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    Lettre de motivation (au pair) (1)

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    Lettre de motivation (au pair)
    Message de bidule56 posté le 26-02-2008 à 18:29:46 (S | E | F)

    Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger ma lettre de motivation. C'est pour partir au pair cet été ! SVP A L'AIDE !!!!!!

    Dear Family,

    My name is xxxxxx, I’m nineteen, and I live in the South of Brittany, in a small city which is called Moréac. I am 1m60 tall and I weight 50 kilos. I am energetic and I have the easy contact in particular with children.

    My father is named Hervé, he is skilled worker. My mother, Elise, is mother in the home. I have one brother too. He is seventeen and his name is Florian. The week I lived near my university in Vannes but the weekend I like returning to my parents. All my family live unless 15km from there and that’s why we see each other rather often. We are all really close. The week I live at a very active 80-years-old grandmother's. We are meeting thanks to the association "two generations in cohabitation" of which I am a part. We make many activities together as long strolls, some computing… This experience is really great !

    In June 2007, I passed my STG Baccalauréat (High school diploma in accountancy) in Vannes with mention good. This year I begin higher study in accountancy and it’s for complete my curriculum that I will come in England as an “au pair”.

    I have ever had some experience as a babysitter. From 2005 to 2007, I looked after 2 little girls and a boy : Maïlou (3 years old), Mattéo (7 years old) and Illana (11 years old) some weekends and the holidays. When the weather was beautiful, we played football, made of the swing or walked with cycles or on foot. On the contrary, when it was cold, we played computers, did painting or invented different games. Moreover, now I have my driver’s license. So, I can bring children to the swimming pool, to the ice rink or to their various activities or their meeting. The children and my-self can also discover together museums or importing places. Finally, I think to be responsible and I would do my utmost to ensure that nothing goes wrong with your children.

    In the summer 2007 to earn money I worked in a factory of the food-processing industry. Now I hope improve my English will allow me to facilitate my insertion in the world of the work. So maybe as I could find a good employment more easily.

    In my return I hope to end my training which ends by a training course of 3 months. This one this one could take place abroad I hope for credit note had the occasion in the meantime to improve my English.

    I have always loved children and I think that’s the most important thing. I really want to be part of your family for 2 months and I am very motivated. I promise to do my best to ensure that everything goes well.

    I hope you like my file and I apologize for the many errors of spelling and grammar. I look forward to hearing from you and I really hope I will be your au pair.

    Modifié par bridg le 26-02-2008 18:30

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation (au pair) de yuna, postée le 03-03-2008 à 13:30:56 (S | E)
    dans l'ensemble ta lettre est bien.



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