swan !
    Hi Everybody!

    Here is my work:
    1- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. (s w k h) 1 whisk = emmener rapidement, en escapade amoureuse, débarrasser en deux temps trois mouvements.
    2- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. (m t s p) 1 stump = moignon, souche.
    3- A container in which drinks can be carried. (k l f s) flask = gourde, fiole, thermos.
    4- To spoil or damage (enjoyment, beauty etc.) (m r) 1 mar = gâcher, gâter.
    5- A little wave or movement on the surface of water. (p p r l) 2 ripple = ondulation, ride, clapotis.
    6- Awkward in movement etc. (m c s l) 2 clumsy = maladroit, pataud.
    7- To flow in small amounts. (k t l r c) 2 trickle = couler goutte à goutte, dégouliner.
    8- A drinking-cup with a thin stem. (b g l t) 2 goblet = verre à pied.
    9- To sound the horn of a car etc. (t h) hoot = klaxonner.
    10- A fairly exact copy (of a piece of clothing) attached to the inside to help keep its shape etc. (g l n n) 2 lining = doublure.

    Have a very sweet week, each of You!
    See you soon.

    Réponse : The missing vowels /330 de swan85, postée le 12-01-2020 à 21:36:32 (S | E)

    Hello Marit

    Thank you for this new exercise.

    1- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. WHISK (s w k h) 1
    2- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. STUMP (m t s p) 1
    3- A container in which drinks can be carried. FLASK (k l f s)
    4- To spoil or damage (enjoyment, beauty etc) MAR (m r) 1
    5- A little wave or movement on the surface of water. RIPPLE (p p r l) 2
    6- Awkward in movement etc. CLUMSY (m c s l) 2
    7- To flow in small amounts. TRICKLE (k t l r c) 2
    8- A drinking-cup with a thin stem. GOBLET (b g l t) 2
    9- To sound the horn of a car etc. HOOT (t h)
    10- A fairly exact copy (of a piece of clothing) attached to the inside to help keep its shape etc. LINING (g l n n) 2

    Bonsoir et bonne semaine à vous tous.

    Réponse : The missing vowels /330 de sanna6, postée le 12-01-2020 à 21:39:55 (S | E)
    Hello !

    Thank you Marit for this new Missing Vowels

    1- To sweep, or cause to move, rapidly. ..... (s w k h) 1 To whisk - Fouetter / Battre

    2- The part of a limb, tooth, pencil etc remaining after the main part has been cut or broken off, worn away etc. ..... (m t s p) 1 Stump - Chicot / Extrémité

    3- A container in which drinks can be carried. ..... (k l f s) Flasks - Gourde

    4- To spoil or damage (enjoyment, beauty etc) ..... (m r) 1 To mar - Gâcher

    5- A little wave or movement on the surface of water. ..... (p p r l) 2 Ripple - Clapotis

    6- Awkward in movement etc. ..... (m c s l) 2 Clumsy - Maladroit

    7- To flow in small amounts. ..... (k t l r c) 2 To trickle - Goutter

    8- A drinking-cup with a thin stem. ..... (b g l t) 2 Goblet - Coupe

    9- To sound the horn of a car etc. ..... (t h) To hoot - Klaxonner

    10- A fairly exact copy (of a piece of clothing) attached to the inside to help keep its shape etc. ..... (g l n n) 2Lining - Doublure

    I wish all of you a very nice week !

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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