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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Message de yunvln posté le 16-04-2021 à 15:39:41 (S | E | F)
    j'aurais besoin de vous pour un oral que je passe avant la fin de la semaine, s'il vous plait est-ce que vous pouvez corriger mes fautes ?
    Merci d'avance

    You are accused today, Mr Nicole, of murder.
    Mr EDMOND Jule was found dead at Snowshill, in the middle of a lavender field.
    Several witnesses saw a tattooed man near this field.
    According to one witness, Mr Nicole stayed at the Oat Hill Coach House.
    And then later that night he would have parked at the edge of this field.
    Even without analysis, Mr Nicole, you are still an obvious suspect, you are even the only suspect in this case.
    To summarise:
    Mr Nicole died by strangulation, just after being attacked with a knife.
    A knife that was found at the scene of the crime in spite of you, but we will come back to this later.
    In addition, we discovered that the victim had several bruises and fractures in several places on his body, particularly in his hips and wrists, which suggests that our victim was violently moved in the back of an old car.

    You do own an old red Volvo with the number JK54 YYT Mr Nicole?
    The defendant's response
    And you did stay at the Oat Hill Coach House on the night of 17-18 February 2008?
    The defendant's response
    So it was you that one of our witnesses saw on Buckle St near the lavender field?
    The defendant's response
    So what you're saying is that it was you, but it was just a coincidence, it was a combination of circumstances?
    The defendant's response
    And did you see anything special in this field?
    The defendant's response
    So if I summarize well, you are not from the area, the weekend you come there is a murder and on top of that you find yourself 2 steps away from the victim's body.
    So you confirm you had nothing to do with any of this?
    And you don't see anything special?
    Don't you think that's a lot, Mr Nicole?
    The defendant's response
    Okay so let's get down to the nitty-gritty of our case, Mr. Edmond was brutally murdered, he was first abducted, placed in the trunk of a car, taken to this lavender field and executed.
    Forensic experts therefore studied the crime scene and several analyses emerged.
    The first analysis tells us that the blood found on the murder weapon is that of our victim but what our suspect did not foresee was that Mr Sigmond struggled and injured him, so we were able to establish a genetic profile of this suspect.
    In a second step, small pieces of skin were also found under the fingernails of our victim, and therefore DNA that matched 99.9% of our suspect's blood.
    By matching the police files and the evidence found, we were able to find the identity of our suspect.
    Our only and main suspect is therefore Mr Anthony Nicole, here.
    All the evidence points to you, Mr Nicole.
    It is your blood and DNA that was found at the scene of the crime and in addition to that several people can confirm that you were there at that time
    What do you have to say for yourself?
    The defendant's response
    Do you realise that you have destroyed a man's life, his family's life and that you are facing up to 30 years in prison?
    The defendant's response
    So I leave you in the hands of the judge and jury.

    Réponse : Correction/Oral de gerondif, postée le 16-04-2021 à 18:10:03 (S | E)
    Erreurs en bleu...
    You are accused today, Mr Nicole, of murder. (Mr Nicole, you are accused of murder today (you are charged with murder today)
    Mr EDMOND Jule was found dead at Snowshill, in the middle of a lavender field.
    Several witnesses saw a tattooed man near this field.
    According to one witness, Mr Nicole stayed at the Oat Hill Coach House.
    And then later that night he would have parked at the edge of this field. (ce conditionnel fait français traduit : il se serait garé. Ce temps est peu crédible si on inculpe quelqu'un sur des suppositions)
    Even without analysis, Mr Nicole, you are still an obvious suspect, you are even the only suspect in this case.
    To summarise:
    Mr Nicole died byof strangulation, just after being attacked with a knife.
    A knife that was found at the scene of the crime in spite of you,(quel est le sens de ce "malgré vous "?) but we will come back to this later.
    In addition, we discovered that the victim had several bruises and fractures in several places on his body, particularly in his hips and wrists, which suggests that our victim was violently moved in the back of an old car.

    You do own an old red Volvo with the number JK54 YYT, Mr Nicole?
    The defendant's response (elle est où, sa réponse ? On a l'impression de n'écouter que la moitié d'une communication téléphonique))
    And you did stay at the Oat Hill Coach House on the night of 17-18 February 2008?
    The defendant's response
    So it was you that one of our witnesses saw on Buckle St near the lavender field?
    The defendant's response
    So what you're saying is that it was you, but it was just a coincidence, it was a combination of circumstances?
    The defendant's response
    And did you see anything special in this field?
    The defendant's response
    So if I summarize well,(on entend plutôt dire : If I understand correctly) you are not from the area, on the weekend you come ,there is a murder and on top of that ,you find yourself 2 steps away from(français traduit, à deux pas de. essayez a stone's throw away from) the victim's body.
    So you confirm you had nothing to do with any of this?
    And you don't(plutôt un prétérit, non ?) see anything special?
    Don't you think that's a lot, Mr Nicole? (ne sera sans doute pas compris, vous vouliez dire, ça fait beaucoup it's a bit too much)
    The defendant's response
    Okay so let's get down to the nitty-gritty of our case : Mr. Edmond was brutally murdered, he was first abducted, placed in the trunk of a car, taken to this lavender field and executed.
    Forensic experts therefore studied the crime scene and several analyses emerged.
    The first analysis tells us that the blood found on the murder weapon is that of our victim but what our suspect did not foresee was that Mr Sigmond struggled and injured himself(je suis perdu, qui est-ce ?), so we were able to establish a genetic profile of this suspect.
    In a second step (ne se dit guère), small pieces of skin were also found under the fingernails of our victim, and therefore DNA that matched 99.9% of our suspect's blood.
    By matching the police files and the evidence found, we were able to find the identity of our suspect.
    Our only and main suspect is therefore Mr Anthony Nicole, here.
    All the evidence points to you, Mr Nicole.
    It is your blood and DNA that was found at the scene of the crime and in addition to that, several people can confirm that you were there at that time
    What do you have to say for yourself?
    The defendant's response
    Do you realise that you have destroyed a man's life, his family's life and that you are facing up to 30 years in prison?
    The defendant's response
    So I leave you in the hands of the judge and jury.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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