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    Letter to my English teacher (1)

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    Letter to my English teacher
    Message de syrine1 posté le 22-05-2009 à 21:29:09 (S | E | F)

    salut Bonjour.
    ette année scolaire est terminée alors j'ai décidé d'écrire une lettre à ma professeur d'anglais pour la remercier et lui dire que je n'oublierai jamais. Voici la lettre s'il vous plaît corrigez mes fautes et aidez-moi à éviter la répétition
    Merci d'avance

    dear teacher
    on the occasion of the ending of this academic year I decide to write you a small note thanking for your help during all this academic year .
    actually we spent an excellent unforgettable year . thanks to you i learnt a lot of new vocabulary which broaden up my scope of knowledge and english became almost my best language.
    I enjoyed being taugh by you immensely and I was very enjoying when I did the project workswith marwa especially the poems .
    I'm lucky to have a helpful; kind; nice:understanding ; cool teacher like you .
    Unfortunately this academic year is over but believe me i will never forget you and your kindess and i'm grateful for every word that you learnt me .
    you are the most excellent teacher i've ever seen !
    i hope that you will not forget me
    and thanks again
    yours sincerely
    your pupil syrine xxx
    nineth from 9

    s'il vous plaît aidez-moi

    Modifié par bridg le 22-05-2009 21:31

    Réponse: Letter to my English teacher de intrepid34, postée le 27-05-2009 à 08:44:50 (S | E)
    Hello Syrine!

    I think it is really kind of you to want to write a thank-you letter to your English teacher and I see that nobody has offered to help you, but I shall. First, I think your English is very good so your teacher must have had a good rapport with the class.

    Dear Mr. XX (Mrs. XX)

    The end of the school year is coming up fast and I would like to write to you to thank you for your help during this important academic year. We have in fact spent an unforgettable year and thanks to you, I learnt a lot of new vocabulary which has broadened my scope of knowledge and English has almost become my best language.

    I have enjoyed being taught by you immensely and I really enjoyed doing school projects with Marwa, especially the poems.

    I was lucky enough to have a kind and understanding teacher like you, and you are cool too!

    I am sorry that the year is coming to a close but I will never forget you and the kindness that you showed me throughout the year and I am very grateful for all the new words that you have taught me. You are the most excellent teacher I have ever met! I hope that you will not forget me.

    Thank you again
    Yours sincerely,



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