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    Correction/Live life fully

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    Correction/Live life fully
    Message de emma22 posté le 22-03-2022 à 12:36:01 (S | E | F)
    J'ai essayé d'écrire un texte sur le thème "vivre sa vie pleinement".
    Serait-il possible d'avoir un avis sur ce qui pourrait être amélioré et une éventuelle correction.
    Bonne journée.

    Dear Sir, Madam
    I read your notice in your magazine and found the topic really interesting, so I wanted to express my thoughts about it.
    It is something I have been thinking of, these last few years, and I come to an answer: yes, it is important to live life to the full. But then, what does it truly mean to live life to the full? I think this answer can be different from one to another. For me, I would say it means not having regrets so it could be doing what I like, with who I like but also to be aware of what is around me and enjoying the small things in life. I believe that life is short, and we should not waste our time wondering about everything and calculating every move and every action for the next weeks, months or even years. We should live life for what is it: a chance to discover new things, new places, new people. Indeed, I do believe that regrets are harder to overcome or accept than failures. After a failure it is always possible to come back and to try something new but having regrets about not trying something or not taking an opportunity and losing it will never change. To my mind, some will say it is impossible to live life to the full because we always want more, and we are never satisfied with what we have and I think it is not right because we can still have dreams, wishes or ambition but it should not mean that we are not happy, or we are not feeling satisfied with what we already have. So then, what prevents some people from living to the full? The first element which came to my mind was the fear of disappointment, of taking risk, of leaving things behind to discover more, to travel for example or to start a new business. Also learning something new is not easy at first, it is hard to start, to admit that we do not know everything and that some are better than us in some field and we need time to get better. We will fail at some point, and we will have to start again. Moreover, I think that some people are more interested in the results than the road to get there, the achievement done and that is also why some people will not even try to live to the full as it is maybe harder than just waking up, going to work, and then coming back to a safe place. There is also the economic aspect of life, everything has a price so what is the price of living to the full? Well, about that point I do not think there is one really, it will depend on your aims and your choices. You could choose to live life to the full without being rich but by making decisions that will make you feel satisfied with what you have and without regrets.

    Yours sincerely.

    Réponse : Correction/Live life fully de gerold, postée le 28-03-2022 à 11:53:16 (S | E)
    Bonjour emma22

    Votre texte me semble bien dans l'ensemble, parfois un peu difficile à suivre. Quelques suggestions en vert.

    Dear Sir, Madam
    I read your notice in your magazine and found the topic really interesting, so I wanted to express my thoughts about it.
    It is something I have been thinking of, these last few years, and I come to an answer: yes, it is important to live life to the full. But then, what does it truly mean to live life to the full? I think this answer the answer to this question can be different from one to another. For me, I would say it means not having regrets so it could be doing what I like, with whom I like but also to be being aware of what is around me and enjoying the small things in life. I believe that life is short, and we should not waste our time wondering about everything and calculating every move and every action for the next weeks, months or even years. We should live life for what is it it is (ce n'est pas une question): a chance to discover new things, new places, new people. Indeed, I do believe that regrets are harder to overcome or accept than failures. After a failure it is always possible to come back and to try something new but having regrets about not trying something or not taking an opportunity and losing it will never change autre verbe, peut-être : les regrets ne s'en iront jamais. To my mind, some will say it is impossible to live life to the full because we always want more, and we are never satisfied with what we have and but I think it is not right because we can still have dreams, wishes or ambition but it should not mean that we are not happy, or we are not feeling satisfied with what we already have phrase un peu confuse. So then, what prevents some people from living to the full? The first element which came to my mind was the fear of disappointment, of taking risks (ou a risk), of leaving things behind to discover more, to travel for example or to start a new business. Also learning something new is not easy at first, it is hard to start, to admit that we do not know everything and that some are better than us mieux : than we are in some field and we need time to get better. We will fail at some point, and we will have to start again. Moreover, I think that some people are more interested in the results than in the road to get there, the achievement done and that is also why some people will not even try to live to the full as it is maybe harder than just waking up, going to work, and then coming back to a safe place. There is also the economic aspect of life, everything has a price so what is the price of living to the full? Well, about that point I do not think there is one really, it will depend on your aims and your choices. You could choose to live life to the full without being rich but by making decisions that will make you feel satisfied with what you have and without regrets.

    Yours sincerely. Préférer Yours faithfully quand la lettre commence par Dear Sir, Madam.

    Réponse : Correction/Live life fully de gerondif, postée le 30-03-2022 à 12:27:01 (S | E)
    Je dirais plutôt : doing what(ever) I like, with whoever I like /with anyone I like.
    ... having regrets about not trying something or not taking an opportunity and losing it / will always leave you frustrated/unsatisfied.
    ...having regrets about not trying something or not taking an opportunity and losing it is not going to make things any better.
    Peut-être vouliez-vous dire "ça ne changera jamais" au sens de : C'est une réaction habituelle, on ne peut pas empêcher les gens d'avoir des regrets.
    People can't help having regrets about not trying something or not taking an opportunity and losing it.
    You will never prevent people from having regrets about not trying something or not taking an opportunity and losing it.

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    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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