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    Lettre de motivation/locombia (1)

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    Lettre de motivation/locombia
    Message de locombia posté le 02-06-2008 à 12:54:45 (S | E | F)

    Hi everybody,

    Could anyone guide me on these few knotty sentences from my letter of motivation?

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    The job offer as “Project management” within your organisation has naturally interested me. I had indeed the opportunity to be responsible for the management and the coordination of various interesting projects abroad as part of several working experiences.

    Recently graduated in International Cooperation and multilingual communication (Masters Degree) at the Université Grenoble 3 of Grenoble in France, I intend working in an international organisation providing international development. I believe that my enclosed resume will demonstrate that I have the characteristics and experience you seek.
    I have always been very interested in working on projects development for solidarity and international cooperation. Through my education and my several international work experiences, including on site, I gained rapidly large theoretical and practical knowledge required at any step for the well management of projects development and worldwide issues: identifying the needs, planning phases, drafting project and strategies, setting up budget and evaluation. Within Oxfam International (UK), the GPC (Belize – Central America) and GLOBO (Germany) I indorsed the executive team in everyday tasks and decisions. Self-organised already, I have consolidated my skills.
    I had the opportunity with the placement in Belize to make the most of the deep knowledge gained along my education but also to confirm my aptitude for searching funding and partnerships.

    My abilities as a group leader have been proven when I was working for holiday’s camps as a supervisor but also as a coordinator for the Creative Reading Programme in Belize. I have shown creativity and initiatives in any of my activities. I am always willing to learn new skills in order to become always more efficient while working. I enjoy travelling and gathering various experiences on field. Available, I do not fear any business trip.

    I am very interested in your area of your involvement. I really like how you are working and I feel very touched by the issues of conflicts.
    I want to devote my professional life to cooperation and solidarity in many ways and I wish to be short-listed to be a major player for the development brought by your organisation.

    You will find my resume enclosed.
    Please do not hesitate to contact me, should you require additional information.

    I am looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards

    Modifié par bridg le 02-06-2008 13:13
    Lettre de motivation / divers

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation/locombia de locombia, postée le 02-06-2008 à 12:55:37 (S | E)
    J'ai oublié de dire:

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation/locombia de pumpkin21, postée le 07-06-2008 à 19:14:25 (S | E)
    I intend TO work

    I feel very touched by the issues of THE conflicts

    What do you mean by "to make the most of the deep knowledge" ?



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