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    Lettre à famille anglaise

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    Lettre à famille anglaise
    Message de drzeus posté le 02-08-2009 à 10:06:53 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour à tout le monde.
    Voilà je pars dans une semaine dans une famille et je veux lui envoyer une lettre et je vous demande si vous pourriez m'aider à la corriger au maximum.
    La voici:

    hello. i am vincent. i will be your student for two weeks to the august 9 at the august 23. the 09/08 i will arive at london st-pancras at 12h26. after i have see that i can take the train at london st panras to oxford, i can seen in this site Lien Internet
    that they are a lot of train. when i will be in the train i phone you for you indicate the hour when i arrive. but i thik that a arrive enter 15 and 16h.
    thank you for your accomadates.

    Voilà, merci de m'aider à rendre cette lettre un peu plus compréhensible pour mon professeur.

    Modifié par lucile83 le 02-08-2009 10:14
    + forum

    Réponse: Lettre à famille anglaise de dolfin56, postée le 02-08-2009 à 14:11:53 (S | E)

    hello. i am vincent. i will be your student for two weeks to the august 9 at the august 23.on the 09/08 i will arive (orthoat london st-pancras at 12h26. after i have see that i can take the train at london st panras to oxford, i can seen in this site Lien Internet
    that they are a lot of trains. when i will be in the train i (futur) phone you for you indicate the hour when i arrive. but i thik (ortho) that a arrive enter 15 and 16h.
    thank you for your accomadates.(accomodations?)

    on n'écrit pas "i", mais "I".
    la date s'écrit; the 9th of August. or August the 9th.
    il y a se dit: there is ou there are.
    jamais de futur après when : when I'm in the train, I"ll phone you.
    enter==> between.

    try to write again your text, we"ll correct it.

    Réponse: Lettre à famille anglaise de drzeus, postée le 02-08-2009 à 15:17:29 (S | E)
    donc voila
    hello. I am vincent. I will be your student for two weeks to August the 9th at August the 23th.on the 09/08 I will arrive at london st-pancras at 12h26. after I have see that I can take the train at london st panras to oxford, I can see in this site Lien Internet
    that there are a lot of trains. when I'm in the train, I"ll phone you. for you indicate the hour when I arrive. but I think that I arrive between 15 and 16 hours.
    thank you for your hospitality

    Réponse: Lettre à famille anglaise de dolfin56, postée le 02-08-2009 à 16:32:45 (S | E)
    Hello, c'est nettement mieux!

    hello. I am vincent. I will be your student for two weeks to August the 9th at August the 23th.on the 09/08 I will arrive at london st-pancras at 12h26. after I have see that I can take the train at london st panras to oxford, I can see in this site Lien Internet
    that there are a lot of trains. when I'm in the train, I"ll phone you. for you indicate the hour when I arrive. but I think that I arrive between 15 and 16 hours.
    thank you for your hospitality

    de X à Y ==> from X to Y.
    devant le nom de mois:on
    j'ai vu ==> to have +participe passé.
    I can see==> plutôt I saw (au passé)
    "for you indicate" ==> to make you know
    I think that I (marque du futur) + arrive.
    between 3h P.M and 4h P.M

    encore un petit effort.

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