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    Lettre de motivation master/ correction

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    Lettre de motivation master/ correction
    Message de boschman6480 posté le 07-07-2009 à 09:42:30 (S | E | F)

    Je suis actuellement entrain de postuler pour un master en angleterre, et je suis conscient que mon niveau en anglais est loin d'etre comme je le souhaiterais, c'est pourquoi j'espere obtenir quelques orientations, reformulation ou correction si possible, et principalement votre avis sur cette lettre de motivation. J'ai vrément a coeur d'etre recu et ne sais pas quoi penser quant a la qualité de mon travail.
    En vous remerciant a l'avance de l'aide que vous pouvez m'apporter.

    Voici mon travail:
    Dear Sir,

    To begin with, it is a pleasure for me to have the opportunity to apply for the Master’s Degree in Marketing in your prestigious establishment. I have heard a lot about your university and I believe that a university with a high education like yours is the best place to achieve my career objectives.

    I hold an HDN in “Accounting Management Organization” and a bachelor degree in “Analysis Marketing and Technical Negotiation” where i took courses of: Direct Marketing, Marketing Strategy, Industrial Marketing, Accounting and Management of customer relation. In spite of this, I need to improve my knowledge on this themes. Among others, I had the opportunity to had successful result in the English test I have taken, even if my English is not as professional as I wish. For this reason, the master you offer can provide me those skills. I am particularly attracted by the master in marketing and its straight links with the business world. These two point made it a recognise degree that enable to aspire for high responsibility jobs.

    Furthermore, during all my experiences, I had the opportunity to work between the promotion, event organisation, and commercial service; mostly in France as assistant of the operational manager in a radio and in London as well since last year as a member of a promotional team in a museum.

    I consider myself good in social relation, team working, ability to negotiate and persuade.
    During the different events organisations I have attended, I have learned that first at all is important and necessary to analyse and evaluate the situation( have a global vision) in order to find the best solution and take a decision.

    I am sincerely convinced of having the qualities required for this master: my motivation leans on qualities which served my professional experiences, as meticulousness, rigour, organisation and perseverance.

    Hoping that my candidature retain all your attention.


    Modifié par lucile83 le 07-07-2009 14:50

    Réponse: Lettre de motivation master/ correction de jean31, postée le 07-07-2009 à 19:11:20 (S | E)
    Voir ta messagerie privée.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]


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