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    Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'.
    Message de marit64 posté le 25-04-2007 à 23:02:32 (S | E | F | I)

    Find the words beginning with the letter "F".

    1-What do you call a small exploding device giving off a colorful display of lights? ...........
    2-It's the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline; the brow. ...........
    3-A noun meaning the state or condition of being a father. ...........
    4-A thick cloud of moisture or water vapor in the air which makes it difficult to see. ...........
    5-The very end of a finger. ............
    6-An adjective meaning loyal and true; not changing. ............
    7-It's the state of being friends. ............
    8-What do you call the bright light of something burning? ............
    9-If you make up something that is not true (a story, accusation etc) you ........... .
    10-An "F word" meaning the things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. ...........

    Good luck and have fun!
    You'll receive the answers next Wednesday.
    Have a nice week!
    So long

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de mp27, postée le 25-04-2007 à 23:25:33 (S | E)
    Hello marit64!
    1- firework


    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de ariane6, postée le 25-04-2007 à 23:50:57 (S | E)
    Hello marit,
    Thank you!

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de good_doggy, postée le 26-04-2007 à 17:24:56 (S | E)
    Hello everybody,

    1 Firework
    2 Forehead
    3 Fatherhood
    4 Fog
    5 Fingernail, fingertip
    6 Faithful
    7 Friendship
    8 Flame
    9 Falsify, faithless
    10 Furniture

    Thanks a lot Marit.

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de aaya, postée le 27-04-2007 à 12:42:04 (S | E)
    Thank you Mari64
    1-What do you call a small exploding device giving off a colorful display of lights?fire work
    2-It's the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline; the brow. forehead
    3-A noun meaning the state or condition of being a father.fatherhood
    4-A thick cloud of moisture or water vapor in the air which makes it difficult to see. I propose fog ,but iam not sure
    5-The very end of a finger. fingertip
    6-An adjective meaning loyal and true; not changing. faithful
    7-It's the state of being friends. friendship
    8-What do you call the bright light of something burning? flame
    9-If you make up something that is not true (a story, accusation etc) you I choose falsify ,but i am not sure too .
    10-An "F word" meaning the things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. furniture

    Modifié par aaya le 28-04-2007 12:35

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de iry43, postée le 27-04-2007 à 15:51:48 (S | E)
    Hi marit64,

    1. Firework
    2. Forehead
    3. Fatherhood
    4. Fog
    5. Fingertip
    6. Faithful
    7. Friendship
    8. Flame
    9. Fabricate

    Thank you very much marit,
    and have a good weekend, same to you.

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de magstmarc, postée le 27-04-2007 à 16:48:45 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit

    1-What do you call a small exploding device giving off a colorful display of lights? Firework
    2-It's the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline; the brow. forehead
    3-A noun meaning the state or condition of being a father. fatherhood
    4-A thick cloud of moisture or water vapor in the air which makes it difficult to see. fog
    5-The very end of a finger. fingertip
    6-An adjective meaning loyal and true; not changing. faithful
    7-It's the state of being friends. friendship
    8-What do you call the bright light of something burning? flame
    9-If you make up something that is not true (a story, accusation etc) you ...fake ? falsify ? fraud ? .
    10-An "F word" meaning the things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. furniture

    Thanks a lot

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de sandrineg, postée le 27-04-2007 à 19:02:48 (S | E)

    So long


    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de trombone, postée le 27-04-2007 à 20:03:22 (S | E)
    I try :

    1 Fireworks
    2 Forehead
    3 Fatherhood
    4 Fog
    5 Fingernail
    6 Faithful
    7 Friendship
    8 Flame
    9 Fancy


    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de bobine, postée le 30-04-2007 à 09:49:51 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit64,

    1-What do you call a small exploding device giving off a colorful display of lights? a firework
    2-It's the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline; the brow. forehead
    3-A noun meaning the state or condition of being a father. fatherhood
    4-A thick cloud of moisture or water vapor in the air which makes it difficult to see. fog
    5-The very end of a finger. fingernail
    6-An adjective meaning loyal and true; not changing. faithful
    7-It's the state of being friends. friendship
    8-What do you call the bright light of something burning? fire or flame
    9-If you make up something that is not true (a story, accusation etc) you fabricate .
    10-An "F word" meaning the things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. furniture

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de nanette33, postée le 30-04-2007 à 17:57:20 (S | E)
    Hi Marit!

    1-What do you call a small exploding device giving off a colorful display of lights? Firework
    2-It's the part of the face above the eyebrows and below the hairline; the brow. Forehead
    3-A noun meaning the state or condition of being a father. fatherhood
    4-A thick cloud of moisture or water vapor in the air which makes it difficult to see. fog
    5-The very end of a finger. fingertip
    6-An adjective meaning loyal and true; not changing. fair
    7-It's the state of being friends. friendship
    8-What do you call the bright light of something burning? flame
    9-If you make up something that is not true (a story, accusation etc) you falsify.
    10-An "F word" meaning the things in a house etc such as tables, chairs, beds etc. furniture

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'F words 5'. de marit64, postée le 03-05-2007 à 00:26:33 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    I'm really sorry this week because I didn't have enough time to send you a PM. I was on a trip but I realised you worked very hard.

    Here are the answers:
    1-firework (feu d'artifice) 2-forehead (front) 3-fatherhood (paternité)
    4-fog (brouillard) 5-fingertip (bout des doigts) 6-faithful (fidèle)
    7-friendship (amitié) 8-flame (flamme) 9-fabricate (inventer)
    10-furniture (mobilier).

    Thanks a lot for your participation.



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