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    Knowing the context changes my mind (1)

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    Knowing the context changes my mind
    Message de titom41 posté le 28-09-2007 à 16:15:37 (S | E | F | I)

    Do you remember the wonderful song “What’s another year” which won the European Song Contest many years ago? It was in the eighties, I guess. The first strophe said:

    I’ve been waiting such a long time,
    Looking out for you
    But you’re not here
    What’s another year?

    I assumed for a long time these words were inspired by a rejected love. But I have recently been told that the lyrics actually reflected the feelings of a man whose wife died one year before. The song considered from this point of view seems even more poignancy to me.

    Has somebody got more information about the history of this song? By the way, if there is anything to be improved in my text, don’t hesitate! I would appreciate, even without any information. Thank you.
    Modifié par lucile83 le 28-09-2007 16:35

    Modifié par webmaster le 03-10-2007 13:51
    Lien Internet

    Réponse: Knowing the context changes my mind de alfasirius, postée le 21-10-2007 à 18:02:01 (S | E)
    It's seems to me that the singer of this song was Johnny Logan.



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