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    The missing vowels/382

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    The missing vowels/382
    Message de marit64 posté le 20-01-2021 à 22:16:53 (S | E | F)

    Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

    The number of vowels is given in 7 out of 10 answers.

    1- Short and fat; dumpy. ..... (q t s) 2

    2- A stretch of river not in the main stream. ..... (w c r k t b) 3

    3- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. ..... (r p g) 2

    4- A dull sound like that of something heavy falling to the ground. ..... (h d t) 1

    5- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. ..... (l h m) 1

    6- (Of children, young animals etc) to play happily. ..... (l f c r) 2

    7- A synonym of "fast or quick". ..... (f w t s)

    8- (A feeling of) very great joy or other overwhelming emotion. ..... (t c s s)

    9- To move suddenly or unevenly forward; to roll to one side. ..... (c l h r) 1

    10- A holy or sacred place. ..... (n s h r)

    Good luck and have fun!

    Have a great week and stay safe!

    So long

    Réponse : The missing vowels/382 de flowermusic, postée le 20-01-2021 à 23:05:46 (S | E)
    hello dear Marit

    That's my try :

    1- Short and fat; dumpy. ..... (q t s) 2 squat

    2- A stretch of river not in the main stream. ..... (w c r k t b) 3 backwater

    3- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. ..... (r p g) 2 grope

    4- A dull sound like that of something heavy falling to the ground. ..... (h d t) 1 thud

    5- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. ..... (l h m) 1 helm

    6- (Of children, young animals etc) to play happily. ..... (l f c r) 2 frolic

    7- A synonym of "fast or quick". ..... (f w t s) swift

    8- (A feeling of) very great joy or other overwhelming emotion. ..... (t c s s) ecstasy

    9- To move suddenly or unevenly forward; to roll to one side. ..... (c l h r) 1 lurch

    10- A holy or sacred place. ..... (n s h r) shrine

    Have a sweet sweet week

    ET grand salut à la fine équipe

    Réponse : The missing vowels/382 de swan85, postée le 21-01-2021 à 18:49:04 (S | E)


    1- Short and fat; dumpy. SQUAT (q t s) 2
    2- A stretch of river not in the main stream. BACKWATER (w c r k t b) 3
    3- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. GROPE (r p g) 2
    4- A dull sound like that of something heavy falling to the ground. THUD (h d t) 1
    5- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. HELM (l h m) 1
    6- (Of children, young animals etc) to play happily. FROLIC (l f c r) 2
    7- A synonym of "fast or quick". SWIFT (f w t s)
    8- (A feeling of) very great joy or other overwhelming emotion. ECSTASY (t c s s)
    9- To move suddenly or unevenly forward; to roll to one side. LURCH (c l h r) 1
    10- A holy or sacred place. SHRINE (n s h r)

    Thank you Marit for this new exercise.

    Nice week to all of you.

    See you.

    Réponse : The missing vowels/382 de chocolatcitron, postée le 21-01-2021 à 23:46:44 (S | E)
    The missing vowels/382
    Message de marit64 posté le 20-01-2021 à 22:16:53 (S | E | F)
    Hello my dear Marit, thanks!
    Hello Flowermusic, Swan85, and Sanna!
    Hi Everybody!

    Here is my work:
    1- Short and fat; dumpy. (q t s) 2 squat = courtaud.
    2- A stretch of river not in the main stream. (w c r k t b) 3 backwater = en rase campagne.
    3- To search for something by feeling with one's hands. (r p g) 2 grope = tâtonner.
    4- A dull sound like that of something heavy falling to the ground. (h d t) 1 thud = bruit sourd.
    5- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. (l h m) 1 helm = la barre, le gouvernail.
    6- (Of children, young animals etc) to play happily. (l f c r) 2 frolic = batifoler, gambader.
    7- A synonym of "fast or quick". (f w t s) swift = un martinet (oiseau = "apus-apus").
    8- (A feeling of) very great joy or other overwhelming emotion. (t c s s) ecstasies = extase.
    9- The wheel or handle by which a ship is steered. (c l h r) 1 lurch = une embardée ???
    10- A holy or sacred place. (n s h r) shrine = lieu saint.

    Good luck and have fun!
    Have a sweet week and stay safe!
    See you soon.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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