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    Correction CV (1)

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    Correction CV
    Message de sevouchka posté le 28-01-2009 à 13:14:09 (S | E | F)

    J'ai rédigé mon CV en anglais, je voulais savoir ce que vous en pensiez SVP? :
    Bxxx Sxxx

    L I C E N S I N G M A N A G E R


    2005 until now : Business development manager, xxx xxxLaboratory

    In-Licensing :
    • Buying medicines and pharmaceutical laboratories. Marketing analysis of their products portfolio, negotiation with potential partners.
    • Management of the due-diligences for two drugs.
    • Buying biopharmaceutical laboratories. Scientific analysis of the projects.

    Out-Licensing :
    • Searching partners for a nursing project for two drugs of ours.
    • Negotiation and management of one deal.

    2004 – 2005 : Project manager,xxx Healthcare Consulting
    • Team management in order to write a study about new healthcare reimbursement system in Russia: tasks’ schedule, project’ follow, team incentive.
    • Staff training on phoning technique sales.
    • Selling the report.

    2002 – 2004 : Product specialist, xxx Diagnostics Laboratory
    • Laboratory technicians training on our analyzers.
    • Checking of the good laboratory practices with our customers.
    • Sales manager.
    • Development of customer loyalty.

    2002 : Sales manager, company xxx
    • telesales.


    2000 – 2001 :University of Toulon-Var.
    • DESS Certificat d’Aptitude à l’Administration des Entreprises, (master in business’management).
    Specialyzed in marketing.
    • Work placement: marketing assistant on food supplements: marketing study and promotional tools conception.

    1996 – 2000 :Sciences University of Luminy.
    • Master’s degree in cellular biology, specialized in immunology.
    • Work placement: laboratory technician in cytogenetic: making caryotyopes and analyzing the results.


    English: use in professional area.
    Russian: use in professional area.
    Spanish: school.


    Siebel, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Mind manager, Office project.

    Pharma Licensing Club France' membership (PLCF).
    Leisure: Taekwondo, running, ski, reading, theatre.

    Merci beaucoup pour votre aide.

    Modifié par bridg le 28-01-2009 18:37
    CV / Divers
    Pas de noms

    Modifié par bridg le 03-02-2009 15:13



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