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    The arrival of rain/help

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais || En bas

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    The arrival of rain/help
    Message de pitou posté le 01-12-2023 à 08:37:52 (S | E | F)
    Bonjour à tous
    Je vous demande s'il vous plaît de me corriger cette traduction de mon texte que j'avais dejà écrit en français
    je vous remercie d'avance.

    The arrival of rain
    I woke very early in this morning to the sound of the thunder. It was wonderful. We had been waiting for this rain for weeks, we even were
    afraid that drought would set in, while others countries were flooded.
    And with the arrival of this rain, the fields will find their vitality, so people will be able to resume their activities. As for me, I will take care
    of my little garden, my little corner of paradise.


    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de sherry48, postée le 01-12-2023 à 16:59:33 (S | E)
    Hello! Not much to correct
    I woke very early in this morning (in the morning but this morning) to the sound of (the) thunder. It was wonderful. We had been waiting for this rain for weeks, we even were afraid that drought would set in, while others countries (adjectives are invariable-they do not agree) were flooded.
    And with the arrival of this rain, the fields will find their vitality, so people will be able to resume their activities. As for me, I will take care
    of my little garden, my little corner of paradise.
    Bonne continuation! Sherry

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de pitou, postée le 01-12-2023 à 17:32:25 (S | E)
    Hello sherry48

    The arrival of rain
    I woke very early in this morning to the sound of thunder. It was wonderful. We had been waiting for this rain for weeks, we even were
    afraid that drought would set in, while other countries were flooded.
    And with the arrival of this rain, the fields will find their vitality, so people will be able to resume their activities. As for me, I will take care
    of my little garden, my little corner of paradise.

    Thank you sherry48 for your correction
    Have a good evening

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de lucile83, postée le 01-12-2023 à 19:00:48 (S | E)

    'early in this morning' ne convient pas; on dira 'early this morning'.
    Sherry l'avait corrigé mais vous avez mal interprété.
    Bonne soirée,

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de pitou, postée le 01-12-2023 à 19:18:56 (S | E)
    Hello sherry48

    The arrival of rain
    I woke very early this morning to the sound of thunder. It was wonderful. We had been waiting for this rain for weeks, we even were
    afraid that drought would set in, while other countries were flooded.
    And with the arrival of this rain, the fields will find their vitality, so people will be able to resume their activities. As for me, I will take care
    of my little garden, my little corner of paradise.

    Tank you again sherry48 and you lucile83

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de lucile83, postée le 01-12-2023 à 20:35:44 (S | E)
    Your text is correct.
    sherry48 will give you her opinion too I think.

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de pitou, postée le 01-12-2023 à 21:59:58 (S | E)

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de sherry48, postée le 02-12-2023 à 19:17:39 (S | E)
    Hello again.
    It looks good, with one small change: 'we were even afraid'.
    We had even been afraid, even is between the auxiliary and the main verb, but we were even afraid, even is after the verb.
    It's a small detail...

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de pitou, postée le 03-12-2023 à 08:16:11 (S | E)
    good morning

    The arrival of rain
    I woke very early this morning to the sound of thunder. It was wonderful. We had been waiting for this rain for weeks, we had even been
    afraid that drought would set in, while other countries were flooded.
    And with the arrival of this rain, the fields will find their vitality, so people will be able to resume their activities. As for me, I will take care
    of my little garden, my little corner of paradise.

    Thank you sherry48
    Have a good day

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de gerondif, postée le 04-12-2023 à 18:43:39 (S | E)
    pour l'idée de "retrouver" leur vitalité.
    The fields will get their vitality back...

    Réponse : The arrival of rain/help de pitou, postée le 04-12-2023 à 20:27:01 (S | E)

    The arrival of rain
    I woke very early this morning to the sound of thunder. It was wonderful. We had been waiting for this rain for weeks, we had even been
    afraid that drought would set in, while other countries were flooded.
    And with the arrival of this rain, the fields will get their vitality back, so people will be able to resume their activities. As for me, I will take care
    of my little garden, my little corner of paradise.

    Je vous remercie
    Passez une magnifique et merveilleuse nuit

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

    Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais : Questions sur l'anglais


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