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    Vérification lettre de motivation anglai (1)

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    Vérification lettre de motivation anglai
    Message de charly0999 posté le 26-05-2008 à 15:59:26 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour tout le monde j'espère que vous allez bien!

    J'aimerai avoir votre avis pour me dire si cette lettre de motivation est correcte en anglais dans le cas contraire de bien vouloir m'indiquer les rectifications a apporter.

    Merci d'avance!
    Bonne fin de journée!

    Madam, Sir,

    I present myself; my name is Caroline Dah, I am 19 years-old, I live in France in Méry sur Oise.
    I am currently in the first year of license in psychology.

    I am writing to you because I would like to become an au pair in England, during eight months from September 2008 to May 2009.

    I have already some experiences in child care.
    Indeed, I have worked in a municipal nursery in 2005 for my college course, where I had to take care of more than twenty children younger than three years with two colleagues. We organized games, we helped them to eat and to sleep, and we changed their diapers.
    Then, from 2004 to 2006, I took care of two children aged 3 and 5 years on several occasions for mornings, afternoons and nights.
    From April to June 2008, I baby-sat randomly of a child aged 2 years in the late afternoon. I would pick up him to his child minder, I would give him something to eat, I would wash him and I would wait the return of his parents.
    Besides, I attended a training course of baby-sitting dispensed by a nursery nurse dependent on the municipal nursery.
    Finally, my mother is a child minder from 0000.
    I always helped her to baby-sit, and I learned a lot from her expertise and her love for children.

    It will be beneficial to me to become an au pair because aptitude and discoveries that I will acquire correspond to my desires and my future plans.
    To begin, I would like to improve my English speaking, to become bilingual. It is indispensable for me because I would like to work in Ethnic Tourism.
    One of the particularities of Ethnic Tourism is cultural exchange. That's what fascinates me. This notion corresponds to my desires. During my language-learning trip, I want to discover English culture, another way of life, new person and London.
    Also, I would like to acquire independence by leaving my family, and learning to manage me alone. This will benefit me in my futur professional field.

    I have several centres of interest.
    To begin, I love going to the cinema. Next, trips are activities that fascinate me. Then, I appreciate also going out with my friends. In this last activity I particularly enjoy planning events and discovering original environments.
    Also, I like spending a whole day to visit museums and exhibitions in Paris. It is very rewarding.
    Finally, in order to keep fit, I used to swim and to do body-building.
    Yours truly.

    Modifié par bridg le 26-05-2008 16:45
    Lettre de motivation / divers



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