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    Covering letter (correction) (1)

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    Covering letter (correction)
    Message de ebossis posté le 01-03-2008 à 16:54:09 (S | E | F)

    Est qu'une bonne ame pourrait corriger cette lettre pour une demande d'emploi.
    Je souhaite l'envoyer par e-mail accompagnee de mon resume et cover letter.

    Dear **********,
    I m a french system manager working for a research institute based at the university of Toulouse (France) and I m actually seeking for a job in Adelaide for the next spring (autumn here). I have a thirteen experience in working in research environments and would be very interested to work in a university such as yours.

    My english is intermediate so I m training for it and will pass the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) in the next months.

    In the case you may be interested you can contact me or by e-mail or by phone at +33 ********.

    Please find attached my resume and a cover letter.
    Modifié par bridg le 01-03-2008 17:25
    CV / courrier / Divers

    Réponse: Covering letter (correction) de eileen6, postée le 11-03-2008 à 16:01:17 (S | E)
    I am a French system manager working for a research institute based at the University of Toulouse (France). I am looking to work in Adelaide next spring (autumn here). I have thirteen years experience in the research environment and therefore would be very interested to work in a university such as yours.

    My English level is intermediate. I am studying for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) which I will take in the next few months.

    Should you like any further information you may contact me either by e-mail or by phone on +33 ********.

    Please find attached my resume and a covering letter.

    Réponse: Covering letter (correction) de ebossis, postée le 15-03-2008 à 22:19:24 (S | E)
    Thanks for your response but here is what an australian gave me for correction (what I used in my e-mail):

    Dear *******,

    I am a french system manager working for a research institute based at the University of Toulouse (France). I am currently looking for a position in Adelaide for your spring season (latter part of 2008). I have thirteen years experience in working in research environments and would be very interested to work in the university of Adelaide.

    My knowledge of English is intermediate and I am currently studying to improve it. I hope to pass the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) in the next few months.

    If you can assist with a placement in your organisation or can suggest someone that could be of assistance to me could you please contact me on +33 ******* or by email at **********.

    I have attached my resume for your perusal and would be grateful for your feedback or comments.

    Thank you for taking the time to consider my enquiry.



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