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    Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. (1)

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    Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'.
    Message de marit64 posté le 15-05-2008 à 01:46:25 (S | E | F)


    Find the words beginning with the letter "H".

    1-It's a type of evergreen tree or bush with prickly leaves and red berries. ............
    2-What do you call the female deer, especially of the red deer? ............
    3-What's the name of the bar at the front of a bicycle which is held by the rider and by which the bicycle is steered? ............
    4-It's a pair of electronic instruments held over a person's ears, by a metal band over the head, which are connected to a radio etc. .............
    5-A device that mesures time in hours by passing sand from one glass container through a narrow tube into a lower container. .............
    6-It's the result of cutting, styling etc a person's hair. .............
    7-An American word used to say a small, dirty house. .............
    8-An adjective meaning very bad, very unpleasant. ...........
    9-A noun used for something valuable that has been handed down in a family from generation to generation. .............
    10-What do you call the sort of small cushion which supports a person's head, for instance, as fitted to a dentist's chair, a car seat? ..............

    Good luck and have fun!
    I'll give you the answers next Wednesday!
    So long

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. de nini59, postée le 15-05-2008 à 11:16:26 (S | E)

    Hi Marit

    1-It's a type of evergreen tree or bush with prickly leaves and red berries. Holly
    2-What do you call the female deer, especially of the red deer? a hart
    3-What's the name of the bar at the front of a bicycle which is held by the rider and by which the bicycle is steered? a handlebar
    4-It's a pair of electronic instruments held over a person's ears, by a metal band over the head, which are connected to a radio etc. headphones
    5-A device that mesures time in hours by passing sand from one glass container through a narrow tube into a lower container. An hourglass
    6-It's the result of cutting, styling etc a person's hair. A haircut, a hairdressing or a hairdo
    7-An American word used to say a small, dirty house. A hovel
    8-An adjective meaning very bad, very unpleasant. Horrid
    9-A noun used for something valuable that has been handed down in a family from generation to generation. A hangover, a heirloom or an heritage
    10-What do you call the sort of small cushion which supports a person's head, for instance, as fitted to a dentist's chair, a car seat? A headrest

    Thanks for this exercise
    see you

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. de elisa21, postée le 15-05-2008 à 13:01:56 (S | E)

    Hello margit

    1) holly
    2) hind
    3) handlebar
    4) helmet
    5) hourglass
    6) hairstyle7) hovel
    8) horrible
    9) heritage
    10) headrest

    I hope it's good !

    Have a nice day...

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. de nina80, postée le 15-05-2008 à 18:15:46 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,

    1 - holly
    2 - hind
    3 - handlebar
    4 - helmet
    5 - hourglass
    6 - hairdo, hairstyle
    7 - hovel
    8 - harmful
    9 - heritage
    10- head-rest

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. de nanette33, postée le 16-05-2008 à 00:17:56 (S | E)
    Hello dear Marit!


    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. de good_doggy, postée le 16-05-2008 à 00:46:35 (S | E)
    Hello everybody,

    1 Holly
    2 Hind
    3 Handlebar
    4 Headphones
    5 Hourglass
    6 Hairstyle, hairdo
    7 Hovel, hutch
    8 Hellish, harmful
    9 Heirloom
    10 Headrest, head restraint

    Thanks a lot Marit

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. de chrislondon, postée le 17-05-2008 à 22:30:26 (S | E)
    Hi Marit!
    2. hind
    3. handlebars
    4. headphones
    5. hourglass
    6. hairdo
    7. hovel
    8. horrible
    9. heirloom
    10. headrest.
    Thanks Marit!

    Modifié par chrislondon le 17-05-2008 22:30

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. de coferam, postée le 19-05-2008 à 10:51:16 (S | E)
    Bonjour Marit64,

    1 / Holly
    2 / Hind
    3 / Handlebar
    4 / Headphones (audio)
    5 / Hourglass
    6 / Hairdo / Hairstyle / Haircut
    7 / Hovel
    8 / Horrible
    9 / Heirloom
    10 / Headrest

    Merci (je commence seulement à apprécier les Cambridge Dictionaries...via Internet !).

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'H-words 8'. de marit64, postée le 21-05-2008 à 21:37:12 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    for your nice work!

    Once again, you're my

    Here are the answers:
    1-holly (houx) 2-hind (biche) 3-handlebars (guidon) 4-headphones (écouteurs)
    5-hour-glass, hourglass (sablier) 6-hairstyle, hairdo, hairdressing (coiffure)
    7-hovel (taudis) 8-hateful (odieux) 9-heirloom, heritage (héritage)
    10-headrest (appui-tête).

    Thanks a lot for your participation.
    So long



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