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    Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' (1)

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    Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7'
    Message de marit64 posté le 09-01-2008 à 22:31:00 (S | E | F)


    I really hope you enjoyed your holidays.

    Find the words beginning with the letter "G".

    1-It's a web-footed animal like a duck, but larger. ............
    2-What do you call a framework of iron bars? ...........
    3-A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder. ...........
    4-The often false or superficial beauty or charm which attracts. ...........
    5-One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ...........
    6-A word meaning a set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. ............
    7-A synonym of "to moan". .............
    8-An indication as to how something should be done. ............
    9-What do you call a type of chisel for making grooves? ............
    10-A verb meaning to take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm round. ............

    Good luck and have fun!
    I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.
    So long

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de ariane6, postée le 09-01-2008 à 22:56:37 (S | E)
    Hello Marit!
    1-It's a web-footed animal like a duck, but larger. Goose............
    2-What do you call a framework of iron bars? Grate.Grating
    3-A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder. Gallstone..
    4-The often false or superficial beauty or charm which attracts. .Glamour..
    5-One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. Gill.
    6-A word meaning a set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. Gears..
    7-A synonym of "to moan". To groan..
    8-An indication as to how something should be done. .Guideline..
    9-What do you call a type of chisel for making grooves?..Graver..
    10-A verb meaning to take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm round. .To grip.To grab

    Thank You Marit!
    See you next week!

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de alexio, postée le 09-01-2008 à 23:19:39 (S | E)
    1-It's a web-footed animal like a duck, but larger. .goose.
    2-What do you call a framework of iron bars? gate
    3-A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder. gallstone
    4-The often false or superficial beauty or charm which attracts.
    5-One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. gills
    6-A word meaning a set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion.
    7-A synonym of "to moan".to groan
    8-An indication as to how something should be done. good (but that should be well)
    9-What do you call a type of chisel for making grooves? gillitine ;)
    10-A verb meaning to take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm round. .grab

    Modifié par alexio le 09-01-2008 23:19

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de magstmarc, postée le 09-01-2008 à 23:22:57 (S | E)
    Hi dear Marit, and Happy New Year

    1-It's a web-footed animal like a duck, but larger. goose
    2-What do you call a framework of iron bars? grid
    3-A small hard object that is sometimes formed in the gall bladder. ??(I found calculus or dtone but they don't begin with G)
    4-The often false or superficial beauty or charm which attracts. glamour??
    5-One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. gill
    6-A word meaning a set of toothed wheels which act together to carry motion. gear
    7-A synonym of "to moan". grunt, grumble
    8-An indication as to how something should be done. guide or guideline?
    9-What do you call a type of chisel for making grooves? ????
    10-A verb meaning to take hold of especially by putting one's fingers or arm round. grip

    Thank you

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de chrislondon, postée le 12-01-2008 à 18:07:57 (S | E)
    Hi Marit!
    <1. goose
    2. grille
    3. gall-stone
    4. glamour
    5. gill
    6. gears
    7. groan/grumble
    8. guide/guideline
    9. gouge
    10. grip/grasp
    Thanks Marit.

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de coferam, postée le 13-01-2008 à 18:08:50 (S | E)

    Hello Marit64,

    1 / Goose
    2 / Grids
    3 / Gallstone
    4 / Glamour
    5 / Gills
    6 / Gear
    7 / To Groan
    8 / Guideline
    9 / Graver
    10 / Grab.


    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de good_doggy, postée le 15-01-2008 à 05:36:34 (S | E)
    Hello everybody,

    1 Goose
    2 Grille, grillwork, grate
    3 Gallstone
    4 Glamour
    5 Gill
    6 Gear
    7 Groan
    8 Guidance, guidebook
    9 Graving tool
    10 Grasp, grab, grip

    Thanks a lot Marit.

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de violet91, postée le 15-01-2008 à 16:37:45 (S | E)

    Bonjour marit et le Québec

    - a goose.
    - a grate.
    - a gallstone.
    - glamour.
    - gills.
    - gears
    - to grumble (il y en a plein!).
    - a guideline.
    - A graver.
    - To grab (il y en a d'autres )

    Thank you and have a good week.violet

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de marit64, postée le 16-01-2008 à 22:11:29 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    for your nice work. You're still
    Here are the answers:
    1-goose (oie) 2-grid, grille, grate (grille) 3-gallstone (calcul biliaire)
    4-glamor, glamour (charme) 5-gill (ouïes) 6-gear (engrenage)
    7-groan (gémir) 8-guideline (directive) 9-gouge (gouge)
    10-grasp, grab, grip (empoigner, saisir).

    Thanks a lot for your participation.
    So long

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de violet91, postée le 17-01-2008 à 14:38:03 (S | E)

    a gouge ? Une gouge ?...on a de ça ,nous en France ? Il ne faut pas nous prendre pour des spécialistes en horticulture ,non plus !!!!

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de marie11, postée le 17-01-2008 à 15:11:14 (S | E)
    Dans ce cas particulier la gouge est un outil de sculpteur sur bois.
    Voici un lien :
    Lien Internet

    catalogue page 31

    Une gouge c'est aussi une servante de ferme.
    « Grangousier épousa Gargamelle .....belle gouge et de bonne trogne.»

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'G-words 7' de marit64, postée le 18-01-2008 à 22:34:29 (S | E)
    Hi Marie!

    Merci pour le lien internet ajouté concernant la gouge. Celle-ci est un ciseau creusé en forme de canal, et servant à faire des entailles, des moulures.

    Hi Violet! Comme vous pouvez le constater, cela n'a rien à voir avec l'horticulture. En vous donnant ce mot à chercher, je ne voulais que le faire connaître davantage car je l'utilise moi-même de temps en temps pour faire de la sculpture sur bois.
    Ce n'était qu'une façon parmi tant d'autres d'améliorer notre vocabulaire.

    Bonne fin de semaine à vous tous.



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