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    Une petite histoire (1)

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    Une petite histoire
    Message de yaduboulo posté le 13-10-2007 à 13:17:08 (S | E | F | I)

    Bonjour !J'aimerais si possible que vous m'aidiez à corriger les fautes, c'est très important pour moi.

    Once upon a time there was a little boy who lived with his grandmother. Both were happy and in their garden there was an apple-tree very, very special. All the apples were differents, their shape, their colors.. The trunk of the apple-tree was red in summer, white in winter, yellow in spring and green in automn, its falls had the color of gold six months by year and the color of the silver the other months. But on the top, an apple was strange, it was grey somtimes and somteimes white. At the dawn, when the sun get up, ther was a very beautiful light all around the tree, all the falls was shining? But there was a rule, never, never eating apple. One day, the little boy get up and did'nt see his grandmather, she was in her bed, she was sick. The little boy went tosee his mumy and she said to him.

    - I'm tired my dear, the time was come for me to leave this world, you're a big boy now, nearly a man. Please my dear kiss me and don't forget you'll never eat an apple.

    Few years latter, the apple-tree became ill, and the grey apple dwelt always grey. The boy was worry, he didn't know what to do because the tree pined day by day. At the same time, somebody knocked on th door

    - Who is it ?
    - I'm Jack your grandmather's best friend.
    -Come in
    - good evening george, your mumy sent to me a message, she told me about you need a hand, what's happenning.

    Georges told his troubles.
    -Well said Jack
    the tree is ill because of you, you've got a lot of grief however, I'm going to say you what to do. As soon as you'll can. You must go to take a pig, a rabbit, a dog, a cat, an elephant a tiger, a stoad in a jar, a kip a sea-gull and as soon as you'll got these animals, you'll come bach and together we'll build a pen but every animal must be baby.

    George executed himself at once.

    Some days later, all was ready

    - now george, you'll see your tree to become like before but the grey apple will be different.
    - thank you very much Jack, you're my best friend now.
    - Saturday in the afternoon, I'll come back and we'll go to the store to buy a magic drink for your tree.
    - Ok jack !!!

    and the saturday, Jarck arrived and they went to buy the magic drink.

    On their return, they went to give the drink at the tree.

    - Look at the top, can you see the apple grey?
    - No, I can't, it's difficult.
    If you climb onver the top, you'll see a message for you, the apple grey is transparent now.
    Very happy, George clamb aver and saw this message. I love you from the bottom of my heart.
    - Has you seen the message Georges
    - Yes, I have but I didn't catch it
    - It's your grandmather, her soul is in the apple now. She left you was happy.
    - Jack what's the drink you gave to my apple-tree.
    - It's beer
    - Beer ? But why ?
    - You dont'know why ?
    - No, I don't
    - OMG


    Modifié par mariebru le 13-10-2007 13:29

    Bonjour... merci : c'est quand même plus sympathique lorsqu'on demande de l'aide, non ?

    Réponse: Une petite histoire de yaduboulo, postée le 13-10-2007 à 13:33:40 (S | E)
    I beg your pardon, I'm so excited . I forgot "must".
    Je ne sais pas traduire les feuilles et j'ai donc mis the falls

    Réponse: Une petite histoire de nick27, postée le 13-10-2007 à 14:15:05 (S | E)

    Les feuilles d'un arbre = the leaves (=> a leaf)

    Réponse: Une petite histoire de yaduboulo, postée le 13-10-2007 à 22:22:25 (S | E)
    Oh thank you very much nick 27, I'm very happy, I've got just a mistake. I've looked for the word in the dictionnary but it said feuille de papier about leaf.
    To day it's a big day

    Réponse: Une petite histoire de yaduboulo, postée le 13-10-2007 à 22:28:43 (S | E)
    Euh, mais vous ne me dites pas si vous m'avez comprise, je me pose juste la question suivante :
    si un anglais lisait ma petite histoire, est-ce qu'il me comprendrait ? Parce qu'il y a tellement de choses à faire



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