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    Correction/lettre motivation

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    Correction/lettre motivation
    Message de lakota13 posté le 23-01-2021 à 16:50:40 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous!
    Je dois faire une lettre de motivation en anglais pour un erasmus en Italie,
    si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider avec les fautes, ce serait très gentil,
    merci beaucoup !


    My name is Marie, I’m a 22 years old student. I did some research on the different opportunities proposed for the odontologist students at the University of Paris to continue our studies abroad. My choice fell on “La Sapienza” the University of Roma. I would like to spend a semester at the University of Roma during the first semester of 2021-2022.
    In this context, I have decided to make an apply form for the international mobility program.

    //I’m studing dental surgery in fifth years in the University of Paris// (Je voudrais dire: Je suis actuellement en 5ème année de chirurgie dentaire à l’universite de Paris)

    The French training in Dental surgery is of a good quality, however I think it can be interesting to open my mind with a new culture, see how Italian people deal with dental art and how they take care of their patients. The Italian way to teach dental surgery could bring me some knowledge very complementary to pursue my studies.
    Moreover I love Italian culture, I developed a real interested about this country during my different travels. In deed I had the chance to visit several towns: I went to Genova, and did a road trip in Sicily with my parents. I also did a Cruise, traveling around Italy: Roma, Naples, Palerma, Syracusa, Venise,…
    unfortunately, I don’t speak Italian. I learned Spanish and English at school.
    Nevertheless, when I left High school I had a C1 level in English, level that I’m trying to keep with watching series in English, and chatting with my American correspondent.
    In fact when I was 14 I made a school exchange and I went to Boston in an american family for one month. It was very rewarding and I really progressed in English thanks to this trip.
    I welcomed my correspondent few month after for 1 month also, she doesn’t speak French so we used to speak exclusively English and we’re still doing it today.
    I went back to see her few years after during summer 2015, it was such a different experience:
    The first time was during October, we experimented the indian summer, the Halloween party, the Storm Sandy, and the snow. We also have to go to Waring School to have curses with the American students.
    Meanwhile the second time was during summer and holidays, it was a different experience but as memorable as the first time.

    During summer 2014 I also did a linguistic trip in Malta for 2weeks, I went in a Maltese family who was speaking English.
    In addition the fact that the University of Roma is proposed is a real chance for me, in deed I always dreamed to leave a few time in this country and to open myself more than if I it was a short trip.
    I’m now convinced I have the experience and the language skills required to follow and succeed this experiment. Dynamic, voluntary, self-reliant and motivated; Obtaining a place in the Erasmus mobility program will be an exceptional opportunity for me to improve my english and to expand my mind.

    I would welcome the opportunity to discuss further details with you.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 23-01-2021 17:00
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