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    Scrambled words '22'

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    Scrambled words '22'
    Message de marit64 posté le 22-07-2009 à 21:39:25 (S | E | F)


    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- A usually clear sticky liquid which gives protection and a glossy surface to wood, paint. ..... (rhnaivs)
    2- A large feather, especially the feather of a goose, made into a pen. ..... (ilqlu)
    3- To think desperately hard. ..... (akrc)
    4- Not having, or not able to find, work. ..... (mdoulnepye)
    5- What one ought morally or legally to do. ..... (uydt)
    6- A type of small blood-sucking insect that jumps instead of flying and lives on the bodies of animals or people. ..... (elaf)
    7- An electrical apparatus which dries a person's hair by blowing hot air over it. ..... (irrrhedia-)
    8- To guide or direct or cause to go in a certain direction. ..... (aedl)
    9- A drawing-pin. ..... (chkutmabt)
    10- A type of large deer found in North America, and also in northern Europe where it's known as the elk. ..... (soemo)

    Good luck and have fun!

    The answers will be given next Wednesday.

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '22' de inga, postée le 22-07-2009 à 21:56:52 (S | E)

    Let’s see what you’ve prepared for us this time

    1) varnish
    2) quill
    3) rack (your brains)
    4) unemployed
    5) duty
    6) flea
    7) hair-drier
    8) lead
    9) thumbtack
    10) moose

    Even harder than the last time Have a nice day.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '22' de dolfin56, postée le 23-07-2009 à 09:42:17 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,
    How are you? nice to see again.

    1- A usually clear sticky liquid which gives protection and a glossy surface to wood, paint. ...varnish
    2- A large feather, especially the feather of a goose, made into a pen. ...quill
    3- To think desperately hard. rack
    4- Not having, or not able to find, work. ...unemployed
    5- What one ought morally or legally to do. ... duty
    6- A type of small blood-sucking insect that jumps instead of flying and lives on the bodies of animals or people. ...a flea
    7- An electrical apparatus which dries a person's hair by blowing hot air over it. ...a hair-drier
    8- To guide or direct or cause to go in a certain direction. lead
    9- A drawing-pin. ...a thumbtack
    10- A type of large deer found in North America, and also in northern Europe where it's known as the elk. ...a moose

    Réponse: Scrambled words '22' de eos17, postée le 23-07-2009 à 22:18:54 (S | E)
    Hello Marit

    here my words :
    3-To rack
    8-to lead
    Good night ,see you soon .

    Réponse: Scrambled words '22' de swan85, postée le 27-07-2009 à 16:47:49 (S | E)
    Hello MARIT

    1/ VARNISH
    2/ QUILL
    3/ RACK
    5/ DUTY
    6/ FLEA
    8/ LEAD

    Thank you Marit for this interesting exercise.

    See you soon.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '22' de skitoc, postée le 27-07-2009 à 17:24:39 (S | E)
    Hello all... Please keep cool, it's the first time that I use my connexion... I was asking myself about the opportunity to say "I've used" or "I use"... But well, let me introduce myself to you. I'm JC, I'm 42 years old and I'm very interested in improving...

    Réponse: Scrambled words '22' de skitoc, postée le 27-07-2009 à 17:26:11 (S | E)
    Sorry ! I thought it was a tchat :-(

    Réponse: Scrambled words '22' de zinedine, postée le 28-07-2009 à 14:16:35 (S | E)
    it is my first participation in this forum.
    1- varnish.
    2- quill.
    3- to rack "to rack one's brains".
    4- unemployed.
    5- duty.
    6- flea.
    7- hairdrier.
    8- to lead.
    9- not found .
    10- moose.
    thank you very Marit .

    Réponse: Scrambled words '22' de marit64, postée le 29-07-2009 à 22:09:28 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    for your good work.

    Here are the answers:

    1-varnish (vernis) 2-quill (plume "d'oie") 3-rack (se creuser la tête)
    4-unemployed (au chômage) 5-duty (devoir) 6-flea (puce) 7-hair-drier (sèche-cheveux) 8-lead (mener, conduire) 9-thumbtack (punaise) 10-moose (orignal).

    Thanks a lot for participating.

    So long

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