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    Correction CV (1)

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    Correction CV
    Message de sweetlady posté le 26-02-2008 à 11:12:06 (S | E | F)

    Il s'agit de mon cv en anglais, si quelqu'un voulait bien me pointer les erreurs faites et m'aider à les corriger...Merci énormément d'avance.

    French teacher (as a foreign language)

    I'm currently looking for a Freelance.

    Arts / Culture / Fashion
    Teaching and Training

    Since January, I give lessons to a secondary school pupil, in French. She has already made progress ,notably in written expression (in spelling particularly). Thanks to this personalized lessons, she is acquiring solid bases in reading and grammar.

    I have developed many skills on teachind and training.
    Currently, i’m looking for a job. I wish strongly to have a work in which i will be able to take full advantage of my skills such as a French teacher (as a foreign langage).

    SKILLS :

    The adjectives which characterize me better with regard to my professional project are the following ones:

    - methodical;
    - motivated;
    - dynamic;
    - Persevering;
    - serious, responsible;
    - in the listening of the expectations of the parents, the student;
    - teacher;
    - effective;
    - creative, imaginative;
    - rigorous;
    - punctual.

    About languages :
    My English is in a way of perfection.
    I am learning Japanese since a few time.

    January 2009
    French teacher (grammar and literature)

    freestyle job

    Mission : I must to improve the level of my pupil in French in dictation, grammar and written expression .

    I give lessons one hour a week to this schoolgirl, with methodological advice, and the sessions contain especially numerous practical exercises with the aim of making fast progress.

    I inform the parents about what was made during the sessions, about the progress of their child , who can contact me by telephone or e-mail to ask advice, and for whom I also give explanations and exercises to make at her home.

    Needs : To prepare my lessons, I use my personal knowledge, my experience in French Literature, I also examine Internet and in the books which I can have.

    I spend time to realize a personalized lesson, focus on the gaps to be filled as fast as possible and the expectations of the French teacher of the pupil, expectations which I notice carefully thanks to the last corrected homeworks. It allows me to encircle more easily the weaknesses of the pupil.

    Results : In a few time, results are already positive: she can better express herself and understand texts.
    She learnt and understands perfectly all the explanations I brought to her.


    - cultural articles: presentation and opinion about movies, books, comics/ mangas , songs / video clips, journeys, exhibitions, articles about Japanese culture and civilization...
    - poems, songs,
    - "automatic writing",
    - a tale,
    - a short story (I perform this text in the way of protect it and to make of it a film support),
    - autobiographical texts,
    - diverse texts,
    - single number of an on-line free magazine, " kawaii! ", about Japanese civilization and culture and about kawaii culture. This magazine is especially for children.
    Arts - Culture


    - Reading a lot of french books and some english books, comics and mangas.

    -Drawing : for leisure.

    - Music : practice singing and love to learn very different styles of music.

    - Camera : to take artistic pictures.



    Passionate about the discovery of new regions and new cultures I travel as soon as the opportunity arises. I love especially my own country (Versailles castles, castles of Loire, Paris...) and Japan.

    badminton and walking, jogging for leisure.

    Il s'agit de mon cv "détaillé";-).

    Encore merci d'avance!!!

    Modifié par lucile83 le 26-02-2008 11:21



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