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    cemoi/Lettre de motivation

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    cemoi/Lettre de motivation
    Message de cemoi posté le 12-08-2009 à 19:51:38 (S | E | F)

    Bonjour, est ce que vous pourriez corriger mes erreurs (modèle de lettre de motivation):

    "Dear Mr ***

    I am student in a French Engineering School and majors I have chosen are orientated around instrumentation devices.
    In September I will be graduated with a French “Diplome d'Ingénieur” equivalent to best MEng and I am looking for a graduate job which could evolve to a position with responsibilities.

    I am specifically interested in your job offer because I am attracted by the development and design of electronic devices and particularly for instrumentation.
    Indeed in this area, innovation is constant because of the growing need for precision and miniaturization.
    I am also significantly attracted by the global aspect of your company and the possibility to evolve to an international career.

    During my studies, I learned how to work efficiently but rigorously and how to reach an objective.
    In my previous job experience I learned how to focus on the clients and to react in difficult situations.
    Furthermore, at School, I have already realised several electronics projects.

    I hope your company will trust me and let me show my abilities.

    I would be available from ***
    I look forward to hearing from you shortly.
    yours faithfully"
    Merci !
    Modifié par bridg le 12-08-2009 19:53

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]


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