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    Rapport (correction) (1)

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    Rapport (correction)
    Message de zzzzz59 posté le 10-06-2008 à 14:43:05 (S | E | F)

    pouvez-vous corriger ou m'aider à corriger le sujet ci-dessous, j'ai quelques difficultés dans cette matière, donc ça m'aiderait beaucoup.Merci

    Sujet :

    General Information
    I make my training period in «xxx ».
    This company is situated in xxx, in the xxx.
    My training period is took place in two parts:
    The first is accomplished that twenty eight of May to seven of July two thousand and seven. This one is aimed to do the firm to discover.
    The second is accomplished that seventy to twenty eight of September two thousand and seven. I had for mission to study the machine’s functioning.
    Allevard is a manufacturer to stabilizers. This production is destined in the big cars manufacturers Europeans.
    The company is leader in Europe and second in the world on the manufacture to stabilizers.
    The stabilizers enable to avoid at the car to turn around in a turning.
    Indeed, the stabilizers support the outsides’ wheels press on the ground.
    This product is installing on cars’ trains.

    The training period
    I am affected in maintain service, my work consisted to repair or maintain the machines.
    During this training period, I had opportunity to teamwork, however, I was only an observer at the beginning. Later, My mentor myself entrusted to bigger responsibilities.
    In the companies as Allevard, the teamwork is vital, because the tasks are very important for to be entrusted at the only one person.

    The balance sheet
    Thanks to the training period, I am acquired a knowledge considerable and I discovered smartness which makes easier the work. I had the opportunity to put into practice my knowledge theoretical.
    This experience allowed me to deepen the practice which I hadn’t at the school.
    It allowed me equally to discover the work’s world but too I had luck to approach the responsibility’s notion.
    Even if I had appreciated this training period, I would like to continue my studies for to acquire a better place because the place that I occupied wasn’t always very easy.

    My projects
    I plan to go on my studies in the robotic or in the plastics processing industry.
    I would like to work in a design office around a dozen or about fifteen years for to acquire my own experience and to become a teacher for to transmit my knowledge at the students.

    Modifié par bridg le 10-06-2008 14:44



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