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    Lettre de motivation (correction) (1)

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    Lettre de motivation (correction)
    Message de marjorie47 posté le 05-11-2007 à 13:56:19 (S | E | F | I)

    Voilà, dans deux jours je dois envoyer ma lettre de motivation à l'organisme qui me permettra de trouver une famille au pair et la secrétaire vient de me dire qu'il était Vraiment préférable qu'elle ne comporte pas trop de fautes. Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider...
    La voici : je sais que c'est assez long mais j'ai vraiment besoin de vore aide. Merci d'avance.

    Dear family,

    My name is ... , I’m twenty, and I live in the south of France, in a small city which is called Villeneuve sur Lot. My father is named Michel, he is retired in the army. My mother, Marie France, is a paediatric nurse. I have one brother too. He is ten and his name is Mathieu.

    I passed my « baccalauréat » (high school diploma) in accountancy in Villeneuve sur Lot, with mention. I made higher study in accountancy during two years too. What's more, in the context of my studies I made a work placement during two months in an accountant office. This experience enabled me to know the working world and meet people very interesting.I also have my driver's license.

    Unfortunately, I don't like a lot the accountancy. I would like to become interpreter and that's why I will be very happy to come in England as an "au pair".I have never had an au pair experience but thanks to it, I could improve my english and perhaps do the job as I want. But I will be very happy to come in England to a lot of other raisons...
    Indeed, I think to be an "au pair" is an excellent means to leave abroad. Thanks to this system, young people like me can learn a new language but also discover a new culture and meet other people. I think it’s a very good means to widen its spirit. It's a real chance offers to young people.

    Concerning the keep of your children, I have a lot of experience thanks to my little brother. Indeed, I am often in charge of him, I drive him at school, I help him to do his homework, and of course, I play with him. From time to time, I am in charge of my brother and his friends too.
    During 7 months, I have kept two children, Kaly, a nice little boy, and his sister, Emma. Kaly is two and Emma is 17 months. I love these kids. I feel me good with kids. I like to play with them and I think children are very interesting. I'm sure I'll be well able to look after your children. We can have walks, I help them with their homework... I'm a sociable and responsible girl and I would do my utmost to ensure that nothing goes wrong with your children and yourself.

    About my hobbies, I like to listen to the music (all sort of music), I love the cinema too. I like to do all sort of sport and I like to do all kinds of cakes (particularly chocolate cakes!).In addition, doing the housework not bother me.

    I know that I haven't had much experience on childcare but my brother enabled me to have the experience necessary. Thanks to him, I know I'm able to keep your children and I'm aware that this requires a great deal of responsibility and seriousness.

    I have always loved children and I think that's the most important thing. I really want to be part of your family for 6 months and I am very motivated. I promise to do my best to ensure that everything goes well.

    I hope to have a positive response and I apologize for the many errors of spelling and grammar!

    Modifié par bridg le 05-11-2007 14:20



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