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    Correction CV (1)

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    Correction CV
    Message de elisa57 posté le 31-05-2009 à 07:37:54 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour, j'ai essayé de traduire mon CV en anglais mais je ne suis pas sûre du résultat. Qui peut m'aider? Merci d'avance.
    • Capture and show documents under Word
    • Put together and in the correct manner the different secretarial works (tables, graphics and organization charts [organigrammes]) under Word
    • Save and seize information [à l'aide de l'outil informatique] by means of the IT tool under Internet Explorer
    • Encode accounting data under Excel
    • Send documents to mailing under Word [envoyer des documents en publipostage]
    • Send computing data towards various servers under Outlook
    • Create index cards(forms) of data[fiches de données](library or video library) under Access
    • Create models (books, pounds) under Xpress
    • Conceive and put in page of slides with the aim of the creation of advertisements under Power Point [créer et mettre en page des diapositives en vue de la création de publicités]
    • Correct pictures or photos under Photo Shop

    English formation (4 hours a day, 5 days a week)
    1st module (Place Rouppe 16) from August 6th to September 14th
    2nd module (Place Rouppe 16) from September 17th to October 25th
    3rd module (Rue de Stalle 67) from October 29th to December 7th

    2006-2007 Exxx
    Formation in network-technology (operating systems, LAN, MAN, WAN, switch, networking, ADSL, IP and broadcast address…)

    2005-2006 Sxxx
    Formation in computer graphics [infographie] (Photoshop, XPress)

    2003-2005 INSTITUT xxx
    Formation in data processing, Communication and networks, Graphics

    1988 CENTRE DE FORMATION « xxx »
    Certificate of capacity of home help [aide familiale]

    1981 Ixxxx
    Diploma of typing
    Formation in office automation and word processor [bureatique et traitement de texte]
    ECOLE DE xxx
    Formation in [secretariat de diréction] secretarial department of direction (with medical option)

    1980 ECOLE NORMALE xxx
    Certificate of the Superior Secondary education - humanities human sciences

    Italian : mother tongue
    French : deepened knowledge [connaissance approfondies]
    English : intermediate level

    TM titres services Cleaning lady [femme ouvrage]27/3-4/4/2008
    TxxxWarehousewoman [manutentionnaire] 18/5/2005-1/9/2006
    Axxx Intérim General-purpose worke 25-27/2004
    Caretaker [concierge] 27/9-8/10/2004
    Inbound call agent 15-16/2/2005
    Lxxx S.A. Cleaning lady 22/4/1996-31/7/2003
    Institut xxx Cleaning lady (replacement) 5/2-30/6/1996
    LxxxS.A. Cleaning lady 17/12/1993-28/2/1995
    Sxxx Lady of kitchen(replacement) 15-30/12/95
    Cxxx S.A. Secretary 9/1981-3/1982
    Modifié par bridg le 31-05-2009 09:05
    CV -> Divers
    Anonymat préféré sur le site.



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