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    Lettre motivation/correction

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    Lettre motivation/correction
    Message de heycjuju posté le 27-10-2009 à 11:50:52 (S | E | F)


    je souhaite postuler à une offre d'emploi en anglais. n'étant pas sur à 100% de mon anglais je souhaiterais avoir un avis sur la grammaire et l'orthographe de ma lettre.
    Merci pour votre aide

    Voici le corps de la lettre

    By developing beyond the European borders, your company strengthens more its position in the pharmaceutical sector. Constantly evolving and dynamic society, I wish to join your teams by applying for your job advertisement appeared on Ampac website.

    Recently graduate from ESIEC, a Packaging Engineer school in France, I gain during my professional experiences an organisation and a rigour in my work. It allows me to run several project in a same time. I was able to use this skill during my training course at xxx. During five months, I had to check the compliance of the society with the directive 2002/72/CE and the REACH regulation while realizing some works in laboratory in parallel. This work involved also a regular follow up of the relations with the supplier.
    During my latest experience at xxx, I was in charge to propose technical optimisations of packaging with a sustainable development approach. These optimisations were realized by considering the waiting of the different departments working on this project. I could learn to manage and appreciate the team work and I could develop relational qualities.

    I wish to put these different skills as well as my knowledge in the service of your company. I get ready to a meeting which allows me to expose you my motivation and my enthusiasm.

    Best regards

    je vous remercie d'avnce pour votre aide


    Modifié par bridg le 27-10-2009 12:08

    [POSTER UNE NOUVELLE REPONSE] [Suivre ce sujet]

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