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    Expression écrite/Biopic

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    Expression écrite/Biopic
    Message de fannyb posté le 18-11-2020 à 13:45:49 (S | E | F)
    nous devions présenter ainsi que donner notre avis sur le film Rocket man de 2019.
    Pouvez-vous m’indiquer s’il y a des erreurs s’il vous plaît ?
    Merci pour vos réponses.


    The biopic we have chosen is entitled Rocketman. It was released the first time the 22nd of may 2019 and directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Lee Hall. The main actor is Elton John payed by Taron Egerton. Rocketman is a biographical musical film which deals with the life of British musician Elton John.

    The characters are Reginald Dwight says Elton John who will become a successful pop star. His parents are Sheila Eileen payed by Bryce Dallas Howard and Stanley interpreted by Steven Mackintosh. Elton composes music written by Bernie Taupin performed by Jamie Bell. Afterwards, they will become best friends. On the other hand, Elton had a complicated liaison with his manager John Reid interpreted by Richard madden.

    Firs of all, The film traces the metamorphosis of Reginald Dwight, a shy young pianist prodigy, into a global superstar. The story begin when Elton John is with the Alcoholics Anonymous, he speaks about his life. At the beginning, we saw him when he was little with his family. He is in a complicated situation, his mom is very naughty with him and his dad is without heart. Redginald had a difficult childhood, unloved by his family, he takes refuge in music. He starts to take piano lesson and he became fast a very good pianist. After several years, Reginald took the stage name Elton John and he mets for the first time Bernie Taupin who become the lyricist of Reginald. Furthermore, Elton John started his solo career. Thereafter, he will signs a contract and go on stage solo for his first time and it will be a big success ! Subsequently, he will be one of the most famous pop-star. He mets a boy and he is fall in love to him but this man just wanted to became the manager of Elton to make money. Thus after understanding that, Elton falls into alcohol, drugs and sex and will have a lot of trouble getting out and will finish in the hospital. But one day, during a concert, he decided to stop this life which no longer made him happy. Currently, he lives with his boyfriend and his two children.

    We chose this biopic because we already knew the music of Elton John, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. So it's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that can endure certain stars who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world.
    Moreover, the young Reginald from a small provincial town reach to become a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get up .

    Modifié par lucile83 le 18-11-2020 15:26

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de fannyb, postée le 18-11-2020 à 17:43:31 (S | E)
    Bonjour, j’ai retravaillé mon texte il y a t il encore des erreurs ?

    The biopic we have chosen is entitled Rocketman. It was released the first time the 22nd of may 2019 and directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Lee Hall. The main actor is Elton John payed by Taron Egerton. Rocketman is a biographical musical film which deals with the life of British musician Elton John.

    The characters are Reginald Dwight says Elton John who will become a successful pop star. His parents are Sheila Eileen payed by Bryce Dallas Howard and Stanley interpreted by Steven Mackintosh. Elton composes music written by Bernie Taupin performed by Jamie Bell. Afterwards, they will become best friends. On the other hand, Elton had a complicated liaison with his manager John Reid interpreted by Richard Madden.

    Firs of all, the film traces the metamorphosis of Reginald Dwight, a shy young pianist prodigy, into a global superstar. The story begins when Elton John is with the Alcoholics Anonymous, he speaks about his life. At the beginning, we saw him when he was little with his family. He is in a complicated situation, his mom is very naughty with him and his dad is heartless . Redginald had a difficult childhood, unloved by his family, he takes refuge in music. He starts to take piano lesson and he became fast a very good pianist. After several years, Reginald took the stage name Elton John and he met for the first time Bernie Taupin who becomes the lyricist of Reginald. Furthermore, Elton John started his solo career. Thereafter, he will sign a contract and go on stage solo for his first time and it will be a big success ! Subsequently, he will be one of the most famous pop-star. He meets a boy and he falls in love with, him but this man just wanted to become the manager of Elton to make money. Thus after understanding that, Elton falls into alcohol, drugs and sex and will have a lot of trouble getting out and will finish in the hospital. But one day, during a concert, he decided to stop this life which no longer made him happy. Currently, he lives with his boyfriend and his two children.

    We chose this biopic because we already knew the music of Elton John, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. So it's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that can endure certain stars who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world.
    Moreover, the young Reginald from a small provincial town reach to become a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get up .

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de gerondif, postée le 18-11-2020 à 22:29:53 (S | E)
    erreurs en bleu
    vous mélangez les présents et les prétérits, et ce n'est pas bon. Il faudrait une unité de temps dans ce texte. Bon, les biographies wikipedia utisent un présent de narration historique qui n'existe pas en anglais.
    Tous les présents ou les futurs qui suivent un texte commencé au prétérit ne vont pas.

    The biopic we have chosen is entitled Rocketman. It was released for the first time on the 22nd of May 2019 and directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Lee Hall. The main actor is Elton John played by Taron Egerton. Rocketman is a biographical musical film which deals with/is about the life of British musician Elton John.

    The characters are Reginald Dwight says'A.K.A., also known as) Elton John who will become a successful pop star. His parents are Sheila Eileen played by Bryce Dallas Howard and Stanley interpreted by Steven Mackintosh. Elton composes music written by Bernie Taupin performed by Jamie Bell. Afterwards, they will become best friends. On the other hand, Elton had(rupture de temps après tous ces présents) a complicated liaison with his manager John Reid interpreted by Richard Madden.

    First of all, the film traces the metamorphosis of Reginald Dwight, a shy young pianist prodigy, into a global superstar. The story begins when Elton John is with the Alcoholics Anonymous, he speaks about his life. At the beginning, we saw(présent simple) him when he was little with his family. He is in a complicated situation, his mom is very naughty with him and his dad is heartless . Reginald had a difficult childhood, unloved by his family, he takes (temps)refuge in music. He starts to take piano lessons and he quickly became (temps)fast a very good pianist. After several years, Reginald took the stage name Elton John and he met for the first time Bernie Taupin who becomes(qui devait devenir) the lyricist of(maladroit) Reginald. Furthermore, Elton John started his solo career. Thereafter, he will sign a contract and go on stage solo for his first time and it will be a big success ! Subsequently, he will be one of the most famous pop-stars. He meets a boy and he falls in love with him but this man just wanted to become the manager of(maladroit, apprenez le génitf en 's) Elton to make money. Thus after understanding that, Elton falls into alcohol, drugs and sex and will have a lot of trouble getting out of it and will finish in at the hospital. But one day, during a concert, he decided(temps) to stop this life which no longer made him happy. Currently, he lives with his boyfriend and his two children.

    We chose this biopic because we already knew the music of(maladroit) Elton John, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. So it's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that can endure certain stars(à placer devant can) who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world.
    Moreover, the young Reginald from a small provincial town reach to (construction, mauvais choix de verbe)become a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get up (se lever du lit ??).

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de fannyb, postée le 18-11-2020 à 23:23:59 (S | E)
    Bonsoir merci de votre correction ainsi vous me conseillerez plutôt de tout mettre au prétérit ? J’ai essayé de faire une nouvelle version du texte en parlant de son enfance au passé puis après de passer au présent cela est t il juste ?

    The biopic we have chosen is entitled Rocketman. It was released for the first time on the 22nd of May 2019, directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Lee Hall. The main actor is Elton John played by Taron Egerton. Rocketman is a biographical musical film which deals with the life of British musician Elton John.

    The characters are Reginald Dwight know as Elton John who will become a successful pop star. His parents are Sheila Eileen payed by Bryce Dallas Howard and Stanley interpreted by Steven Mackintosh. Elton composes music written by Bernie Taupin performed by Jamie Bell. Afterwards, they will become best friends. On the other hand, Elton had a complicated liaison with his manager John Reid interpreted by Richard madden.

    First of all, The film traces the metamorphosis of Reginald Dwight, a shy young pianist prodigy, from a global superstar. The story begins when Elton John is with the Alcoholics Anonymous, he speaks about his life. Thus, Elton tells his childhood story when he was with his family. In fact, he was in a complicated situation because his mom was very mean and his dad was heartless with him. Redginald had a difficult childhood, since unloved by his family. That’s why he took refuge in music. He started taking piano lessons and quickly became a very good pianist. After several years, Reginald takes the stage name Elton John and he meets for the first time Bernie Taupin who will become his lyricist. Furthermore, Elton John starts his solo career. Thereafter, he signs a contract and go on stage solo for his first time. It will be a huge success ! Subsequently, he is one of the most famous pop-star. Then, he meets a boy who he falls in love with him, but this man just want to become his manager for money. Thus after understanding this, Elton falls into alcohol, drugs and sex and will have a lot of trouble getting out and will finish in hospital. But one day, during a concert, he decides to stop this life which no longer makes him happy and and start all over again. Finally, we learn that the real Elton John lives peacefully with his boyfriend and his two children.

    We chose this biopic because we already knew Elton John’s music, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. It's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that certain stars can endure who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world.
    Moreover, the young Reginald from a small provincial town finally becomes a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get on top.

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de gerondif, postée le 19-11-2020 à 15:17:53 (S | E)
    Erreurs en bleu, corrections ou ajouts en vert
    The biopic we have chosen is entitled Rocketman. It was released for the first time on the 22nd of May 2019, directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Lee Hall. The main actor is Elton John played by Taron Egerton. Rocketman is a biographical musical film which deals with the life of British musician Elton John.

    The characters are Reginald Dwight known as Elton John who will become a successful pop star. His parents are Sheila Eileen payed(payée par ou jouée par ??) by Bryce Dallas Howard and Stanley is interpreted by Steven Mackintosh. Elton composes music written by Bernie Taupin performed by Jamie Bell. Afterwards, they will become best friends. On the other hand, Elton had a complicated liaison with his manager John Reid interpreted by Richard Madden.

    First of all, The film traces the metamorphosis of Reginald Dwight, a shy young pianist prodigy, from (soit vous dites : a metamorphosis from a shy young man to a superstar, soit vous dites : the metampophosis of Reginald...into a superstar)a global superstar. The story begins when Elton John is with the Alcoholics Anonymous, he speaks about his life. Thus, Elton tells his childhood story when he was with his family. In fact, he was in a complicated situation because his mom was very mean and his dad was heartless with him. Redginald had a difficult childhood, since/as he was unloved by his family. That’s why he took refuge in music. He started taking piano lessons and quickly became a very good pianist.'là, il faudrait continuer au prétérit, le présent tombe commeun cheveu sur la soupe) After several years, Reginald takes the stage name Elton John and he meets for the first time Bernie Taupin who will become his lyricist. Furthermore, Elton John starts his solo career. Thereafter, he signs a contract and go on stage solo for his first time. It will be a huge success ! Subsequently, he is one of the most famous pop-stars(pluriel). Then, he meets a boy who he falls in love with him, but this man just want(le s du présent) to become his manager for money. Thus after understanding this, Elton falls into alcohol, drugs and sex and will have a lot of trouble ( a hard time) getting out and will finish(end up) in hospital. But one day, during a concert, he decides to stop this life which no longer makes him happy and and to start all over again. Finally, we learn that the real Elton John lives peacefully with his boyfriend and his two children.

    We chose this biopic because we already knew Elton John’s music, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. It's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that certain stars can endure (à placer derrière la relative)who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world.
    Moreover, the young Reginald from a small provincial town finally becomes a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get on top.

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de fannyb, postée le 19-11-2020 à 18:14:42 (S | E)
    Bonjour , Merci beaucoup gérondif de m’avoir corrigée ainsi j’ai mis les verbes du troisième paragraphe au prétérit et également remplacé will par would. Remplacer will était une bonne idée ?

    The biopic we have chosen is entitled Rocketman. It was released for the first time on the 22nd of May 2019, directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Lee Hall. The main actor is Elton John played by Taron Egerton. Rocketman is a biographical musical film which deals with the life of British musician Elton John.

    The characters are Reginald Dwight known as Elton John who will become a successful pop star. His parents are Sheila Eileen played by Bryce Dallas Howard and Stanley is interpreted by Steven Mackintosh. Elton composes music written by Bernie Taupin performed by Jamie Bell. Afterwards, they will become best friends. On the other hand, Elton had a complicated liaison with his manager John Reid interpreted by Richard Madden.

    First of all, the film traces the metamorphosis of Reginald Dwight, a shy young pianist prodigy, into a global superstar. The story begins when Elton John is with the Alcoholics Anonymous, he speaks about his life. Thus, Elton tells his childhood story when he was with his family. In fact, he was in a complicated situation because his mom was very mean and his dad was heartless with him. Reginald had a difficult childhood, as he was unloved by his family. That’s why he took refuge in music. He started taking piano lessons and quickly became a very good pianist. After several years, Reginald took the stage name Elton John and he met for the first time Bernie Taupin who would become his lyricist. Furthermore, Elton John started his solo career. Thereafter, he signed a contract and went on stage solo for his first time. It would be a huge success ! Subsequently, he was one of the most famous pop-stars. Then, he met a boy who he fell in love with him, but this man just wanted to become his manager for money. Thus after understanding this, Elton fell into alcohol, drugs and sex and would have a lot of hard time getting out and would end up in hospital. But one day, during a concert, he decided to stop this life which no longer made him happy and to start all over again. Finally, we learnt that the real Elton John lived peacefully with his boyfriend and his two children.

    We chose this biopic because we already knew Elton John’s music, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. It's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that can endure certain stars who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world.
    Moreover, the young Reginald from a small provincial town finally becomes a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get on top.

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de fannyb, postée le 20-11-2020 à 13:34:24 (S | E)
    Bonjour, would est bien le prétérit de will ?

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de gerondif, postée le 20-11-2020 à 17:15:46 (S | E)
    The biopic we have chosen is entitled Rocketman. It was released for the first time on the 22nd of May 2019, directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Lee Hall. The main actor(le personnage principal ! the main character) is Elton John played by Taron Egerton (c'est lui, l'acteur). Rocketman is a biographical musical film which deals with the life of British musician Elton John.

    The characters are Reginald Dwight known as Elton John who will become a successful pop star. His parents are Sheila Eileen played by Bryce Dallas Howard and Stanley is interpreted by Steven Mackintosh. Elton composes music written by Bernie Taupin performed by Jamie Bell. Afterwards, they will become best friends. On the other hand, Elton had a complicated liaison with his manager John Reid interpreted by Richard Madden.

    First of all, the film traces (describes) the metamorphosis of Reginald Dwight, a shy young pianist prodigy, into a global superstar. The story begins when Elton John is with the Alcoholics Anonymous, he speaks about his life. Thus, Elton tells his childhood story when he was with his family. In fact, he was in a complicated situation because his mom was very mean and his dad was heartless with him. Reginald had a difficult childhood, as he was unloved by his family. That’s why he took refuge in music. He started taking piano lessons and quickly became a very good pianist. After several years, Reginald took the stage name Elton John and he met for the first time Bernie Taupin who would become his lyricist. Furthermore, Elton John started his solo career. Thereafter, he signed a contract and went on stage solo for his first time. It would was to be a huge success ! Subsequently, he was one of the most famous pop-stars. Then, he met a boy who he fell in love with him,(à supprimer) but this man just wanted to become his manager for money. Thus after understanding this, Elton fell into alcohol, drugs and sex. He would have had a lot of hard time getting out of them and ended up in hospital. But one day, during a concert, he decided to stop this life which no longer made him happy and to start all over again. Finally, we learnt(à mettre au présent= that the real Elton John lived peacefully with his boyfriend and his two children.

    We chose this biopic because we already knew Elton John’s music, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. It's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that can endure(à placer derrière stars) certain stars who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world.
    Moreover(pourquoi dire "de plus" alors que vous avez déjà parlé de cela plusieurs fois ? Ce n'est pas un fait nouveau), the young Reginald from a small provincial town finally becomes a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get on top.

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de fannyb, postée le 21-11-2020 à 00:23:28 (S | E)

    The biopic we have chosen is entitled Rocketman. It was released for the first time on the 22nd of May 2019, directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Lee Hall. The main character is Elton John played by Taron Egerton (c'est lui, l'acteur/ oui c'est bien lui). Rocketman is a biographical musical film which deals with the life of British musician Elton John.

    The characters are Reginald Dwight known as Elton John who will become a successful pop star. His parents are Sheila Eileen played by Bryce Dallas Howard and Stanley is interpreted by Steven Mackintosh. Elton composes music written by Bernie Taupin performed by Jamie Bell. Afterwards, they will become best friends. On the other hand, Elton had a complicated liaison with his manager John Reid interpreted by Richard Madden.

    First of all, the film describes the metamorphosis of Reginald Dwight, a shy young pianist prodigy, into a global superstar. The story begins when Elton John is with the Alcoholics Anonymous, he speaks about his life. Thus, Elton tells his childhood story when he was with his family. In fact, he was in a complicated situation because his mom was very mean and his dad was heartless with him. Reginald had a difficult childhood, as he was unloved by his family. That’s why he took refuge in music. He started taking piano lessons and quickly became a very good pianist. After several years, Reginald took the stage name Elton John and he met for the first time Bernie Taupin who would become his lyricist. Furthermore, Elton John started his solo career. Thereafter, he signed a contract and went on stage solo for his first time. It was to be a huge success ! Subsequently, he was one of the most famous pop-stars. Then, he met a boy who he fell in love with, but this man just wanted to become his manager for money. Thus after understanding this, Elton fell into alcohol, drugs and sex. He would have had a lot of hard time getting out of them and ended up in hospital. But one day, during a concert, he decided to stop this life which no longer made him happy and to start all over again. Finally, we learn that the real Elton John lived peacefully with his boyfriend and his two children.

    We chose this biopic because we already knew Elton John’s music, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. It's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that certain can endure stars who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world. Similarly, the young Reginald from a small provincial town finally becomes a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get on top.

    Réponse : Expression écrite/Biopic de fannyb, postée le 22-11-2020 à 13:09:43 (S | E)
    Bonjour, je n’avais pas bien compris pour le "can endure" à placer derrière stars, je remodifie tout cela

    We chose this biopic because we already knew Elton John’s music, which we found very poetic and we wanted to know a little more about the history of this pop star. It's a very inspiring story. This biopic denounces all the pressure that certain stars can endure who have an idealised life in the eyes of the world. Similarly, the young Reginald from a small provincial town finally becomes a world star. This film proves that nothing is impossible and that despite many obstacles we can always get on top.

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