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    Tout ce qui n'a pas un rapport direct avec les difficultés liées à la langue anglaise: par exemple, les thèmes généraux sur l'apprentissage de la langue, les jeux, les demandes de traductions de chansons etc.


    Correction d'un rapport (Anglais)
    Message de ademma posté le 12-06-2007 à 14:51:20 (S | E | F | I)

    je dois faire un rapport en Anglais et j'aimerais bien qu'une âme charitable me corrige les éventuelles fautes faites
    D'avance merci.

    In the context of my university training, I was brought to make 8 weeks internship in company. With the help of web site of recruitment of intern, XXX and the house of the student of the university, I fulfilled an internship position as a marketing assistant at XXX recruitment and placement Company.
    After to define recruitment and placement Company I will say my missions, the difficulties and my appreciations.
    Recruitment and placement firm is a company witch make the link between companies which propose work and candidates looking for work. With six permanent workers and about three hundred temporary workers, KGS works either for companies or for particular. My mission during my training was:
    • Studying the profitability of the sector: service to the particular (SP)
    • Conception of a marketing plan for those services
    As far as the first mission is concerned, I had to create a database which takes all the employees of the firms, particularly those of the sector SP into account, our customers list, and their names and addresses also. I’ve used different tools of management of Human resources suggested by my supervisor, Mr XXX(HRD), like: the Turn over, an average of the different missions, the transformations percentage, the active resources reported to the planning and the exploitability index. After calculation and analysis of the results, it appears that the problem of this branch was the transformation percentage.
    For the second mission in agreement with the director of the sector SP and supervisor we elaborated a plan, subdivided into three parts:
    1- To redefine the services and to describe in details characteristics and advantages of each service
    2- Tried to analyze the parts of the market where we expect to increase the demands
    3- Build up a communication strategy to develop the client XXX and identify the media heard by the target clientele to define a promotion objective.

    To conclude I will say that during my internship, I made a link between my lesson of marketing and the reality of this work in a company. I have discovered news methods of work, different from what I know and what is about company culture. I have also appreciate the confidence allow me by the team when I had to take a decisions which permit me to be responsible and independent.

    Modifié par bridg le 12-06-2007 16:03
    Pas de noms. Merci.



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