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    Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' (1)

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    Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9'
    Message de marit64 posté le 23-07-2008 à 21:47:22 (S | E | F)


    Find the words beginning with the letter "M".

    1-What do you call a person who is in charge of a business, football team etc? ............
    2-This noun means a person who is not able to live or work happily with others. ............
    3-A synonym of "swamp". ............
    4-The chief unit of length in the metric system, equal to 39.37 inches. ..............
    5-It's the yellowish fruit of an Indian tropical tree. .............
    6-What do you call a small weasel-like kind of animal? .............
    7-A flat piece of material (rushes, rubber, carpet, cork etc) for wiping shoes on, covering a floor, or various other purposes. ............
    8-The middle of summer. ............
    9-What do you call a long upright pole especially for carrying the sails of a ship, an aerial, flag etc? .............
    10-A female mayor. ............

    Good luck and have fun!

    I'll give you the answers on Thursday 31.

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' de nanette33, postée le 24-07-2008 à 10:22:52 (S | E)
    Hello Marit!

    1- Manager
    2- Maladjusted, misfit
    3- Marsh
    4- Metre, meter
    5- Mango
    6- Marmot
    7- Mat
    8- Midsummer
    9- Mast
    10- Mayoress

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' de nina80, postée le 24-07-2008 à 17:13:40 (S | E)
    Hello !

    1 - manager

    2 - misanthropist

    3 - marsh - mire - morasse

    4 - meter

    5 - medlar

    6 - mustelides

    7 - mat

    8 - midsummer

    9 - mast


    hope you are having a good time.

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' de chrislondon, postée le 26-07-2008 à 22:08:29 (S | E)

    Hi Marit!
    1. manager
    2. misfit
    3. marsh
    4. metre
    5. mango
    6. marmot
    7. mat
    8. midsummer
    9. mast
    10. mayoress
    Thanks Marit!

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' de coferam, postée le 27-07-2008 à 15:00:33 (S | E)
    Hello, Marit64,

    1 / Manager
    2 / Misanthropist / Misanthrope
    3 / Marsh
    4 / Metre (GB) Meter (US)
    5 / Mango
    6 / Marmot
    7 / Mat
    8 / Midsummer
    9 / Mast
    10/ Mayoress


    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' de swan85, postée le 28-07-2008 à 21:44:38 (S | E)

    Hello MARIT,

    Here are my proposals :

    1- MANAGER


    3- MARSH

    4- METER

    5- MANGO

    6- MARTEN

    7- MAT


    9- MAST

    10- MAYORESS

    Thanks again for your test

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' de good_doggy, postée le 29-07-2008 à 01:20:22 (S | E)
    Hello everybody,

    1 Manager
    2 Misanthropist, misfit
    3 Marsh
    4 Meter
    5 Mango
    6 Marmot, marten, muishond, musquash…..
    7 Mat
    8 Midsummer
    9 Mast
    10 Mayoress

    Thanks a lot Marit

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' de eos17, postée le 29-07-2008 à 18:46:22 (S | E)
    Bonjour, Marit
    Je te propose
    1 Manager
    2 Misanthrope
    3 Marsh
    4 Meter
    5 Mango
    6 Marten
    7 Moquette
    8 Midsummer
    9 Mast
    10 Mayoress

    Réponse: Vocabulary quiz 'M-words 9' de marit64, postée le 31-07-2008 à 21:49:55 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    for your good work. All of you are my

    Here are the answers:

    1-manager (directeur) 2-misfit, maladjusted (inadapté) 3-marsh (marécage)
    4-meter, metre (mètre) 5-mango (mangue) 6-mink (vison) 7-mat (petit tapis)
    8-midsummer (coeur de l'été) 9-mast (mât) 10-mayoress (mairesse).

    for your participation.

    So long



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