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    Explore foreign market..
    Message de cecile62200 posté le 19-03-2007 à 15:13:23 (S | E | F | I)

    Hello everybody,

    I was just wondering if you were a client and you received this email, would you be interested in contacting me or is this not attractive enough??
    Besides, my English is not as good as I would like it to be, not fluent enough, and I have a problem of, if you have any advice, don't hesitate to tell me.

    So here it is:

    "Export sales representative at xxx since now one year and a half, I have learnt and still learning this wonderful job of printer, I am now looking for new clients in foreign country and I am specially trying to expand the English business.

    Our manufacture possibilities are as unlimited as diversify and with competitive pricing.

    Please find enclosed a quotation form which can be emailed or faxed back to me and I guarantee you an urgent response.

    By hoping to count you soon among our faithful customers and in the hope of being favoured by your order in which we will bring all our attention."

    If there is any commercial people, could you please help me or give some advice to canvass for new business?

    Many thanks for your help..


    Modifié par lucile83 le 19-03-2007 15:33



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