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    Scrambled words '33'

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    Scrambled words '33'
    Message de marit64 posté le 14-10-2009 à 23:10:33 (S | E | F)


    Unscramble the words to find the right answer.

    1- To stretch the mouth wide and take a deep breath when tired or bored. ..... (wyna)
    2- A drug etc which lessens or removes pain. ..... (nrilpilkea)
    3- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. ..... (doeurve)
    4- One of the two openings in the nose through which one breathes, smells etc. ..... (rolsint)
    5- To remove money from a bank account. ..... (hwtadirw)
    6- A set of rungs or steps between two long supports, for climbing up or down. ..... (eldrda)
    7- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behavior etc. (iqkru)
    8- A medical condition caused by not having enough red cells in the blood. ..... (eaminaa)
    9- To hide the identity of by altering the appearance. ..... (ueigdsis)
    10- Someone or something real; not fake or artificial ..... (uegnien)

    Good luck and have fun.

    I'll give you the answers next Wednesday.

    So long

    Réponse: Scrambled words '33' de brettdallen, postée le 14-10-2009 à 23:26:04 (S | E)
    Hello Marit,
    I'm sure you did a very good job for us again! let's take a look.

    1- To stretch the mouth wide and take a deep breath when tired or bored. ..... (wyna)yawn
    2- A drug etc which lessens or removes pain. ..... (nrilpilkea)painkiller
    3- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. ..... (doeurve)overdue
    4- One of the two openings in the nose through which one breathes, smells etc. ..... (rolsint)nostril
    5- To remove money from a bank account. ..... (hwtadirw)withdraw
    6- A set of rungs or steps between two long supports, for climbing up or down. ..... (eldrda)ladder
    7- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behavior etc. (iqkru)quirk
    8- A medical condition caused by not having enough red cells in the blood. ..... (eaminaa)anemia/anaemia
    9- To hide the identity of by altering the appearance. ..... (ueigdsis)disguise
    10- Someone or something real; not fake or artificial ..... (uegnien)genuine

    I've already told you, you're definitions are really helpful! I don't know how you can be so clear, accurate and unambiguous at the same time!

    Modifié par brettdallen le 14-10-2009 23:27

    Réponse: Scrambled words '33' de elisa21, postée le 14-10-2009 à 23:43:18 (S | E)

    Hello Marit

    1- To stretch the mouth wide and take a deep breath when tired or bored. yawn
    2- A drug etc which lessens or removes pain. painkiller
    3- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. overdue
    4- One of the two openings in the nose through which one breathes, smells etc. nostril
    5- To remove money from a bank account. withdraw
    6- A set of rungs or steps between two long supports, for climbing up or down. ladder
    7- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behavior etc. quirk
    8- A medical condition caused by not having enough red cells in the blood. anaemia
    9- To hide the identity of by altering the appearance. disguise
    10- Someone or something real; not fake or artificial .genuine

    Many thanks.

    Réponse: Scrambled words '33' de eos17, postée le 15-10-2009 à 16:46:34 (S | E)
    Hello marit
    How time flies !thank you for your correction and your new scrambled words .

    1-To yawn
    2-a painkiller
    5-To withdraw
    6-a ladder
    7-a quirk
    9-to disguise

    see you soon ,have a good week .

    Réponse: Scrambled words '33' de dolfin56, postée le 15-10-2009 à 18:27:18 (S | E)
    Hello marit,
    Hope the weather is sunny right now?

    1- To stretch the mouth wide and take a deep breath when tired or bored. yawn
    2- A drug etc which lessens or removes pain. ...a painkiller
    3- Bills not yet paid, although the date for doing this has passed. ...overdue
    4- One of the two openings in the nose through which one breathes, smells etc. ...nostril
    5- To remove money from a bank account. withdraw
    6- A set of rungs or steps between two long supports, for climbing up or down. ...a ladder
    7- A strange or unusual feature of a person's behavior etc...a quirk
    8- A medical condition caused by not having enough red cells in the blood. anaemia
    9- To hide the identity of by altering the appearance. disguise
    10- Someone or something real; not fake or artificial ...genuine.

    Thanks so much, Marit, have a nice time...

    Réponse: Scrambled words '33' de nina80, postée le 16-10-2009 à 00:08:46 (S | E)
    Bonsoir Marit,

    1 - yawn
    2 - painkiller
    3 - overdue
    4 - nostril
    5 - withdraw
    6 - ladder
    7 - quirk
    8 - anaemia
    9 - disguise
    10- genuine

    Many thanks

    Réponse: Scrambled words '33' de swan85, postée le 19-10-2009 à 20:36:12 (S | E)
    Bonsoir MARIT

    1/ YAWN
    3/ OVERDUE
    4/ NOSTRIL
    6/ LADDER
    7/ QUIRK
    8/ ANAEMIA

    Thanks again
    See you soon

    Modifié par swan85 le 20-10-2009 21:30

    Réponse: Scrambled words '33' de marit64, postée le 21-10-2009 à 23:03:30 (S | E)
    Hi everybody!

    You worked very well.

    Here are the answers:

    1-yawn (bâiller) 2-painkiller (calmant) 3-overdue (impayé, en retard)
    4-nostril (narine) 5-withdraw (retirer) 6-ladder (échelle) 7-quirk (excentricité) 8-anaemia (anémie) 9-disguise (se déguiser) 10-genuine (authentique).

    Thanks a lot for your participation.

    So long

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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