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    Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' (1)

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    Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8'
    Message de marit64 posté le 25-06-2008 à 22:44:16 (S | E | F)


    Find the words beginning with the letter "W".

    1-A verb meaning to strike something or someone hard. ...........
    2-To cover by folding or winding something round. ...........
    3-It's a type of tree with long, slender branches. ............
    4-A synonym of "to cry". ............
    5-What do you call a person who does manuel work? ............
    6-An adjective meaning pale and sickly-looking. ............
    7-It's a sudden puff of air, smoke, smell etc. ............
    8-A synonym of "unhappy". ............
    9-What adjective could you use instead of "waterproof"? ............
    10-What do you call a small carrier with one wheel at the front, and two legs and two handles at the back? ...........

    Good luck and have fun!
    You'll receive the answers next Wednesday!
    So long

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de good_doggy, postée le 26-06-2008 à 02:13:14 (S | E)

    Hello everybody,

    1 Whack, wallop
    2 Wrap
    3 Weeping willow
    4 Weep, wail, whimper, whine……..
    5 Worker
    6 Weakly, wan, waxy
    7 Whiff
    8 Wretched
    9 Watertight
    10 Wheelbarrow

    Thanks a lot Marit

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de nina80, postée le 26-06-2008 à 18:00:49 (S | E)
    Bonjour Marit,

    1 - whack
    2 - to wrap
    3 - weeping willow
    4 - to water - to weep
    5 - worker
    6 - weak
    7 - whiff
    8 - wretched
    9 - watertight
    10- weelbarrow
    Thank a lot, see you soon

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de chrislondon, postée le 26-06-2008 à 20:52:47 (S | E)
    Hi Marit!
    <1. whack, wallop
    2. wrap
    3. weeping willow
    4. weep. wail
    5. workman
    6. wan
    7. whiff
    8. woeful, wretched
    9. watertight
    10. wheelbarrow.
    Thanks a lot once again, Marit for this interesting exercise!

    Modifié par chrislondon le 26-06-2008 20:53

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de violet91, postée le 26-06-2008 à 22:30:35 (S | E)
    Hello,dear marit! Comme il fait chaud, ici!...

    1 ) To wallop.
    2 ) To wrap
    3 ) a (weeping)willow.
    4 ) To weep
    5 ) A workman.
    6 ) Wan.
    7 ) A whiff.
    8 ) Wretched.
    9 ) Watertight.
    10 ) A wheelbarrow "crying cockles and mussels alive alive o!"

    Have a nice time in your "Québec"!

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de elisa21, postée le 26-06-2008 à 23:12:45 (S | E)
    hello, marit

    1)to whack
    2)to wrap
    3)a weeping willow
    4)to weep
    5)a worker
    7)a whiff
    10)a wheelbarrow

    See you later...

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de coferam, postée le 28-06-2008 à 18:20:51 (S | E)
    Hello Marit64,

    1 / Whack / Whop
    2 / Wrap
    3 / Weeping willow
    4 / Wailing / Whimper
    5 / Workingman / Workman / Worker
    6 / Weak
    7 / Whiff
    8 / Wretched
    9 / Watertight
    10/ Wheelbarrow


    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de nini59, postée le 02-07-2008 à 21:54:20 (S | E)
    Hi Marit

    1-A verb meaning to strike something or someone hard. to work over
    2-To cover by folding or winding something round. to wrap
    3-It's a type of tree with long, slender branches. a weeping willow
    4-A synonym of "to cry". to weep
    5-What do you call a person who does manuel work? a working-man
    6-An adjective meaning pale and sickly-looking. wan
    7-It's a sudden puff of air, smoke, smell etc. windstorm
    8-A synonym of "unhappy". wretched
    9-What adjective could you use instead of "waterproof"? water-repellent
    10-What do you call a small carrier with one wheel at the front, and two legs and two handles at the back? a wheelbarrow

    Thanks for this exercise
    See you

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de nanette33, postée le 02-07-2008 à 23:56:00 (S | E)
    Hello Marit!

    1- whack
    2- wrap
    3- willow
    4- weep
    5- working
    6- wan
    7- wind
    8- wretch
    9- watertight
    10- wheelbarrow

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'W-words 8' de marit64, postée le 03-07-2008 à 04:03:27 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    for your good work! You're still my

    Here are the answers:

    1-wallop, whack, whop (cogner, taper "sur") 2-wrap (envelopper)
    3-willow (saule) 4-weep (pleurer) 5-workman, worker, working-man (ouvrier)
    6-wan (pâle) 7-whiff (odeur, bouffée) 8-wretch, wretched, woeful (malheureux)
    9-watertight, water-repellent, (étanche) 10-wheelbarrow (brouette).

    Thanks a lot for your participation.
    So long



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