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    correction d'une presentation orale (1)

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    correction d'une presentation orale
    Message de flyingman posté le 28-05-2007 à 21:28:46

    Bonsoir, je dois passer un entretien(t) d'embauche avec une petite présentation en anglais, j'ai écrit ces quelques lignes au feeling si quelqu'un peut m'aider à les corriger ou les améliorer je vous remercie d'avance

    Good afternoon
    My name is arnaud b.., I am 25, I come from I... near clermont ferrand where I work as aeronautical mechanic for Air France since 2003.
    Before this job, I studied electronic and industrial sciences and technologies in clermont ferand, I passed a two years high level diploma in aeronautical materials maintenance and operation in Morlaix .
    I obtained the private pilot licence in 2004 and the theoretical air transport pilot licence in 2006 by distance learning during weekend and holidays.
    I took 6 months of holidays the latest winter to obtain the commercial pilot licence and my instruments and multicrew rating at Airways flight school.
    I like driving sports like glider, motocross, mountainbike, karting
    I like travel and also music but just listening, I don’t play music

    Modifié par felin le 28-05-2007 21:41

    Modifié par lucile83 le 18-04-2010 08:32

    Réponse: correction d'une presentation orale de micka, postée le 28-05-2007 à 21:43:43

    My name is arnaud b.., I am 25, I come from I... near clermont ferrand where I work (temps incorrect) as (manque un petit mot) aeronautical mechanic for Air France since 2003.
    Before this job, I studied electronic and industrial sciences and technologies in clermont ferrand, I passed a two years high level diploma in aeronautical materials maintenance and operation in Morlaix .
    I obtained the private pilot licence in 2004 and the theoretical air transport pilot licence in 2006 by distance learning during weekend and holidays.
    I took 6 months of holidays the latest winter to obtain the commercial pilot licence and my instruments and multicrew rating at Airways flight school.
    I like driving sports like glider, motocross, mountainbike, karting
    I like travel and also music but just listening , I don’t play music

    J'ai mis en rouge où il y a une faute selon moi et en rose ce qui peut être amélioré. J'ai peut-être oublié certaines choses mais bon, je m'occupe uniquement de ce dont je suis sûr

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