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    Motivation - pharmacie/correction

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    Motivation - pharmacie/correction
    Message de mel0die posté le 20-10-2009 à 17:45:41 (S | E | F)

    je postule pour un stage d'été dans une entreprise britanique, je viens donc de remplir les champs demandés mais je pense que j'ai fait quelques petites fautes, voire d'énormes erreurs dont je ne suis malheureusement pas encore capable de me rendre compte... Merci à ceux qui m'aideront, j'éspère que vous ne vous arracherez pas les cheveux en me lisant.

    Why have you decided to apply to xxx?

    I would like to have an internship or a summerjob in a pharmaceutical industry in United Kingdom for the next summer, and I will be very proud to do it in xxx, which is one of the biggest pharmaceutical laboratory in the world.

    What do you consider to be your key achievements to date?

    I would like to have an internship or a summerjob in a pharmaceutical industry in United Kingdom for the next summer, and I will be very proud to do it in xxx, which is one of the biggest pharmaceutical laboratory in the world.

    What are your career aspirations?

    I want to become a pharmacist quality assurance manager.

    Describe a major piece of work you have undertaken (e.g. research projects, work projects). Describe key stages and how you managed the work through to completion.

    For my second pharmacy internship, I had to write a report of the pathologies I chose. So I chose Neurological pathology: Alzheimer, Parkinson and migraine. In this way, I made internet research, I talked to physician, patient and pharmacist. I was very interested and involved in this report.
    I have not make any work projects yet. I hope to make the first this summer.

    Please add any additional information you feel may be relevant to your application below (e.g. hobbies, interests, mitigating circumstances).

    I am learning english hardly, to pass the TOEIC in april 2010. I hope to have more than 650 (or more if it is a condition for you).
    I can speak, write, and understand german too.
    I am involved in a student association as the communication manager: Association de Liaison Etudiants Entreprises of the pharmacist university in Marseille.
    I am a french pharmacy studen very reasoned to find an abroad internship!

    Edited by bridg on 20-10-2009 18:01
    Divers / titre

    Réponse: Motivation - pharmacie/correction de mel0die, postée le 20-10-2009 à 17:52:52 (S | E)
    J'ai fait une erreur dans le copier coller de la 2ème question: modification

    What do you consider to be your key achievements to date?

    I think it is my success to the pharmacy contest in the end of the first study's year. I have worked hard and pass it on the first time. (numerus clausus: 191/773)
    But I consider I have all to build for my future career, and I want to begin it now.

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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