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    correction lettre (1)

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    correction lettre
    Message de anthony10 posté le 14-06-2008 à 12:17:23 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour a tous ,
    je suis nouveau dans ce forum.J'ai fait une lettre ,seriez-vous la corriger please.(désolé si il y a des erreurs)

    Dear Victoria ,

    I write you for you given by my news.

    How are you???
    I have hardly just returned in the hotel of Las Vegas.
    Yesterday, in the morning I went to visit this fantastic city .I was played golf all morning long in a gigantic park and then I returned home to take a good shower. In after noon ,I went shopping and I bought a great cowboy hat.
    In the evening I went to the biggest casino played the poker, I spent 250 dollars and I have won 2000 dollars … It is magic.
    You would have you really much more as you are one fan of poker …
    Today I go going to the restaurant with my husband eaten the gambas mmmmm.
    The sun are really very warm, there is just a light wind which blows, very pleasant.
    The streets are filled with tourists and we get lost there.
    Tomorrow I shall go to the swimming pool and in the evening I shall leave seeing the concert of madona.
    Next week I shall prepare my suitcases to return in Belgium and see again you because you miss me a lot. Belgium also misses me.

    Puts back hello has Enzo and Clara I their are about bought surprised.

    Modifié par bridg le 14-06-2008 15:37
    Lettre / Divers

    Réponse: correction lettre de joey93, postée le 14-06-2008 à 14:24:27 (S | E)
    I'm writing to you in order to let you hear from me.
    I played golf...
    went back home
    in the afternoon
    ...biggest casino and I played to pocker...and I won...
    "you would have you really much more as you're one fan of pocker", je ne comprend pas ce que tu veux dire.
    Today I'm going to the restaurant in order to...
    The sun is
    I miss you a lot, I also miss Belgium.
    Je ne comprend pas ta dernière phrase



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